
lets talk about daddy hitler.

people said he did nothing wrong, but that's not entirely true. he did do something wrong, he fell into the hands of addiction. it's know that hitler became addicted to meth during the later stages of the war. he couldn't focus anymore on strategies and started to order ridiculous commands to officers which got whole battalions wiped out.

do you think if he would have stayed sober minded the war would have had a different outcome? our world today would have been different? a little thing like drug addiction changed the course of history?

also one other thing, what do you think would have been different if it was goebbels in hitler's place? he always seemed more grounded than hitler.

of course everyone would rather discuss e-celebs and interracial relationship memes

And he had one nut and he was insane and he was illiterate and he was impotent and he was a pedophile and he was......

>implying meth is bad

>and he was a pedophile

well dont you think adolf was a little too close to kids?

also the story that he had only one ball is actualy treu he lost one in ww1 deu a shell.

hitler had no interest in sex, he didn't even fuck his wife.

it's said the one thing he loved more than anything was his dog blondie

>it's said the one thing he loved more than anything was his dog blondie

I would argue that he loved killing Jews more.

>he didn't even fuck his wife.

he only had one wife he only married eva braun while he was in the fuherbunker and shortly after that he commited suicide aleast thats how the story goes.

>hitler had no interest in sex, he didn't even fuck his wife.
Screencapped. This shit is funny.

I guess this shows what a man can accomplish without the desire for sex.

Yeah, an inspiration to all vigin loosers.

>be Hitler
>have to deal with your own military mistakes and your rebelious generals' military mistakes
>people blame your possible drug issue


Yea, that doctor that filled him up with meth to get going and morphine to come down was a shame. Some officers even thought the doc was trying to kill him, but his personal journal was FILLED with love for the Fuhrer

He had several girkfriends and lovers man.

He was the fucking Fuhrer. He got all pussys from Germany.

You're right, he did get lots of whites killed, just like his masters wanted.


> we wuz victims
Oh poor you.

he was... a merchant?

The whole nazi army was addicted to meth. They were bound to fail eventually. Have you ever met a productive meth head? No

as some one who has read The Rise and Fall Of The Third Reich By WIlliam Shrier , which only 1% of pol has done. You have to realize hitler was a man child who just wanted to fight. My dude told his own generals that he should be the one telling them to stop waging war and not the other way around. Hitler was retarded but a very good speaker. He had an eastern and western offensive at the same danm time. He believed in his own superiority a bit too much. I liked his idea of the Iron will though which was nice. But the best man for that era is obviously Church Hill.

He should have obliterated the British Army at Dunkirk to get us to surrender or, more likely, make white peace. Alas, he invaded the USSR with Britain readily available as a base for an Anglo-Americo-Canadian invasion of France, and brought the fight to two fronts.
War with the USSR itself was not a stupid decision: war was inevitable between the two. Hitler wanted to catch them off-guard, and bloody well did.