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Pooper power by 2020
it is getting old now
These Indians unlike a majority of their countrymen actually ASPIRE to poo in the loo.
You shouldn't make fun of them for that, you niggers.
>can get cheap phones to facebook all day
>cannot afford toilets
You should have some people going around and picking it up then instead of leaving it just lying in the street.
Yeah as another third worlder that is so bizarre to me. Get your priorities straight, Pajeet.
>Indians have stock photos of poo saved on their computers
world POOwer
2 minutes before somebody shits on it, not in it.
>poop on the streets poop on the screens
you think its a meme but then you see this
At least they are excited about it and will use it for its intended purpose. I've seen stories where entire villages of Indians believe their newly-installed toilets to be haunted by evil spirits.
Hey I work for FromSoftware.
I know my toilet is haunted by evil spirits after a night of hard drinking
Bloodborne 2 when?
optimize your shit games better pajeet
Deal with it pajeet
poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo
They are starting to leave aside their tradidions and do some introspection on pooping on the street.
bloodborne pc port when fagit
Soon, The Best Indian Programmers are working on it day and night. Here is some fresh footage.
Western society is destroying Indian culture and health. Squatting to poop completely eliminates waste from the body while sitting to poop involuntarily pinches off an incomplete log which results in fecal stagnation which leads to colorectal cancer. Proctology and the digestive relief industry is a billion dollar industry that does not want you to find the cure to constipation, hemorrhoids, IBS, and other recurring digestive problems. They tell you constipation is normal, Crohn's disease is normal, cancer is normal, that it is all genetic. Maybe because you do that same stupid shit your parents do that it looks genetic when it is wrongly learned behavior. Insult Indians all you want but the ones who are squatting in the streets know what they are doing and it is natural. What isn't natural is shitting yourself in diapers growing up, straining on the toilet while reading or playing with your phone, or getting shit scrapped out of you because you're so constipated.
Nice marble floor, is this the tajj mahal?
Don't you mean poogrammers?