Why do you guys ,descendants from the 12 tribes of Israel, allowed and will allow again this sin (the scandal) to happen in the holy city?
You must respect them as people and not judge them, but the scandal sin leads others to sin. This parade, even if its not their intention, normalizes the gay ideology and has a big visual impact since this will happen in the Holy City. This is dangerous and a scandal...
I can understand, even if i don't agree, when this happens in other cities (it's the today's society decision), but in the Holy City...
i'm a christian and i find this disgusting. death to fags!
Gavin Bennett
Lincoln Richardson
because they love pissing off God. It's what they do best
Alexander Martinez
Tel aviv tried to push their filthy agenda into the holy land, and got pic related. They will never do it outside of their damned city again
Adam Fisher
William White
Does this mean that the Jews have been Jewed by the Jews?
Hunter Flores
Austin Rivera
They are descendants of khazars. 12 tribes is a 2000 yo meme.
Luis Scott
Wow Israel. One guy did something. Lol! I absolutely love watching your people drink your own poison.
Liam Barnes
The Khazar theory is KANGZ level retarded. Simple genetic testing has thoroughly put this dumb theory to rest. Stop being an idiot.
David Gonzalez
It's funny how when Jews do it, it's "ultra-orthodox". With everyone else it's "extremist-this" and "fundamentalist-that".
Hunter Morris
JHVH approves
Dominic Thompson
Khazar nobility was Jewish, Egyptian slaves were black.
Henry Brown
The funny thing is that your taxes are probably paying for it, also I'm waiting for next year's 3 bill, I would appreciate a new lambo.
>news naming people to fit their agenda
Wew lad, color me surprised
Luis Sanders
Nolan Clark
That looks like an OK Gay Pride compared to our own. I much rather have just a bunch of fags walking together with their flags than the complete depravity in our lands with faggots shoving statues of Holy Mary up their assholes and doing public orgies.
Tyler Cooper
I dunno man. My wife's Jewish boss and I were talking about it last week. He was dissing the khazars so casually like everyone knows. It hasn't quite been "put to rest".
Luke Morales
At least your fags don't try to convert anyone.
Jayden Johnson
Quiet, vassal.
Jaxson Wood
>The funny thing is that your taxes are probably paying for it, I don't doubt that dor a second. But it is rather satisfying to watch you sip on tall glasses of your own social diarrhea.
Wyatt Torres
And as our vassal state, you will fall with us, mr.56%.
Hunter Perry
Sure. Your anecdotal evidence is all I need to reinvigorate a tin foil theory.
Angel Clark
>vassal state What is this, Europa Universalis IV?
David Taylor
Except for the Kids Books aimed at 5-7 years old in Public Education where the government teaches about Same Sex Blowjob and Clitoris Masturbation. Brazil is complete shit. Don't let your proud land become this shitshow, burger. You guys deserve better.
Tyler Hughes
>implying we already haven't
Jeremiah Ward
>second time
will there be a third?
Jacob Brooks
>Jerusalem Pride 2017 >Orthodox and Muslims both show up to protest >they begin a dialogue about the fags >relationship between muds and Jews thaws >band together to BTFO fags >settlers stop demolishing Palestinian homes, begin to build villages into thriving towns >Historic one state solution formed, full enfranchisement of Palestinians >fags exterminated >Israel makes peace with Muslim world >mossad stops destabilizing ME and starts hunting fags side by side with former Jihadis >pipeline deals made with US, Russia and China that allows LNG and oil to flow freely and compete in world markets >peace in Middle East >peace globally >no more fags
I support Jerusalem Pride 100%
Angel Robinson
It's already happened, but at least we have still burger. We may lose burger though, it may be considered (((offensive))).
Isaiah Davis
True, but it would be fun to start calling people "Jewish extremists".
Jacob Mitchell
National Bolshevism is the final step in the journey of the great huwite man, free of (((class divisions))).
Joseph Cruz
Would you rather being called puppet, or pet? Vassal has a nice sound to it
If he could do it twice, then I wouldn't doubt there will be a third. Crime against gays outside of Telavivistan is common
Sounds like something I would like to be
Ryder Hall
Brainlet using the we wuz kangz lvl bullshit.
Cameron Howard
There is absolutely zero proof of the Khazar theory.
Alexander Wood
Yep. Also
Aaron Torres
Alright you're a Jewish extremist, shilling on Sup Forums. Nice job.
I didnt say the theory is *true* because of my anecdote (I have no idea if it's actually true). Just that it hasn't been "put to rest" - even among proud Jews.
Thats muslims. Muhammad didnt allow booze as it would slow the horde down. Stimulants were ok.
Jews can and actually drink wine in religious ceremonies
Luis Lewis
Remind me why Israeli posters typically hate orthodox jews. Who else is literally taking a stab against degeneracy over there?
Cooper Gutierrez
>descendants of the twelve tribes >Israel
Jonathan Evans
Because they are meme jews. Greedy merchants who'd sell out anyone. Other jews included.
Christian Peterson
Well okay, time to call up the Donald and ask him to nuke the region, maybe also take in some Jewish, Christian, and Pagan refugees as well.
Austin Allen
They are welfare leeches that refuse to work and join the military (which is mandatory)
Jace Moore
Yep. The bible even implicitly states military service as a jewish tenet.
Nathaniel Long
Sure. And the theory that Adolf booked it to the moon and is currently smoking weed with ayys hasn't been put to rest either but we all know how retarded it is, just like the Khazar theory.
Xavier Mitchell
They WILL get out of Israel in the future, if stuff goes as it is.
>Sure. And the theory that Adolf booked it to the moon and is currently smoking weed with ayys hasn't been put to rest either but we all know how retarded it is, just like the Khazar theory. Are you saying that didn't happen?
Adrian Gomez
You don't need to persuade me. Tell it to the Jews that take the "theory" for granted.
Jordan Hughes
I've never heard of a single Jew, outside of obvious disinformation kikes, who thinks that MUH THEORY is true.
Xavier White
The theory has its critics to be sure, but Jews who are embarrassed of "Crypto-Jews" who change their names to "blend in" but act like raging cliches and need a scapegoat for the obvious leftist/globalist degeneracy/evil promoted in academia, government etc find the theory quite meaningful and helpful in distinguishing themselves from the stereotypes. It's more common that you clearly realize. If I've met them, you have, but it probably just hasnt come up.
Jackson Hall
Nigger, how fucking new are you?
Also, did you not notice I explicitly said that disinformation kikes are the ones perpetuating this retarded theory? Go back to leftypol and masturbate to "class consciousness" with the other Starbucks sippers.
Cooper Morris
Parker Gutierrez
The ones I'm talking about I've met are regular middle to upper-middle class people. Getting triggered wont help your argument. Calm down cowboy.
Caleb Gonzalez
Aiden Butler
>The ones I'm talking about I've met are regular middle to upper-middle class people. And? That doesn't make them not disinformation kikes, you fucking bozo. They aren't required to be high on the totem pole to act according to their ingrained behavior.
Tyler Richardson
degeneration started on this place first...and then goes to the western and europe and finally latino america
Nathaniel Bennett
The Jews allow this to conceal the fact that their state is literal nazi.
Henry Martin
>Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
it's almost like God is telling us that the people inhabiting the land are not the real Jews really gets my neurons firing
Jaxson Watson
toobad they are much more beatifull and strong that cuckedmarny and we will nevertake jerusalem back again
its ulltra super mega pathethic how hitler memed cuckedmarny as some kind of paradice lol. all of the germans that i know look like human pigs with pink skin and not white.... they are the shitty white color of most american anglos and not the white from france or another place with real white people and they have super ultra mega shitty horse faces and zero facial features.. glad my little politics is dying for good
Hunter Cruz
On one hand kikes are going to end up like whites On the other it looks like we're next
Ethan Rodriguez
>he's never been to a seder I was so completely fucked off manischewitz
Luke Reyes
Make your actual point, if you have one, calmly, or take a time out. If someone believes something that isnt true and they repeat it, it's misinfo, not disinfo. Some Jews believe this based on Koestler, their parents, Schlomo Sand or whoever. Some Jews outright identify as Ashkenazi, who are apparently the descendents of khazars. That this occurs and it persists seems to bother you, but so far you havent said anything intelligible as to why. Or how it being false benefits your own antisemitic beliefs.
Levi Sanchez
>We're next What's happening over there?
Jacob Hughes
. Blood of Crusaders and Mujahideen wasn't spilled for this event to happen. Fucking gays.
Easton Evans
>make your point You're a dumbass and you're even more of a dumbass because you believe the Khazar holds prominence among Jews.
>not disinfo That's the literal definition.
>Or how it being false benefits your own antisemitic beliefs. It doesn't. And I'm not trying to make it benefit me or my beliefs somehow. It's the simple truth. Ashkenazi Jews aren't Khazars. They're a Semitic people with a very large admixture of European native DNA.
Jayden Russell
>keep crying that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle-East >complain when this happens k
Jason Turner
>Jerusalem gay pride God's chosen (((fags)))
Christian Garcia
wow, just wow
Brandon Powell
Notice only the Jewish side of Israel has gay pride, the Palestinean side has no gay pride parades at all.
Luis Wright
but you is muh only democracy in the Middle-East!!!
Kevin Torres
I am actually Palestinean though, 4channel doesn't geographically identify my flag.
Matthew Cook
Nope... We were the first...
Anthony Nguyen
Thomas White
i've seen palestine flag before but i think it only picks up in certains parts of west bank? not sure about gaza
Carson King
Titus had the right fucking idea.
Josiah Sullivan
That never happened you retard, they tried doing it but it was rejected