Why are americans so fat and retarded? What made them this way?

Why are americans so fat and retarded? What made them this way?

Why are Europeans so obsessed with us? What made you this way?

The joos

It's just what happens to a society where everything is easy, and there is an abundance of food

'cause you are our poorly behaved grandchildren.

it used to be different though

jews: flooded the available urban food markets with sugar, then told them to avoid fats
the body, deprived of fats, craved sugar
ENDLESS (some archivist prove it) FULL PAGE ADS: CUT FAT OR DIE
this was a WAR
this was an ATTACK
this lead to the crisis we have
and Obama compounded it, the nigger did
what you have to understand
they don't see America like we do
they know the cons that are running
they know who they are destroying
these people are the most evil people in history

because America is the coolest

Corn subsidies that allow the proliferation of HFCS.

Fast food's cheaper than healthy food so you get a bunch of fat burgers as a result of that.