Spicy food
Qt girls
Clean and Green environment
Low cost of living
Upcoming Superpower
Why aren't you living in the best country on the planet
Forgot to mention poo in the loo
And also, damn you people are fucking ugly dark skin bastards.
Poo in the loo
Where did the Pajeet touch you?
its the noses man. the womens noses. i have nightmares
I love Indian girls.
They are so shy and sweet
>Clean and Green environment
You nearly got me there poo in loo
Stop shitting in the streets.
That'll happen in 2020
It is true Indian food is bomb AF. However, any retard can learn to cook food, it isn't fucking rocket surgery
poo poo, hehe i feel like 12 years old.
>Clean and Green environment
excellente b8 Patel. Have my (You)
The spicy food is to rid the parasites in the unclean drinking water.
>ridiculous wealth gap
>strange diseases
>odd smells
>billions of languages
>no beef
>Muslims galore
India has its good points (food, architecture, culture, and the attractive women are unreasonably hot) but don't pretend that it's all sunshine and rainbows. I'll stick to enjoying the food at my local Pankaj's House o' Vindaloo and fucking the second generation Indian qts that don't have an accent and know how to trim their bushes.
You look like this
i think you mean
fecal matter in food
upper caste untouchable qt's
rampant rape
smells like poo and death
90% of population lives in shacks
still a third world shithole
Fuck off we are full
t. Sanjeev
Your streets are pretty shitty to be quite honest with you.
Yeah, full of shit
Nigel, why didn't you take better care of India and teach them how to use toilets? Look at them now!
I approve of this thread. Bless you, my fellow Pajeet.
And yes, our bitches are hot. Deal with it.
>lets decomposing bodies float in water the drink from and swim in
>always one year into 5 year plan
>Modi dresses like a subtropical Mao
>IQ distribution appears to be a vertical line rather than Gaussian curve
>brain-drained to death
>poo in loo
t. Paki
It was an open door, kinda like your ass whenever you cross a street.
Overcrowded shithole
Plebbit needs to leave
Also, Ghandi was a mistake. Churchill was correct. India would have been a sooperpower today if the let Nige hang out for another few decades to install water-closets and civilise.
post pictures of your qt women. i'll start
>Clean and Green environment
defecate inside the toilet
Sure, let us indulge in an anal evacuation
Jamal not here
>trying this hard
>implying white people like spicy food
>implying shitskins are cute
>implying people who shit on their own streets would be respectful to outsiders
>implying india is any greener than china
>implying i'm poor
>implying the poos will ever dominate anything more than a call center
Bill Gates says poo in the loo
"The problem isn’t just a lack of toilets—it’s a lack of toilets that people want to use. The result: millions of deaths and disease-stunted lives."
I'm not saying our bitches are the cutest but neither are yours. Every ethnicity has hot thots and ugly whores.
Cumskins included.
I know, been congested all day
"India has been grappling with the problem since before it won independence from Great Britain in 1947. “Sanitation is more important than independence,” Mahatma Gandhi said, urging his compatriots to clean up their act. To some extent they have: The percentage of Indians who defecate in the open has declined substantially in recent decades. But with the population growing rapidly, census data suggest that most Indians now live in places where they are more exposed to others’ feces, not less."
>Spicy food
It is called poverty food. Spices are added in large quantities because the food is of low quality and contaminated. Same applies to Mexican food. It is all garbage.
If Gandhi were alive today he'd be begging for the British to come back to save you from your own shit.
>anglo education
Obviously very expensive spices are used to mask inferior food, Jamal logic
>this is what indians believe india will actually be like by 2030
>not a log scale
GDP is a meme, economy doesn't mean shit if your shit on your plate and drink sewage water.
>Low cost of living
Because this is the only one that's true.
Now it's a meme, good one keep on with the anglo propaganda
No, the spices counteract the diseases.
>the only way to achieve that is to get rid of all the Indians
Where the fuck are those hot indian girls you are talking about? They are literally just gypsies
>Clean and green environment
That gave me a good chuckle.
>Qt girls
Post one
I do lol..
Fuck off, we're full.
You're already full pajeet
>Clean and green environment
You're ok pajeet.
I think this means we are supposed to post qts
ok pham
i feel sorry for India
Look at these cuties
Absolutely disgusting shithole I'm so fucking grateful I weren't born there
Praise kek
Damn, those are a whole lot of 8s
Kek demands Indian qts
What anglo propaganda, they're the biggest “only the economy matters” shills on eart, indians are a race of dark skinned creeps who shit where they eat, wipe with their left hand and bathe in the same river where they throw their dead and their garbage.
go bathe in the Ganges with your dead relatives
I feel sorry for Greece. Were on our way to becoming a superpower.
You guys are just fucked.
we should thank God that we are not from india
Topkek, keep telling yourself that
ok if you are rich you have a good life in india,but india is a third world country
Rate my doggo
cute strayan/10
In what way the slums you people keep posting host almost an insignificant part of the population
Out of curiosity, what's the minimum wage in india?
was the vimana powered by poo?
Rate my catto
Out of interest do you personally shit in the street?
Praise kek I wasn't born in Greece. You had the best philosophers, medicine, art, military and culture now you have nothing.
Sucks to be you, man.
India is a huge country. There are some obscure parts where there is ofcourse poverty. Most of India is nothing like that.
Greece on the other hand, is a relatively small country which unfortunately has no hope of becoming a superpower. Hell, even the EU doesn't want you.
put me in the screenshot
every image in google shows slums when you search india
Great knockers. Get fat too often though.
Dont some vegitables make your shit green?
at least greeks arent that poor.
But of course india is more powerful than greece in economy and army.
it all makes sense now
you guys shit in the street as an offering to your gods who were ancient aliens
I'm booking my tickets now
Rural Greece=Rural India
Poor greeks are poor, poor Indians are poor.
Metropolitan Greece≠Metropolitan India
Greece's cities simply compete with Indias cities, niggy. Still, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Greece is cool.
Fucking hell, that bitch is disgusting.
Also say no to race mixing. What are you- a kike?
Nice cat. would pet/10