A mans sex drive is built on the pity for women and to see them as inferior. Some men who have been brought up to see women as strong can no longer find them inferior, so they then find that pity in beta mentally ill men who look like women.
I bet all guys that like traps find women intimidating.
I rape and assult women in public all day, so I don't think that's it.
Camden Sanders
It's not that. Men are becoming attracted to traps because 1. they are starting to become indistinguishable to normal women in terms of body and face (outside of the dick) and 2. modern women are becoming less feminine in appearance and attitude due to obesity, nihilism, and allowing themselves to have high partner counts.
Xavier Bennett
well while women are pretty; a vagina ia pretty damn disgusting.
William Bennett
i just like dick desu senpai
Jonathan Moore
Men's sexuality is inherently a visual experience. If it looks hot it's arousing if it doesn't it's not arousing. It's illogical like that, hence why passable traps(they achieve this effect through the use of modern cosmetics) can stimulate sexual interest on the part of otherwise straight men
Daniel Butler
Bailey jay has gone to absolute shit. "She" is so fucking fat and balding now, and "her" new titjob is abhorrent.
Such a shame "she" pissed off "her" best years doing boring as fuck solo scenes and photosets
Liam Reed
>vaginas are disgusting >lets suck dicks and fuck assholes instead