Hi Sup Forums,
often, when I watch my favorite news source, namely CNN, they quote right wing neo nazis.
When quoting them, they frequently say that "he used the N-word".
Sup Forums, what is "the N-word"?
Hi Sup Forums,
often, when I watch my favorite news source, namely CNN, they quote right wing neo nazis.
When quoting them, they frequently say that "he used the N-word".
Sup Forums, what is "the N-word"?
Other urls found in this thread:
spineless chumps who are too afraid to say nigger so they make everybody think the word nigger when they say it
Terry will redpill you
[spoiler]narrative [/spoiler]
Fucking phone, why can't clover have a spoiler option?
go back to r9k
phone posters need to be gassed
>Sup Forums, what is "the N-word"?
cant see if this is actualy bait or youre fckig genuine.
are krauts realy this brainwashed?
the n word means nigger.
The Word Nigger was used by racist to disparage those of darker skin tone.
Watch this fine specimen of Generation Zyklon. kek.
>I feel threatened by being called a nigger by 11 year old
Neeegrows, Everybody needs good Neeegrows
Just a friendly wave each morning
Helps to make a better day
Neeegrows, Need to get to know each other
Next door is only a footstep away Neeegrows, Everybody needs good Neeegrows
With a little understanding You can find the perfect blend
Neeegrows, Should be there for one another
That’s when good Neeegrows become good friends