Why is property inheritance allowed under capitalism if it is a system based on meritocracy?

What Jack the Scumbag did to deserve millions inherited from his family?

Also why is nepotism allowed as well?

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capitalism isn't based on merit, it's based on voluntary exchange.

also envy isn't a good look, grow up

>also envy isn't a good look, grow up

also kill youself OP you poor wothless little shit

youre just as bad as a nigger

>it's based on voluntary exchange.
It's a modern enslavement system
keep sucking the balls of your masters, you don't envy they, kek

It's not a meritocracy. Never was, never will be. Even most of the bootlicking fucks on this board understand that.

Nobody is forcing you to work for somebody else. Why aren't you smart enough to come up with your own idea and market it?

>keep sucking the balls of your masters
thanks, i will. stay poor lol

then why all ancap fags keep repeating that it is a meritocracy system and blablabla?

>Nobody is forcing you to work for somebody else
>work for me or starve / be marginalized

You will always be a servant of the ruling dysnastic families that owns 90% of the world

>You will always be a servant of the ruling dysnastic families that owns 90% of the world
so what's your proposal? which economic system should be implemented?

Relax the third generation usually wastes it drugs and hookers.

Many times it's the family business and every time they try to stop the super rich from dumping billions to their kids they fail and only screw the kid who gets the family farm that is taxed at the vaue it would be if they turned it into homes. (((They))) will write the rules in such a way that bergstien will get his money but Schultz's farm will have to be sold to pay the inheritance tax.

>if it is a system based on meritocracy?
It's not. Fuck off.

He is a commie. In a moment he will shill for muh UBI


There is that word again.

Because their parents planned for their existence. Simpler answer their parents weren't niggers who spent every penny they had when they had it.

You saying socialist did something to deserve Jack's father's money? Hypocrite.

How about kill yourself you litle shit?

Took me 20 years AFTER the law was reverted, to take back 30.000 square meters of land my peasant grandfather lost to communists. He was lured to the war (and his father) with the promise of land.

Fuck off, piece of shit.

Also most likely Jack the Scumbag hires you to post shit.

if your parents didnt work hard enough to obtain enough wealth to pass down to you, work hard and earn it yourself and pass it down to your children

Then why is it overrated?
No meritocracy = no justice at all in what you make

Nepotism is allowed because every company is held accountable by competition (unlike government).
Therefore if you put aside the more qualified people in favour of people you know, this will have a net negative toll on the company. Do this too much and you will be in disadvantage and eventually fail.

>you can't decide where your own money that you worked your ass off for goes to
fuck off nigger

>gibs gibs gibs

What did you do to deserve it faggot?

You have received goods because of someone else work
Truly a flawless system

>>work for me or starve / be marginalized

So in your ideal world people wouldn't have to work? Food still needs to be grown, goods still need to be produced and services still need to be provided. Clearly, *someone* has to be working to provide those things.

What you're essentially saying (as most left-wing claptrap boils down to) is that you are so selfish you want other people to work on your behalf, while you live parasitically on their efforts.

Liking capitalism means liking the Jews.

Jews benefit the most from capitalism. Don't believe me? Just look at who runs all the major corporations and media

Anything that allows everyone to have the same starting conditions and that allows earnings through merit

what's the best way to determine merit? could it possible be, VOLUNTARY EXCHANGE?

Don't listen to these commie wannabes. They wouldn't survive a week in a communist country.

The cold hard reality is, despite what you think of yourself, chances are you're either average, or below average. Now with capitalism, if you're truly great, and ambitious, and work hard, you may make something of yourself. There are no promises, but it's certainly a possibility. That being said, the reason most socialists see it as slavery, is because most socialists aren't great. They aren't exceptional, and as such, they'll lead mediocre lives. So they want the playing field evened.\

They see the working class as equal with those who are ambitious and great, so they want to be treated equally, and have equal access to stuff. Which will only dumb down our population. If you don't have an incentive to work hard to create, to become rich and powerful, you won't ever truly try at anything, because you'll get the same crap the guy down the road who does halfass jobs gets. This stunts society's growth, and instead of a utopia, you get a dystopia.

Now I understand that it may anger you, that someone's father worked hard, was intelligent, and strives to provide for his family so they may have nice things in life, but it's none of your business.

Nobody in capitalism, regardless of what your teachers tell you, is trying to keep you down. The only person keeping you down is you, so man the fuck up, read a book, strive to become something, or keep bitching and moaning about great men while you sit there wasting away pathetic, and insignificant. That choice is yours. Personally, I'm thankful for capitalism, it has some flaws, sure. But it's the only system that works, and it means that I could become great, or insignificant, regardless of my birth. There's no promises, but there never are.

just get lost, commie in denial!

m8 under capitalism, wealth is abundant. Just because people have it, doesn't mean they will keep it.
If you have a great idea, you CAN get investors to invest in it.
If you an't deal with people have money, move to a communist country like venezuela.

>Now with capitalism, if you're truly great, and ambitious, and work hard, you may make something of yourself.
Yes, if you are poor
If you had born in a rich family you just get things as granted
Can't everyone see it is extremely unfair?

Life isn't fair. If you're rich, that means one of your ancestors earned it, and as such, provided better opportunities for his family. Why is that any of your business? Life isn't about looking at your neighbor and saying "Jee, I wish I had that size TV." If you're stuck in that mindset, you'll ignore your own self drive and just live a pathetic life. Equality is a joke, because people are not equals, IQs are not all the same, genetics are not identical. So grow the fuck up kiddo.

Commies aren't anti-work, we're anti-wage labor. I like working. I don't like having the product of my labor stolen from me and given to my boss. I'm ok with the product of my labor going toward the welfare of society as a whole, because that benefits both myself and all the people I care about, but working to enrich one individual who will proceed to stash it in an offshore tax haven and never touch it again is fucking ridiculous.

See, this is the argument I don't understand. Now if communism were extinct, I'd get the argument more. But there's plenty of countries around the world that have some version of communism or another. Move there. Stop trying to change this country, which was built on the very ideals you demonize. Do you think the people who love capitalism have a right to maintain that system of law, and if you don't like it, you can easily leave to a country that matches your ideology.

>I don't like having the product of my labor stolen from me
Then buy the material and machinery necessary to produce to product and find a way to sell it profitably yourself.

This is part of the beauty of America. You can figure out a way to by the material and machinery, and instead of stashing the cash you make, donate it to charities to help your community, or you can stash it all away from yourself and your ancestors. The beauty of this is that you have the choice to do either, and that's called freedom. Nobody is holding a gun to you and telling you what you earn isn't truly yours.

An idler wasting the family's fortune is not being rewarded in any way by the system. He is merely wasting the money that someone else was rewarded for his merits, endeavour and ingenuity. If the system rewarded the lazy bum for being a lazy bum then I would recognise the issue but as such I see no fault in it being called meritocratic. And, by the way, privilege and meritocracy are not mutually exclusive.

Kys commie faggot. Sage

Communism is a global phenomenon. Capitalism is doomed to fail, in no small part due to inheritance concentrating global wealth into a few small dynasties. When those bubbles of fake money burst and send the system spiraling into recession, depression, or even collapse I think you'll find people don't like it as much as you expect them to.

The falling rate of profit leaves small businesses less and less viable as wealth accumulates into ever fewer hands and capitalism marches toward its inevitable conclusion.

Why should I not be able to work hard and be successful in order to ensure a comfortable life for my descendents?

If only there were rich people who could invest in your small business allowing you to expand..

Merit is getting what you deserve/make
Nowadays capitalism voluntary exchange means be exploited by the (((elite)))
so no

That's the whole point of working hard... so your kids will be safer after you're dead...


Seriously. It's actually embarrassing how little communists understand how business works. The "product of your labour" is your wage. You didn't build the factory, or buy the material inputs, or make the connections to sell the product (sales is really fucking difficult, there's a reason it pays well if you can do it), or any of the thousand other things that go into it.

If you aren't willing to accept no pay if your employer has a bad quarter, then shut the fuck up about getting the "full product of your labour."

how can we measure what someone deserves?

land titles are state granted privileges that don't follow natural rights

Lockean proviso ftw

Your labour is worth shit if you have nobody to request it.

Communism certainly is a global phenomenon, one that has cost the world 100 million in causalities. Capitalism on the other hand, has created the arguably greatest country to ever grace this planet, and made the planet richer overall. Now you can live in a fairy tail where the college kids are going to rise up and shoot those evil rich older gentlemen, but it's just that, a fantasy land. You should instead invest that time in making something of yourself, but I doubt you'd take my advice. You just want hand outs, so go get some hand outs, and tell me more about how capitalism is going to fail.

Because a father can choose who gets to own his property when he is dead. You are stealing from him if you take that money away from him and his children if you take it from him. Family is a great motive for making money, and that is why you should be able to pass it on to the people you worked hard to care for.
Don't you have any empathy? Capitalism /= meritocracy. They are two completely different systems, but meritocracy just so happens to flourish under capitalism because capitalism enables those people who work hard to become rich. In the past that was way harder than it is now.

Jack the Scumbag will blow through his trustfund/inheritance and so he will redistribute the money.

Fuck commies.

Why is it that all commieposters are the same, chubby/skinnyfat autistic losers obsessed with bringing everyone above them down to their level? Is it perhaps because they cannot live with the fact that they're worthless?

Because your descendants are people just like everyone else that need to work to obtain their goods

By the way in my view reproduction should be a concession (based on your genetics and world's needs) and not a granted right

Nowadays communism voluntary exchange means be exploited by the (((elite)))

Can't wait for the red dawn so I can go from working for shekels to buy food to working for ration vouchers so I can buy food.

Benjamin Franklin was against inheriting money/property, but this causes one to reflect that, if private citizens are not allowed to inherit money/property/businesses, then why should corporations/global monopolies be allowed to exist in perpetuity? And who gets the inheritance? The state? Yeah, fuck that shit. Why should they profit from some others hard work.

So you're anti-freedom, that's cool. You could just say that at the start of your posts though, just so everyone knows what to expect. This country however, is not anti-freedom, so I'll state a previous comment once more. There are communist countries on this planet, you don't need to turn America into a shithole, move to one of those countries and make it great with your labor benefiting the welfare of the society and whatever other nonsense you buy into.

The Unabomber had a good take on it, he said essentially that they have no self-confidence, and are unable to even imagine themselves being successful, thus they come to despise success itself

The rate of profit will continue to fall, making small businesses less and less likely to succeed. That only contributes to the problem. Your solution isn't sustainable. The only way to make it sustainable is to base production off human need rather than profit.

The capitalist doesn't build the factory - the workers do. The capitalist doesn't produce the material inputs - the workers do. The capitalist doesn't sell the product - the workers do. The workers produce all value. The capitalist keeps most of it. Why do we keep the capitalist around again?

Capitalism also created the fucked up situations in Africa and SE Asia.. not to mention the absolutely unsustainable level of consumption Americans and Europeans enjoy. Have fun while it lasts.

>everyone has the same starting conditions

So a fantasy world.

Communism is shit but modern capitalism is also shit. The best system ever created was national socialism.

I will enjoy it while it lasts, and when it no longer is sustainable, and the demand raises, we'll figure out another way to get what we need. Why? Because there's money to be made, and the great will figure out ways to make that money. Now you can bitch and moan about capitalism ruining Africa, although Africa was pretty swell under European colonial rule. I'd say it's the Africans that ruined Africa. South America, kinda the same nonsense, too much interbreeding with the natives.

By the effort, creativity, work hours, etc.

> inheritance
> meritocracy

These things do not contradict. Intelligence is mostly (but not entirely) inherited anyway

Your child is essentially you, the line between individuals in the same family is blurry. "Individuality" is a meme anyway.

If you are rich and have a dumb child, that child will waste their inheritance anyway, so it doesn't matter that they have it - fool and money are easily parted. Their wealth automatically gets redistributed to whoever wants to sell them some magic beans.

Because they know they will never make anything of their lives. As such, they need to bring everyone down to their level.

>Because your descendants are people just like everyone else that need to work to obtain their goods
Let's say I'm an old fuck. I'm going to die soon. But I have $100k. Why can I not gift said $100k to my son to help him in his life? After all, that's what parents are supposed to do, help their children. The government already takes a nice chunk of that anyway.

>implying buying the labor to build said factory doesn't constitute a stake in the company
>implying putting your money on the line doesn't mean you should be able to profit from your gamble
>implying you know fuck all about owning and operating a business
>implying running a business isn't work in and of itself
>implying finding a customer base isn't work
The capitalist employs the laborers, you stupid fuck. He provides the opportunities to work and be paid.

And there we have it, ladyboys and gents, enjoy your brave new world retard.

My incentive to provide for society at large is much lower than to provide for my family. If my son is wasting his potential and squandering what wealth I transmit to him, you used to be able to smack his shit but at least I can still close the tap. Meanwhile, who is stopping the tub of lard around the street corner from collecting neetbux while playing LoL all day.

I am 100% positive you are using electricity you personally didn't harvest. You wear clothes that someone else made, you eat food someone else prepared. If you so much as participated in any of the above actions ONCE you are a willing participant in the system as a whole.

Eat shit faglord, you even converse in a system and mode of thought you didn't pioneer from the ground up. Even your value structure on work/pay needs to be justifiable comes from an outside source to benefit you (or so you believe). Those ideas, however flawed you see them as are the same currency you get passed from someone else. Capitalism just took the normal mode of human thought and codified it for the physical mundane world we work within.

You do it every damn day you edgelord teenage fuck. The shame is you are too idiotic (but useful) to even see it.

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so the state is going to do this? and you believe they will be accurate?

Oh, so it should go to the almighty state? Fuck off commie

Real sorry your parents were poor as fuck and left you nothing OP. I got a comfy house and a plump bank account.

this, I support every word he said

>TFW parents will sell the house you grew up in in a few years

Feels bad man

The Earth has finite resources. Markets can't change that, and markets have no incentive to fix the damage we cause to our environment.

>The capitalist employs the laborers, you stupid fuck. He provides the opportunities to work and be paid.
I understand how capitalism works, thanks. Doesn't change the fact that the profit motive is shit.


So will everyone be receiving GBP and exchange them for light up wrist watches and chicken tendies

Jesus, you're clearly have a kid mentality.

LIFE IS UNFAIR :(!! WAAAHH, I'm cry about it on a board.

Fucking toughen up you little pussy, your vagina is completely exposed.

He's right. All of Europe's successful merchants were Jews in the middle ages because the Church abhorred merchants and moneylenders. The dynastic nature of capitalism allowed those Jewish families to keep their money right into the modern day. They got a head start on whitey and they're beating him at his own system.

This is the difference between you and I. you underestimate human ability, and I overestimate it. I'm not worried in the slightest, we'll figure shit out, we always do, because we simply have that potential. We're so great, we took ourselves out of the food chain, there's no limit to our abilities.

I can't argue with that sort of religious thinking. Enjoy your day.

I always do

Shut your whore mouth you filthy commie!

Jacks father's assets are PRIVATE PROPERTY, accumulated after taxation. His right to life extends into the disposition of his assets upon his death.

Cry fucking harder. You lose at life and your parents were losers too.

Freedom should be restringed for the wellbeing of everyone
Like you don't have the freedom to kill a person

Everyone gets a bank account with the same number in the beggining
How is that fantasy?

What is the motive you would propose? To improve society and he lot of your less fortunate Comrades? Why the Fuck would anybody want to do that? Is that what you would call a meritocracy?

>I understand how capitalism works, thanks.
No, I really don't think you do. Profit motives are extremely powerful. The workers don't own the factors because they didn't invest in it.

>hurr durr i own something because i used material someone else paid for and who paid for my time to build it

Anything you are paid by someone else to make for them is, by definition, not yours. Fucking idiots.

>The capitalist doesn't build the factory - the workers do. The capitalist doesn't produce the material inputs - the workers do. The capitalist doesn't sell the product - the workers do. The workers produce all value. The capitalist keeps most of it. Why do we keep the capitalist around again?

You're saying the person who made all that happen doesn't deserve to profit from it? How does it happen without anybody making it happen? All those workers will just spontaneously do it hoping it pays off in the end? You can do that today, nobody is stopping you.

>Muh wealth
But you're dead

Once a individual has gained greats amounts of money, he will get to fulfill some wishes. One of those wishes, and perhaps the most important one, is assuring the well being of their family.

The well being of their family means: make sure their kids get a good education, safety, comfort, access to top-tier healthcare and so on. It's perfectly reasonable that in a meritocracy, the individual who wins gets to assure comfort to their loved ones for generations to come. No one said that the money you make can only be spent to grant YOUR wishes. A huge chunk of our wishes is to make our loved ones succed in life aswell, and that's perfectly fine, you jealous looser.

What would be the point of working hard and acquiring currency if you're just going to die and leave it all to nobody (or worse the government). Just common sense that your estate goes to your family or friends upon your death. Life is short, it usually takes multiple generations to actually get into the real wealth.

So the point is to find a balance, what should be a freedom, and what shouldn't be based on it harming someone else. That's what our constitution tries to do, and in my opinion, does it well. What you want to do is take away freedoms, which is always a dumb idea. That's like a middle class man waking up one morning, having lived a pretty good life, and saying "You know what, I'm kinda done with all this freedom. I'll go to prison, where people tell me what to do 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." You never willingly give up freedoms. Unless you're insane. Or just dumb.

Not the reason given by many pro capitalists,
They state any regulation of it diminishes human endeavor an talent.

OP's point is valid; vast unearned wealth through inheritance simply creates neo-feudalism..

You should be able to leave a property or so, some cash or so, shares etc, but not gargantuan fuckloads for your kid to spunk on

inheritance is voluntary and charity

>a system based on meritocracy

you're thinking too hard. It's not.


Nothing is "allowed," it's just that nothing is disallowed.

If you uncuck yourself, you'll feel a lot freer, op.

Did you build the machine that builds the "product of your labor" did you mine the raw materials? Did you own the mineral rights to the area where the raw materials were mined? Did you put yourself through geology school to be able to find the correct areas which bear raw materials? Did you drive the ore truck 700 miles across bumpy Montana roads? Did you work 12 hour days at the steel mill to make the product into a workable form? Or did you... The worker... Maybe just load the machine and press the button? Man... If only there were a system that pays each member of the chain or production what their labor was cost effective for..... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe we should make such a system, we'll call it, whatitsworthism.

>modern enslavement system

It's a system where nobody but you can unenslave yourself, should you happen to
find yourself there.

The difference, in regard to slavery, between capitalism and socialism is that under socialism,
it's a lot harder to free yourself -- since an entire
government keeps you there, in a way that
depends on the whims of the current rulers (be they a single despot, or a nation of despots, under so-called "democratic socialism").

Everyone gives voluntarily votes for a party to hold state office.
That state then recommends taxation levels and regulation.
This when done properly, ensures basic food, shelter, health, education, freedom of speech,.

What voluntary exchange shouldn't be able to do is voluntarily exchange legislation for entrench your monopoly as a corp.

>tfw when rich idiot D grade student can be CEO but A grade poor kid will probably be fucked.

Goods should be produced according to human need rather than private profit. It's an egalitarian arrangement in which everyone has equal access to society's resources, not a meritocracy in which your access to society's resources is restricted along arbitrary guidelines.

Money's a spook. Are you so ingrained into the capitalist mindset that you can't bear to think outside of it, even in theoreticals?

Communism involves a transitional state arranged along the lines of democratic centralism. A high council sends out a call for x factories to fulfill demand, regional councils work out which regions build which factories, community councils work out which communities build which factories. Workers in the communities that agreed to build factories then work said factories.

Labor exists in a social pool. Workers depend on the labor of other workers in order to perform their jobs. At no point in the chain does a worker depend on the labor of a capitalist, because a capitalist does not perform productive labor. He simply orders that it be performed and pays for it to be done.

Yeah, but nowadays politicians are a joke because of democracy and the ruling elite, a true aristocracy (again via merit), should be fine to define most things

This, you dont have to give any money to your piece of shit son, you MAY do so in a will

>Money's a spook. Are you so ingrained into the capitalist mindset that you can't bear to think outside of it, even in theoreticals?

>the fundamental vehicle by which value is transferred is unimportant.


It doesn't fucking matter if the money is us dollars, gold, silver, peanuts, or fucking rare pepes. It is the engine by which value is transferred.