Trump to Announce Legal Immigration Overhaul Today

Other urls found in this thread:

>merit based immigration
>affirmative action being dismantled







>Stephen Miller

Immigration should be halted.

Allowed white immigration from Europe is NOT a good thing Europeans will be needing every quality whit male they have for the coming tribulations.

More white immigration to USA == accelerated white genocide


I wonder if he will make it easier to get an international waifu but harder to get a job.

Because that would be pretty ballin'.

>cut legal immigration levels by half by 2027
Still not enough to stave off white genocide. Those fucking Kennedy's knew what they were doing.

The best possible scenario would be to evacuate all whites from Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay to the US. That's 150m+ total

This is what happens when Libshits poke papa bear. He gets angry as shot and mauls the fuck out of em.

>"conservative" senators

oh shit, this can't be good

>worked on a bill with Stephen Miller

oh thank God

That fucking nose....

It will be ok once the dreamers are sent back.

Repel of the 1965 Hart-Celler Act

Is he gonna open the floodgates from Europe once more?

Can I dare to dream?

This. He talked about merit based reform a few times.
Fuck yeah.
(although a near complete halt on immigration would be better)

No we literally should pull all the stronk Euro men willing to come to America. The ones who are anti-American are faggots anyway and should be left to collapse.

We can reconquer Europe in 100 years after it looks like Mogadishu.

>whites from Brazil, Argentina

>American Goebbels accidentally redpilled by leftist propaganda from Rabbi Marx


White immigration is back IN.

If it passes, I will shed patriotic tears.

>tfw white but no merits
How do I get in?

Don't be a cuck.

You might be surprised at how many women they allow in versus men. In the demographics war, you have to take a different approach these days. We are currently making the same mistake Rome made. Hopefully, we can fix that.

Also sports. Sports need to become a little less popular; deconstructing the allure and glamor of professional athletes should be a priority.


How do they measure that?

Divide and conquer good goyim

>white but no merits


i will never ever understand how people get so excited about watching niggers run around for 3 hours

>wanting those cucks in Europe to come here and vote against freedom and the other same shit that's imploding that continent
No. Europeans can fuck off.

I voted for Trump but even I have my limits. We cannot let him get the codes.

I'm willing to bet any that would willingly come to America arent so liberal.

Nein, danke.

That's a risk I'm not willing to take. They won't benefit us anyway. Fuck them. They can stay over there.

Western Europe is largely lost, already. Significant percentages of populations are HARD cucked, in that the actively call for their own replacement. HUGE percentages are soft cucked in that they'll allow their replacement without knowing it is happening until it is too late.

There are no guns. The concept of free speech is utterly kill. The establishment is defending the invaders and putting them in positions of power. The only political opposition allowed is controlled, not nearly enough, and can only exist if it has absolutely no chance of winning. The opposition was stamped out over 50 years ago.

I don't think Europe will even violently collapse; it will just continue to gradually descend into shit. There will probably be a day when whites are in constant danger of attack, with their attackers facing no recourse, but any attempt to defend themselves is met by those posing as the authorities.

No we actually need white population growth.

Immigration is a part of that. We can't rely on birthrates alone.

That is a fatct, all liberal europeans hate US and don't like even to visity you guys.

>I don't think Europe will even violently collapse; it will just continue to gradually descend into shit. There will probably be a day when whites are in constant danger of attack, with their attackers facing no recourse,

Just take a good look at South America the last 50 years. Except they didn't have to import the poor and culturally deficient, they just lifted the ones already in their countries.

This was tried before, and got great results in other parts of the world. Thank god for Trump or it would have been our future here as well.

blood flow into penile area while they tell you stories about you being cucked


would require congressional legislation. sorry to break it to you, sweetie. it's not going to happen. they can't even repeal freaking obamacare.

>South America

>it's not going to happen
reminder that the overton window is sliding to the right so quickly that within 4 months milo went from dangerous faggot to milquetoast milo

i will be laughing while you shills are trying to fight against a bill and then it passes

Just like you laughed when they tried to repeal Obamacare 5x, right?

we'll see, sweetie

Can i come?

>"I'd be interested to know whether he still identifies as Jewish"

Jews unintentionally dropping redpills about the nature of Judaism.

that's nice and all, but how do we get this to stick? cant the next president just come in and remove this? shit needs to be permanent. also Trump needs to be removing all the illegals, this 100 ice arrests here and there are peanuts. you would need something like a %3000 increase in deportation to even make a dent in some of these states. shits retarded

The Great Weakness
>liberals cannot conceive of how someone disagrees with them

>Limiting legal immigration is opposed by business groups, which rely on low-skilled workers for agriculture and other jobs.

Typical, they need cheap labor for this shit, instead of paying someone a decent wage they give it to paco.

>B-but it's a job no one else wants to do

Because you pay them shit pay for impossible tasks, no shit nobody wants to do it other than losers down and out.

Start replacing them with robots then, obviously we dont need the cheap labor. This is what I hate about businesses, fucking leeches who need to be subsidized with cheap labor while everyone else suffers for them. DIE

There's going to be massive butt hurt

Look for another distraction from Trump to fly out.

Maybe spicy tweets.

Sad thing is some people will be against this even though it would be bigly beneficial, even if you go to leddit, under their immigration board , they agree with this also, most of it anyways. Truth is USA could become like another Switzerland if they wanted to.




>every Argentinian white in the US
Either massive redpilling on culture vs race or Sup Forums freewheels straight into "SLAVS ARE NOT WHITE, ONLY GERMANIC WHITES ARE ACCEPTABLE" in two months flat

I wonder how this will affect the import of Foreign wives.

I'd take French "whites" over Argentina's "whites" any day


>yfw Trump actually was the pro-white candidate

feels good man


It's the extended family bullshit that they are abusing here, it's #3 on there.

>No longer offer green card preference to the extended family or adult children of immigrants already living legally in the U.S. Spouses, children under 18 and sick parents would still be given preference.

Everyone now will be "Sick" to get in.

H2B needs to be overhauled


>Everyone now will be "Sick" to get in.

>Increase the disease screening now that we're explicitly accepting "sick" individuals
>Yet another reason to turn away Somalians and other shitskins

Are you a peaceful citizen?

Do you not contribute negatively?

You are already better than 57% of the USA. Get in here and sort yourself after. You are only unproductive because you live in a cucked country that denies you opportunity.

Euros are worthless Marxist scum.

The ones who want to go to Trump's America won't be.

I guarantee you have more of them than we do

Bump for the savior of our race

I have an english friend who really wants to move to America. If these means he can come over some illegal migrant im all for it.

are sane "canadians" welcome?

Maybe this is the distraction...

Yes goy, let us help you write that legislation. There aren't enough Americans to work in tech so we need to make it easy for foreign workers to get in.

You have to denounce Tim Horton

its not even canadian anymore

>U S A ! U S A ! U S A !
>how can you ever be tired of winning so much?

thank the lord and president trump
soon i can leave my memecountry behind me and pledge my life and allegiance to the constitition of the fucking USA!

>post yfw you can't stop winning

Sorry, no. We will have another mass white influx here to counter the browning.

Just saw his speech. A merit-based green card system. Speak English, have marketable job skills, measures to keep Americans from being displaced in their jobs, and no instant Welfare for immigrants. Now watch the Democrats in Congress go REEEEEE and vote no on common sense reform.

I hope this doesn't fuck up my fiancee's visa. She's coming here from Poland...we've already been waiting 6 months to hear back from the government. Im not rich but we plan on having white Catholic kids. She's a good worker too just finished college.

*kisses Judas*

SA might be having a refugee problem soon don't forget

You're wrong. The exact same thing is happening within our own country with blue-pilled Cali faggots moving to Texas after realizing they fucked their original state. And now they're just voting in the same sort of shit in Texas.

o fug yueh

Then you'll have to swear off poutine

What kind of skills are marketable in burgerland?


>The exact same thing is happening within our own country with blue-pilled Cali faggots moving to Texas after realizing they fucked their original state. And now they're just voting in the same sort of shit in Texas.
magic dirt doesnt apply to californians but it does apply to mexicans, somalians, and other subhumans from third-world shitholes

This folks, is the best thing he could have done. On top of fighting for whites in affirmative action, Trump really is ourguy