>Reznor recalls his son asking, "Donald Trump is a bad guy, isn't he?" to which he replied: "Look, I don't think he's a good guy. Some people do. I don't think he believes in science, and I don't think he believes people should be treated decently, and I don't think he tells the truth. That's why I don't like him."
Yet another meat puppet cocksucker to boycott. What a piece of shit.
to be fair it's not such an obnoxious point of view compared to most celebrities. Remember Trent is extremely gullible and even was a PETA spokesman for awhile before he realized they were such shitheads
Xavier Gonzalez
This is actually the accurate vision to have of Trump. Most of you faggots are braindead and worship a false prophet, which is ironic as fuck.
Disliking Trump doesn't mean you are automatically part of the other leftist side. As soon as you realise that it's all theater aimed at dividing the masses, the sooner you'll mature in all your political views.
Nolan Barnes
Xavier Gray
Oh no someone has a different political opinion than you? Wow go write a blogpost about it you faggot. At least the guy is trying to be real with his kid.
Aiden Sanchez
>it's not such an obnoxious point of view compared to most celebrities That's exactly what I thought. Something around the lines of, "oh hey, somebody who disagrees with me but who also makes allowances for other people's opinions."
Michael Reed
I mean that's honestly a perfectly valid and reasonable point of view for a person to have. I don't agree with it, but it's not like he's running around screaming LITERALLY HITLER HE'S GOING TO MURDER ALL GAYS AND ENSLAVE WOMEN. People don't have to have the same political views as you, it's when they start hysterically screaming insane spew, like alot of modern liberals are, that they need to fuck off
Aaron Scott
Honestly this. Notice how he says "I think..."? This is not typical of your average Hollywood liberal cocksucker. Those fags invariably phrase their comments and opinions on politics as irrefutable facts with absolute consensus. This doesn't make me dislike Trent anymore than 98% of his music which is absolute garbage. "Hurt" being the only exception which comes to mind.
Dominic Barnes
whatever nigger, you're not even Serbian.
Samuel Martinez
His mixed-race kids. I was willing to let that go before, now I find out he's yet another anti-Trump cuck like all the other celebrity squares.
I'm going to throw away all my NIN CDs. In fact, I'm expecting my music collection to have a reduction rate of over 90% by 2020, if not sooner.
William Jackson
daily reminder that Pretty Hate Machine is the only good NIN album
Xavier Watson
How's that?
Jack Johnson
Yeah fuck off you retarded larping shill. Glad you stuck around for a week and decided to spew epic Sup Forums may mays.
Connor Bennett
All you'll be left with is Sex Pistols and Ted Nugent
Tyler Jones
Caleb Evans
at least he is raising a child. that is more than could be said for most rappers and pop stars.
reznor seems like a good guy. its too bad he has become californicated and must be purged.
Gabriel Powell
Men it's fucking sad to see all those musicians from bands I used to listen all the time in HS turning out to be libtard cucks. At least people from my favorite HS band KoRn said they don't like both candidates so they will stay out of commenting politics and former drummer David Silveria said he is pro-Trump.
Levi Moore
Bow down before the one you serve, tunefaggot
Lucas Sullivan
That's a completely fair way to explain something to your kid. He's explaining to his kid that that's HIS opinion and why he thinks it. Not indoctrinating him and TELLING his kid that he has to think that too
Justin Parker
Whatever, I'll find some other hobbies besides music made by libcucks.
Cameron Gomez
Reznor literally said no lies
Luis Bennett
He did that with George W Bush.
Logan Price
>I-I had "the talk" with my wife's son. why are all these has-beens so cringy?
Joseph Johnson
>repeating BS, biased, fake narrative of MSM to your pre-teen kid >not indoctrinating
Logan Perry
He adopted an illegal alien?
Easton Bennett
If you think what he said was indoctrinating you are fucking retarded or underage.
So you mean to imply that saying the opposite of what he said would not be indoctrinating, then?
Chase Gonzalez
I disagree with his assessment, but at least he didn't hold his son by the shoulders and shake him yelling "TRUMP IS HITLER AND WE'RE DOOOOOOOMED" like some lib parents seem to be.
Angel Smith
Dylan Perry
are they cringy because they're has-beens or are they has-beens because they were cringy?
Oliver Kelly
>Reznor >Has a son This is the same fucker that likes to take it up the ass, right? Just pointing out the problem, here.
Thomas Jackson
Yeah and he was a total faggot for it. He's a goofy fucking ex heroin junkie, honestly who gives a shit about what he thinks. If he doesn't like Trump and tells his son why he personally doesn't agree with him, whatever. Different opinions are okay.
Liam Jones
the guy is basically retarded, just look at these lyrics
Ryder Taylor
Basically this
>B-but muh 4D trump
Caleb Baker
The problem is that he thinks any of these are bad lmao
Nathaniel Martin
Angel Wood
>believes in science
its sad that science has become a cult worshiped by idiots. What does "believe in science" even mean?
Adrian Butler
with George W Bush it was an accurate statement
Aiden Mitchell
David Moore
Brandon Diaz
Meanwhile poppa Trent put out a video of him torturing and raping a street punk and set up Marily Mansons career. Also your kid going to be disappoint about your tiny roid dick.
Nicholas Nelson
Grayson Price
Those are some pretty terrible lyrics yeah
Carson Ross
Presenting kid both sides of the coin and letting him research on it's own wouldn't be an indoctrination.
>retarded or underage Here we go with leftards ad hominems
Kevin Mitchell
It means not believing in fairy christ tales
Christian Young
Burgers really do have shit tier memories.
Must be all that negro admixture.
Easton Garcia
why would his kid even see his dick? and why would his kid be disappointed in his father's dick? you are aware that people don't normally interact with their own fathers' dicks after the initial launch phase, right?
Nathaniel Harris
The myth of consensus, people like Trent assume scientists are smarter than him and know what's up, not only that but they've agreed on what is up, so if you disagree with any scientists you're disagreeing with the COLD HARD FACTS and therefore are wrong, thus you "believe in science". It's all based on the myth that all the smart people (scientists) agree on certain things, the myth of consensus.
Jaxon Cooper
but atheists have contributed just about nothing to science and mathematics when compared to theists.
Can you name me some great atheist thinkers?
Aiden Barnes
His kid's a poo-jabber though
Noah Taylor
That's what he did, though. By claiming some people do like him and not passing negative judgment upon them but instead explaining why you personally don't like him - like an adult - is doing exactly that.
Look up the definition to indoctrination.
Camden Lopez
if you believe in science why do we have welfare queens? if people believed in science we would kill retards, jews , and niggers to advance our evolution.
>it's another celebrity who hates Trump How brave.
Kevin Thompson
>male vocalist >not a giant molested-as-a-child faggot bro, they're all queers
Blake Taylor
Oh fuck off shill. You'll be screeching about how DRUMPF is going to genocide Muslims and fags in the next thread.
Landon Parker
>believes in science
Aiden Anderson
>being surprised someone who makes industrial music has this kind of mundane opinion and states it in a milquetoast fashion
Luke Mitchell
Alan turin, stephen hawking, thomas edison
Zachary Perry
the article says that's how he cleaned up his original statement for his 6 year old son.
his original statement is the same as all the others. trump is Nazi fucker retard blah blah blah
Anthony James
Literally who?
Adrian Taylor
still jam to nin lyricals aside
Leo Powell
I just find it funny that the "CAUSE SCIENCE xD!" people are the same as the "CAUSE GOD xD!" people. Ask either of them to explain something to you and they fall apart.
Elijah Parker
Science is a tool, you fucking moron, it is not a moral agent. You are ascribing moral agency to it, which it does not have.
Wyatt Williams
oh by the way, not a leftist - that is actually pol terminology, get with it. I'll call you a retard and explain why
>calls people leftards simply because muh views aren't agreed with
Cut the divisive rhetoric, man, you'll feel so much better. Have some love
Chase Perry
Fag, meme, hack. Next.
Hunter Gutierrez
Exactly like in ye olden days, they don't actually understand lots of things but are comforted by the knowledge that smarter people know those things and are right because they are smart. "I don't have to look at climate statistics, scientists do that and they have reached consensus!"
Hudson Diaz
No, I won't. Nice try, though - do you fuck David Brock up the ass when he calls you,
Joseph Hughes
That's actually a pretty reasonable criticism.
Asher King
Hi James Alefantis. Nooo, we haven't forgotten about you or what you've done.
Xavier Gutierrez
it doesn't mean anything. ooh science says global warming is real and there's no god.
but say that science says there's differences in race and that theres only 2 sexes and that's just evil racist bigot talk.
Zachary Ross
Samuel Evans
Yet at the same time they think democracy is a good thing and that their vote is worth just as much as one of these "smart people" they worship.
Colton Fisher
good post
Wyatt Powell
Austin Powell
>1 post by this ID >calls people shills for being objective and reasonable
and i'm replying to bait so i must be the faggot oh well shit you're right
Levi Brown
He wrote lyrics for the 90's version of the people who go to /r9k/ today, what do you expect?
Adam Harris
And now he's part of the Trump curse! I say he dies in a drug overdose.
Brandon Evans
Ultima Ratio Reznor Your opinion is irrelevant OP
Aiden Bell
drug induced heart attack at a gay bath house
Charles Morris
>Disliking Trump doesn't mean you are automatically part of the other leftist side. As soon as you realise that it's all theater aimed at dividing the masses, the sooner you'll mature in all your political views.
Brate srbine, ne vrijedi ovim degenericima (((američkim))) objašnjavat ništa, to je hamburger nacija ispranog mozga, zbog se i okotila i osilila ova židovska stoka, al ne mogu oni to sabrat.
Jackson Martinez
Oh look, it's the celebrity who's opinions became less credible after he quit using drugs. >he's this vulgar, grotesque dope >vulgar Ahem..."I wanna fuck you like an ANIMAL! I wanna feel you from the inside!"
Carter Bailey
Upravo, ali nekad verujem da vredim da se barem proba.
Elijah Evans
I am with Trent
FUCK Donald Trump, guys a cuck who gets p!aged like a fiddle
Nathan Lee
t. low-iq moron
Jace Richardson
Quiet muslim
Aaron Mitchell
Angel Johnson
All these assholes should be gassed
Dylan Brown
Trump is a sub IQ retarded cuck who is fucking owned by the fucking Russians, and isnt fit to hold office. He's a grade a fucking idiot retard cuck
Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows this. You ought to be ashamed defending that cunt, absolutely ashamed
Jackson Bennett
Stay liberal till youre cuked by muslims
Joshua Cox
Charles Cooper
Tyler Barnes
Ma džabe pokušavat, sudbina nam je zacrtana, baš zbog njihove jadne gramzljivosti i namjerne ignorancije.
Čitam ovih dana da su počeli i ovi vaši kolovođe popuštat oko Kosova? Tuga. Treba počet pucat naokolo.
Caleb Cruz
Henry Butler
Trent Reznor is a beta manlet drug addict
Deleted all his songs, bye Trent
Wyatt Rivera
Jordan Moore
Fuck off back to r/the Donald faggot
Carter Brown
>who is fucking owned by the fucking Russians
Goddamn lefties are so stupid, I can't imagine how low IQ you have to be to believe this bullshit.
Joshua Clark
Boycott him all you want OP. But he is not the one sleeping alone tonight.