Why is pol so hostile to science and eugenics?

imagine how wonderful the world would be if everyone had a higher iq their would be no wars, no religion,no poverty and no hostility to science it would be a golden age, and remember we can achieve this we just need to select for intelligence
and then over a few generations everyone would be a genius in comparison to the people alive now there would be no homeless or welfare families it would be perfect

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Apologize for 9/11

Yeah can't wait to put down all these stupid goy

Every time the political compass goes left you'll kill all the thin white men again.

we need more engineers and scientists but tyrone is having 20 children and they will each grow up to be bums so lets select for high intelligence over a few generations or even genetically engineer smarter children

I for one am 100% for gene mods, cosmetic included.

We are at an age where we can step beyond the limitations imposed on us by standard evolution.

Imagine getting rid of all genetic defects before they rear their ugly head, living insanely long lives, being at peak physical condition at all times.
If you don't want these gifts for your child you are an idiot.

If we purely by the initial topic of the thread, we have become extremely dysgenic and are affecting the genepool. It needs to stop before it's too late.

yes you are right, I've bene posting about this for a while.
Sperm donation Eugenics, otherwise known as Eutelegenisis, can create a new super breed of human, that will bring about an eternal golden age, a global, nation-less utopia of eternal peace and prosperity.

>a global, nation-less utopia
whats the point? Also that would be a dystopia

Most everyone will be high IQ whites.

>no religion
Orthodox Jews have high IQs
Catholic Priests are, on average, a full SD above average IQ

We are not, I am in grad school to become genomic software engineer. I have worked so hard to get payed to go to grad school. Fuck you niggers what have you done for the right wing death sqauds?


new worlders and your "white" meme. Fuck off mutt. A world without Denmark is not a world wroth striving for.

OP is a faggot

Survival of the fittest, niggy.

Don't fuck with nature and don't fuck with genetics.

You'll still have Denmark.

Gotta love Denmark

Wtf you yapping about, Sup Forums is usually for eugenics.

Why not replace humanity with post-human life forms created in a lab that surpass us in every way?

I'm all in for eugenics. Abort the defective, kill the retarded & physically unfit to work, selectively breed, round up criminals & undesirables in camps, experiment on those sentenced to death and genetically modificate fetuses.
Sadly for you, jews can be found in the "undesirables" category for being such backstabbing parasites and commie lovers.

your mongrel brethren wrote:
>nation-less utopia of eternal peace and prosperity.
ill pass

>we just need to select for intelligence
Except, 10 people working together who network well will defeat 10 geniuses working together who don't network well

Individual intelligence isn't worth that much in the economy these days. It's about networked intelligence. That requires people with good social skills, high trust, high empathy

just imagine jews being in control
it doesn't take much imagination either

They more you look into genetics the more you understand how bullshit eugenics is. Genes require environment to develop and manifest traits and several different genes can affect the same trait.

I didn't aggree with him on that part. There's literally no reason not to embrace genetic engineering fully though.

>we create superior beings
>they realize they can't live with us primitive creatures so they build starships and leave
>back to square one

that's a good reasoning for keeping the swamp, better than most other reasons

The US is a single nation but many US citizens take pride and identify with the state they live in. Take a look at our more vocal Texans as an example.

lol, the US is a bunch of warring ethnic identity groups fighting over a grab-bag of tax money
Nobody gives a fuck about the US. It's an arbitrary economic zone. You can wander in, wander out.

All that American patriotism stuff is deliberately cultivated to produce soldiers for the corporate military

Only autists think eugenics is a good idea.

Agreed. Bless you, Brazilian user

Democracy as a whole is nothing but warring groups fighting over who gets more from the govt. It is fertile ground for muh class struggle and muh white privilege bullshit.

>gene modding comes to be
>Its cost is hyper inflated so only gods chosen can afford it.
>now we have immortal, disease immune ultra kikes running the world.

> see,

There appears to be an evident correlation between higher intelligence, and the onset of abnormal mental health.

Not entirely sure how successful a society comprised of only high IQ individuals would turn out, both in the short and long term. They tend to be nihilistic, gruesomely self-aware and rightfully self-interested, and socially crippled. Also,

>no wars cuz MUH SCIENCHZE!!11!11!!!1!

National socialism is the way to go

I do not care for what some newly upstarts think of national identity. Turning Denmark into a state in some global union would mean the end of the danish people.
There is a reason the EU is so lousy constructed and inefficient. Its because, beside a few insane central Europeans, the EU is made up of nations with each a distinctive identity and people. The EU was setup to fail from the start.The US of A is an entirely different animal as are the people who inhabit the Americas.

"No religion, no wars"

You're a fucking idiot, Jewish Kike.

I guarantee the Jews will be running the entire genetics program

I actually think if we had higher IQs we'd have more religion and more wars desu.

It's funny seeing an israeli flag saying this.

Oh how things have changed.

What you described is just a utopic dream, humans are pieces of shit garbage selfish jewnosed faggot degenerate lefty cunts who serve only their own goals and fetishes causing everyone else to suffer and only suffer, this is what most of humanity is and this is what your eugenic delusion will look like, rich will be on the top with all the enhancements regardless of how hooknosed degenerates they are even among the rich and powerful classes exist, humanity is garbage.

In general, I don't think we are... 14 words and all that.

a post cleared made by a person from a nation with no roots or clear identity.
Do you know why corruption is so low in Denmark? Its not because its hard to do here. In fact its super easy.
Do you know why Danes trust their government nearly blindly? Is it because we got great rights given to us by some constitution like in the US? nope.
New worlder are rootless and I pity you.

Oh yeah, because Russia had it so good when she was run by Jews.

>we need more engineers and scientists but tyrone is having 20 children and they will each grow up to be bums so lets select for high intelligence over a few generations or even genetically engineer smarter children

implying that you actually care

>(((education)))=no religion=no war
>implying the (((progressivism))) isn't the most ravenous cult in the west.
This is like those arguments like destroying race would end racism or wars.
We will always find something arbitrary to fight about. Once we are all Goobacks from South Park the PC master race will be putting Nintendo fanboys in concentration camps.

A lot of jews would be wiped out. You know those
IQ results published all the time that says
jews are the smartest? Yea I wonder who
published the results.
In any case, it's a lie and a good deal of your own people would be wiped out in the process.
You're already a minority on earth. I wouldn't make it worse.
See? You're not that smart.

Thanks for agreeing with me, albeit indirectly.

a the famed Baltic optimism. You are not wrong ofc.
>humanity is garbage
which is why strong identity bond are necessary to achieve civilization. Nationalism is the attempt to turn the people who live around into semi family members so you will care for them even when it goes against your personal interests.
Its also why nationalism needs a clear I / Us / Them narrative as that is the basis for human relations.

I was more saying about how the jews were being experimented on sexually by the nazi's rather than referring to the bolsheviks

Were literally for eugenics. It's why we want to kill all the shitskins

>Sup Forums is hostile to eugenics


I am quite the idiot if I say so myself. Is MGTOW a proper way to remove myself from the gene pool?

Who the fuck wants to live insanely long? I'm already fucking sick of life and am just hoping for an honourable death now

nah this way of life is unnatural

You have a point. The worlds IQ is decreasing.
And science is wonderful. But eugenics?
Didn't know what that was so I googled it.
Correct me if I am wrong.

It's like continuing natural selection but in modern society. So people that have bad genetics shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

I think that goes heavily against equality because then not everybody could have a family. And a family is for many people a life goal.

I support genetic engineering but not eugenics; not because the end result of eugenics is bad but because there is too great a risk of accidentally wiping out useful genes we didn't know were actually useful. That and somebody has to be given the power to decide what genes stay and what genes go which will only inevitably lead to (((meddling))).

>Create a weapon that modifies genome in a world where kikes can easily control it
How stupid do you think we are?

Why do you fucking kikes have to make everything fucking globalist. Seriously fuck off with this shit we want to live in a pure Aryan nation with all impurities removed from ourselves and enhancements made by modification we don't want to modify and live alongside fucking niggers

nothing special about it. Its just an modern upgraded form of selective breeding you have seen in the agricultural field the last 3 thousand years.

The worlds IQ isn't decreasing, man. The problem is refugees and the brain drain.

Dumb af Syrians pour into Europe so when you take the average IQ, its significantly lower.

Another is the brain drain particularly in India and China. The smart mofos leave the country leaving us poo in the loos behind essentially decreasing the average IQ.

Genetics programs are sure to lead to corruption. The last thing we want is an army of super-jews.

This is what separates eugenics though; applying the techniques which we have used on our crops and livestocks to our own selves.

There is a qualifier before the word 'eugenics' or 'disgenics' which is "positive" or "negative"

positive: when the eugenic or disgenic trends are brought on through selective pressures created by humans, ie. government programs that give money to dumb people to have more kids is 'positive disgenics' (welfare)

negative: when the eugenics or disgenics are forced on the population ie. killing all the stupid people would be 'negative eugenics'

Everyone is "patriotic" in some sense. Everyone would like to see their country advance in the world as it would also advance them. Everyone wants to feel superior to the other.
"Nationalism" will always exist. Notice how people naturally become so attached to things like football teams. They support and defend a group of strangers kicking a ball around against another group of strangers just because they feel that team represents them in a way. Most of the time this attachment happens to form because they live or were born in the region that team resides in.

As for the military while it is definitely a piece of government for corporations to fight over it is a necessary thing. If we were to be legitimately invaded having a military would be a nice thing. There are also advantages to the corporate control of the military. It is an advantage that was seen in WW2 with the US being able to prop up all the allies with thousands of tanks, weapons, munitions, and more as well as supplying their own massive invasion force.

That's the point. Undesirable genes would gradually go extinct, and only the superior genes would remain.

But, mad people on /Pol would die out.

Atheists are always persecutors for the state. There is nothing redeeming about that awful religion. OP is proof that atheists cannot reason. Atheism - it's a helluva drug.

new greatest ally when

>no wars, no religion,no poverty and no hostility to science it would be a golden age
Sounds like gommunism
Nice job slipping no religion in there.

I don't know who, as a group, are more delusional - atheists or Mormons.

I'd love to see a debate between an atheist and a Mormon. It'd be like something out of Dumb and Dumber.

He couldn't have made his intentions more obvious, Japbro