How is this shit even legal?
How is this shit even legal?
Sip thread?
that's the shittiest flavor of energizers i've tried
its like Fanta with water in it
Don't buy it if you don't like it; that's what I did with your sister
give me the rundown on these things i am not a sipper
Why shouldn't it be? Some people need their caff fix.
I'm going to drink one every day for the rest of my life just to prove to you conspiritards that there's nothing wrong with caffeine and b vitamins
I mean, we all enjoy that first sip but this shit can't be healthy phamalam
>How is this shit even legal?
It's pretty much vitiman b complex with caffeine in carbonated flavored drink.
If you really wanted to you could make it at home.
the blue one is better, just sip it throughout the day
Do energy drinks taste like fucking Valerian to anyone else? It's very nasty.
About to cop a sip, will report back soon
I work for Coca Cola AMA
Absolute zeros are TRASH. Lo-Carb is patrician, and if you can't handle 30 calories in order to have that unmolested flavor then you have bigger issues.
Are you kikes going to try to one-up Pepsi with SJW commercials?
Not yet, we don't play politics like that.
Any lean people working there?
time for a motherfucking sip thread
Because it is owned by a Jew
>(((Michael Savage's))) son
>Lets be honest he is /our Jew/ to an extend in that he doesn't want the whites wiped out and would like to return to a white and Jewish only America but when it comes down to whites throwing off the burden of the Jews he will fight viciously against that. He will probably be dead by then from old age though so who fucking cares.
i've had quite a few of these
what's wrong with them?
there is a can of monster in this image
what board is this a meme on? I only read Sup Forums and /biz/ and never seen this
There isnt, its the rest of the shit that kills you. Let me know when you need a new kidney, I will make you an offer.
>The teen took four sips.
5 sips, cmon.
I ran it through archive
Why is full throttle so hard to find
Sip boys we oucheaaa yeahhhhhh
That reminds me, I have an ultra black sip in the fridge waiting on me.
Check those digits
fugg :D
Throw that garbage
Redbull is the white man drink
Also the CEO is against mass immigration of migrants in Europe
why is redbull so expensive?
S I P B O Y Z 2 0 1 7
redbull tastes like ass
Required viewing for anyone not initiated into the sips hall:
>it's almost two years since Rich got married
>it's been almost one since he got divorced
>paying more for less
>paying for candy-flavored piss
oops wrong image. guess i dont have it, oh well
Def better than monster. I have no problems finding it here in Wisconsin.
It's an extremely low selling energy drink, most of the times its over taken by a monster variety.
I've drank only one of these in my life and after I did my hands started shaking for about 10 minutes. Exactly how much sugar is in this?
The fuck Coke doesn't.
Redpill - The three slashes are hebrew symbols for the numbers 666.
Sure it's just a coincidence ... drink up goy!
>Sure it's just a coincidence ... drink up goy!
I will. What happens then?
why not?
it's just water and shit that metabolizes
we're not total faggots
it stresses our adrenal glands a bit
but i'm for drugs that'll make us more lucid, smarter, more awake
fuck yeah
jamb that shit down my piss hole mr jew
Always fully stocked at homedepots senpai.
none in the sips
which is why its the superior energy drink
> no knowing how those calories work
> and how they fuck up the whole point of the > toxic shit in the first place
report back with your findings after twenty years
>The three slashes are hebrew symbols for the numbers 666.
No shit, retard. That's the whole meme to get your attention, something every good product should figure out.
666 number of the beast (Monster) drawn with hebrew symbols because they look like a scratch marks from claws of a monster
>durrr its satanic hurrr
Are you asking how they get away with using the number of the beast as their logo? That is obvious, the world is controlled by the dark occult and they encourage this sort of advertising.
Gross. Redbull is the drink of young white slags. Only to be mixed with jaeger, and only for degenerates.
Monster is for a more refined palate.
pretty much this
Any proofs it's bad for your health?
Please do drink up
>its just caffeine and b vitamins!
God no, the artificial sweetener alone is worse than sugar.
I've seen this autistic shit on /ck/ and I don't want it here
This is literally the most autistic "meme" I've ever seen in my life
It's like you've regressed to being teenagers, thinking that a fucking ENERGY DRINK is somehow "cool", something you can build a subculture around
Do the world a favour and kill yourselves
>muh free markets
>fuck the SJW nanny state
why is this caffeinated soda not banned?
only niggers that are like 35 with 17 y/o white girlfriends drink it anyway. Let natural selection do its work and hopefully they become terminally ill with brain damage from it.
I have been drinking pop since 1st grade. People who don't drink it have health problems and cancer. Everything is bad for you, yeah even water can be bad, look up all the shit they put in there not including the plastic chemicals that seep in over time and give females mustashes
This salt makes my sips extra sweet.
Ultra Black > Zero Ultra
I like the cherry flavor but can't find it in bulk anywhere.
Get out of here fattie.
>the biggest red pill put just in one image
Literally this, Red Bull is better in every conceivable way. It tastes delicious, whereas Monster Ultra is absolutely fucking disgusting - just tastes like a fuckton of sweetener added to some fizzy water.
>being corporate slaves to a shitty and disgusting drink
Keep buying the stuff, it's your money, by all means continue wasting your cash on an absolutely disgusting drink
This is unfortunately the tastiest soft drink (or drink overall) I ever tasted. I drink one of these each day, have been doing so for 2-3 months.
It's hard to stop, kek.
well thats just like your opinion. faggot.
Will they ever bring Surge back?
Do you mean Vault, because surge has been back for a while now.
Drink full throttle blue over ice and with a straw in your yeti cup. Shit is so cash. I'm not even meming.
Some people on /fit/ use it as a pre-workout and swear it's the GOAT. Funny thing is because of the large dose of caffeine and zero sugar they may very well be right.
>rice has a lower calorie density than lean meat
>bawwww I don't like this meme! Stop liking what I don't like
Haters gonna hate but sippers gonna keep on sip'n
This is delusion central, what did you expect
>All artificial sweeteners are the same
Some are good, some are neutral and some are bad you brainlet.
It's not like you can just not be mad.
Redbull interns pls leave.
>kike 666 digits
>3 nails
The kike who owns Monster is going to burn in Hell.
If you can't restrain yourself and need to ban everything, then you should probably just die out.
>not even on one level of irony
Lurking Sup Forums must be horrible for you
The tea monster sips are true patrician taste
>yfw that first sip of the day
>energy drink
hol up
If you're going to drink this shit at least drink redbull.
The marketing team for monster is prolific on Sup Forums I must say
Trump drinks mad sips
Check em
Its the kikes
So some 300k people die every year to obesity related causes and the government decides that here we can act in our own best interests?
That's not the part that's not good for you it's the artificial sweeteners, that are horrible.