Is it true that some people are "forced" to commit crimes because of socioeconomic conditions?
Thinking more along the lines of drug dealing and violent crime (not counting things like homeless people stealing bread)
Is it true that some people are "forced" to commit crimes because of socioeconomic conditions?
Thinking more along the lines of drug dealing and violent crime (not counting things like homeless people stealing bread)
I know lots of people around me who use this as an excuse for becoming drug dealers, but really I know it's because they failed at life
We all take the best opportunities that we have available to us, as far as we are able to perceive them.
No: no one is physically forced to commit crimes. But yes: some people live in socioeconomic conditions under which crime is easy to see as your best opportunity.
>We all take the best opportunities that we have available to us
You've never missed out/made the wrong decision regarding a good opportunity?
Yes, the dindus are forced to kill and rape, it is not their fault or the result of their faulty genes, it is your fault.
Try quoting the whole statement, instead of cherry picking.
Not really, poor white areas have lower crime than middle class or upper class black areas, so that shoots a hole in that theory.
Only if your a minority race from the inner city then you a good boy din du nuffin but try to look after his famuky. however if your white you are just a racist, drug dealing scumbag
Even with perception taken into account, you've never just been too lazy to take advantage of an opportunity?
Nobody is forced to do anything, as far as people from bad places who end up selling drugs I understand to a degree. I grew up in a nice area where homes are often built or renovated and I became a carpenter. If I grew up in West Virginia around coal miners I'd probably mine coal. If I grew up in a fishing village chances are I'd be a fisherman. If I grew up in a poor community where the only men who we're substantial providers were drug dealers and I was trying to fashion myself to be the most productive individual I could be... Well... Sheeeeeeeeeeiiiittttt then I'm sellin dope
Look at Flint for the answer to your question. 40 years ago it was a safe, clean, and prosperous city.
GM moves all the good jobs to Mexico and now it's like a 3rd world shithole.
while is an absolutely correct description of reality it doesn't answer the original question.
No one is "forced" to commit crimes because of
socioeconomic disadvantages.
It's also undeniable that plenty people who are very well off in terms of their socioeconomic environment commit crimes. Reasons differ, the type of crime differs but it seems some people are just born as nigggers.
>no one is forced.
If you're literally starving robbing someone will cross your mind.
Lots of poor people in Asia...poorer than the poorest ghetto dwellers in the US
But they don't commit rapes murders and robberies like our poor ghetto population
>Is it true that some people are "forced" to commit crimes because of socioeconomic conditions?
Gee, what do you think, user?
> they don't commit rapes murders and robberies
Never had a passport Amerifat detected
Dirt poor Asians don't commit crimes at the rate which our urban ghetto do
Some poor starving people in the developing world have to resort to crime.
The only excuse this holds any amount of water for is theft. I don't even buy that, but that's the best you can excuse. You cannot excuse someone chimping out and raping/murdering people because they grew up poor.
And niggers are poor because they're dumb and violent, not the other way around.
Absolute bollocks. Just switch on any news-channel in Cambodia, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia. The beheadings, rapes, robberies and full on evil shit is going on 24/7. You really should get out more.
They can go get a job and actually go to it.
Op explicitly stated this wasn't the situational context of the discussion
I don't even understand how is it possible to be poor to that degree in Canada or US. There are plenty well paid blue collar job opportunities
First line of my post says that they're not forced to do anything. My response was meant to illustrate to op why people from those situations end up there. I think selling drugs is honestly what the smartest minds in the ghetto get into. If you lived on a block where people spend jack shit on nothing except dope what would you be selling?
speaking as a white person from a majority white town I can confirm that our current system does force people to commit crimes to survive.
that said, it has nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with the legal system.
let me tell you a story, a pretty common one where I come from:
>be young kid
>parents are shitty parents (drug addicts/abusive/alcoholics)
>absolutely no support systems for kids with shitty lives
>enter junior high school
>drink and smoke weed to cope with shitty home life
>skip school so grades go to shit
>shitty parents act like they have morals and fight with you about drinking/smoking etc.
>avoid home as much as possible
>need food an sheit, but too young to get job, nobody hiring anyway
>always a demand for weed dealers
>sell weed to try to make a living
>only go to class to sell drugs
>weed is unprofitable as fuck so have to sell a fuck load of it
>draw attention of organized crime
>get recruited, now selling/using hard drugs
>lifestyle leads to progressively more and more fucked up situations in life
>this leads to more and more alcohol/drug use to cope with fucked up things you have seen.
>long since expelled from school for being a junkie drug dealer
>shitty parents kick you out of their house for being a junkie
>literally dealing drugs to stay alive at this point
>inevitably get arrested
>while in jail/treatment learn the reasons why you went down this road, decide to clean up life
>get out of jail with new positive outlook on life
>no diploma = no job
>95% of jobs that don't need diploma won't hire you with criminal record
>social services abandon you once parole ends
>get evicted from home for not paying rent cuz no job
>owe shit loads of people money cuz no job
>depressed AF
>start drinking/using again
>start dealing/stealing/general thug shit again cuz need money and fuck life at this point
>inevitably arrested again
>repeat until dead from overdose/drug violence/gang violence
>spread lifestyle to children
Not a single person in a first World nation commits crimes out of need of food or housing. They do it for air Jordans, 30 inch rims, and a $500/month leased Lexus.
People choose their own actions. No outside force makes them do x things, compell, yes. But never force.
good post, user
in Canada we have welfare but some of us want to get a little bit ahead
Yeah, it's never necessities that are being stolen and no Tyrone isn't buying food fo his baby mama with his dope slangin' cheddar.
How people have pity for such shit individuals is beyond me.
>Is it true that some people are "forced" to commit crimes because of socioeconomic conditions?
Wrong. I'm living proof of it. People always have a choice. Some choices are just hard so some people claim that isn't even a real choice because of the difficulty. I was born in the hood, raised in the hood and got my parents out of the hood when I secured the education needed for a great job. I might be an outlier, hell people might claim that, people that don't know me or what I sacrificed to get where I am but I'm here now and it's my firm belief that no one is"forced" to commit crime because they're poor. They choose to because it's easy.
Coming from another white boy in another white town (not that it matters all that much in this discussion) let me tell you that nobody is forced to do anything. Nobody forced the subject of your story to drink, smoke, skip school or sell dope. Getting recruited is another story but that's on you to either stop selling on someone's turf and turn clientele over or to link up, the choice is always yours. And as far as getting arrested goes, if you were selling hard drugs, got pinched and had no good defense or lawyer money, then it's your fault and you gotta live with it. Nobody forced this on anybody
>We all take the best opportunities that we have available to us, as far as we are able to perceive them.
"Best" differs between niggers and Europeans, that's for sure.
>Is it true that some people are "forced" to commit crimes because of socioeconomic conditions?
>Is it true that some people are "forced" to commit crimes because of socioeconomic conditions?
>Is it true that some people are "forced" to commit crimes because of socioeconomic conditions?
No. Niggers just commit crimes--it's in their nature.
>Is it true that some people are "forced" to commit crimes because of socioeconomic conditions?
>Is it true that some people are "forced" to commit crimes because of socioeconomic conditions?
No; it is not.
Isn't the argument for places like that is that everyone is poor, and that crime is usually claimed to stem from 'relative poverty' now?
>stealing bread
I don't mind stealing bread, from the mouths of decadence.
so ghetto niggers murdering ghetto niggers with reckless abandon is due to the relative poverty discrepancies between ghetto niggers?
If I was too stupid to get a well paid middle class job I would turn to crime. Minimum wage is for omegas. My family was poor.
Fortunately school wasn't too hard and neither was college. Oh apart from the drugs and the fist fight's iny "deprived" secondary school. Now im upper middle class.
Bought a house without borrowing. Holiday 3 times a year etc.
>Is it true that some people are "forced" to commit crimes because of socioeconomic conditions?
No, there's food stamps and housing for most people. So at the very least in areas where these exist, they aren't forced. They instead do it because they want power, and because they are greedy.
A crime only exists if there is a victim. There is only one type of crime, theft of property. All other crimes, like murder, can be understood as theft. Murder is simply theft of a persons life. Theft, the only real crime, is always wrong, because it is never right to deny a person their property. One can not be forced to steal property from another person, it is always a choice.
Selling drugs is not theft, therefore is not a real crime, same with doing drugs
of course personal choice leads to the situation, and people need to take responsibility for their actions.
my point, is that the justice system creates an unbreakable cycle
>get arrested>become unemployable>commit crimes
and most of the time the choice that leads to this lifestyle is made by an uninformed kid who then pays for that for the rest of their life.
If anybody actually cared we could fix this by creating actually useful social services to help at risk kids so that they dont end up in this situation to begin with, because once you are in the cycle there is no way out
It's a stupid excuse. Any real man would do the honorable thing and stab himself in the stomach before dishonoring himself through banditry.
This is completely correct and is a quality Leafpost. Other leaves would do well to learn, lest they be raked.
It seems to depend. I live in one of those shitty "economic deprived areas" and I'm not a criminal, but I know plenty who are. There's no industry here and people aren't going to travel 6 miles to work and back on the bus every day for minimum wage just so they can help pay for the next boatload of niggers to come in.
Yeah, there's a lot of cucks who say "that's just an excuse, do you know what I would do if that was me?", but these are the exact same people who see a .webm of an armed robbery and say "why aren't they fighting back with their bare hands, do you know what I would do if that was me?" so they aren't really to be trusted. It's like passing comment on being in a war or being in the army just because you've played COD - moronic.
Ask any trust fund babby, if you want money you just have to work hard, like their parents did.
agreed, a person can only make the choices they know about. If you are raised in an environment in which violence is acceptable, in which crime is permitted and to a degree encouraged than you will most likely engage in it.
It isn't because you are poor and don't have opportunities, it is because of the culture you come from. Although neighborhoods often have a shared culture, one house can vary greatly from another.
There are of course always exceptions, but in general it is the culture you grow in.
these guys get it
The answer is legalizing all drugs so entrepreneurially inclined people don't end up getting caught in that system next to thieves and rapists. The drug dealer and user should both be separated from society's true burden of people who steal from or harm others. If you wanna lock up a drug dealer based on the product he's selling to the community food, cigarettes, and booze all gotta go too. I also gotta call BS on the whole "can't get hired" shpiel, I know plenty of good tradesmen with rapsheets long enough to qualify for antifa who stay employed based on the quality of their work. Most of em use drugs too. You really lost me when. You said the answer lies in more social services, how exactly is throwing more of my tax money at people who don't have their shit tpgether going to help anyone but the recipient of that money?
if that was true it would be more proof segregation was a good thing for everyone
Unironically yes
nigga you dumb
You asked of blacks are killing blacks due to completely trivial disputes over who's more "hood rich". I answered yes. It really gets that petty. What's that graph for?
Niggah you dumb
>you should get out more
>to get beheaded in brown chinkland
No thanks
>I'm poor as shit
>better go do some rape
Yeah, that makes sense
>You asked of blacks are killing blacks due to completely trivial disputes over who's more "hood rich". I answered yes. It really gets that petty.
there is little-to-no income discrepancies between ghetto niggers--they all get the same welfare. the drug dealing gangs kill each other over territory. fuck off nigger.
>What's that graph for?
just an image i threw in. have another
couple points:
I agree with the legalization of most drugs (meth is an invention of satan, that shit should be purged from society)
as for the social services, Im not talking about gibs for niggers, im talking about after school programs and counseling for kids with shitty parents, keep them from using chemicals to cope with their problems
>I know plenty of good tradesmen with rapsheets long enough to qualify for antifa
the key word here is "tradesmen"
ya they are in such high demand you can do whatever you want and still get a job, but the hard part is getting accepted into an apprenticeship program, which usually requires a GED, I'll admit, the only people I've ever known to break the cycle went this route, getting their GED in prison then getting placed into a trades program through the parole office
>there is little-to-no income discrepancies between ghetto niggers--they all get the same welfare. the drug dealing gangs kill each other over territory.
Territory on which to sell drugs to be the h.n.i.c while never amassing the type of wealth to move them out of poverty. These are the small income differences that inner-city blacks regularly doe over even though it's not that much. Tell me exactly what you're disagreeing with me on here....
>Tell me exactly what you're disagreeing with me on here....
>crime is usually claimed to stem from 'relative poverty'
niggers commit crime. it's in their nature. even rich niggers commit disproportionate amounts of crime
This guy gets it.
I never took an apprenticeship or none of that, just started working summers at 16, finished high school, got employed and made a name for myself as a good worker. if people can turn their lives around in jail then there's no reason for anyone to be on Sup Forums talking about how hard it is. Take it from me, it costs sleep time and happiness but anyone can wake up tomorrow and live a future completely different than their past. If you're in this position I believe in you user.
No, a leaf posted that, you tagged the wrong guy
SeeBut also, it's literally impossible to be starving in the US unless you're severely mentally ill.
oh FUCK have i been arguing with you on that point this whole time?
you're right but not for the reasons you are implying
GM left, so the white people left, leaving only the blacks, and it turned to shit.
You're lucky I don't kill you over it....
you're welcome to try
>it's literally impossible to be starving in the US unless you're severely mentally ill
are you retarded?
This is false
Look at West Virginia: Very high population of whites, very poor, high drug use (victimless crime), and almost no violent crime
Look at Chicago: Very high population of blacks, poor, similar drug situation, almost as dangerous as Iraq.
Fucking niggers man.
>reddit flag
looks like you are
no since you can just go on welfare and you can survive fine, that'd only be an excuse if you lived in some shithole like somalia and would actually starve to death if you didnt have a job
and this guy is right
>I might be an outlier,
You could have ended the thread there. Yes, you are an outlier. Luck has a big part in where you are today, and you still have no idea what you will have to do to survive in the future.
I'm poor as shit barely making ends meet in a ghetto and not once did I seriously consider committing a crime. Sure, It's not the Darwinistic thing to do but I'd much rather make it on my own than stoop to being a nigger to live.
To reiterate, my disdain for crime-causing minorities is so big I'd rather suffer than stoop to an animalistic level of behavior. Not to mention, you know, jail and shit.
NAXALT fallacy
newfag detected
>reddit flag
opinion discarded
leaf, poo, cuckman, swede... which are you?
I mean, you know, jobs are pretty cool too, I guess
You are rich in digits bro.
yeah all of those things are controlled and enabled by rich people.
Word of god
Wow nice retard post.
how can you commit a crime if there is no victim?
not a crime. if you speed and hit someone then there is a victim and therefore a crime
Because muh laws are omnipotent and shall not be infringed.
You defined what a crime is in your opinion. By your definition nothing else is a crime. Why argue with a retard?
It is fun to say
>Nigga you dumb
>not a crime
then what do you get a ticket for?
Poverty does not cause crime.
of course people get abused everyday, people who can't pay debt's. if you end up in debt to a drug dealer and you can't pay or you've got nothing of value you will be working for that drug dealer.
It does but no black Americans are actually living in poverty.
>don't do drugs
>Get a minimum wage job
Wow enough to eat and stay warm and dry. You would even have recreational time.
Some people don't have much choice (kids with criminilas inside their family) but that doesn't mean socioeconomic conditions should be accounted for when in trial.
>Some people don't have much choice
>the poor niggers are unable to think for themselves
p. racist of you.