Why do Americans love foreigners telling them how shit they are?
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Sorry about that.
Thanks for taking Jimmy off our hands.
I'm never going back to outback steakhouse because of this
Nobody even watches this show.
Modern leftism is just guilt and self-loathing turned into a political ideology.
It's happened since the country was founded. I don't care. If they don't like it here, they can fuck off.
I know how great my country is, no place is perfect. We've got it a lot better than most of the world.
Is he your John Oliver?
It's not like he's the only one to do this
It is entertainment!
He's our Dane Cook
Le funny man
>Why do Americans love foreigners telling them how shit they are?
The cucks at Comedy Central love that. wtf Jefferies has a show now? He was somewhat entertaining when he got smashed on the O&A show, but he not really funny. Perfect for Comedy Central.
He used to be mildly funny, his early specials weren't that bad.
We don't. You go to any normal town and say that shit you'll get beat
A black South African has no right to judge the state of any other country. I'd take the critiques of a North Korean over Trevor Noah.
all he does is bash Trump every episode, low energy. sad
> The cucks at Comedy Central love that.
Hello, fellow white men
Concur, speaking with a foreign accent and lisp wold get your ass beat in my locality.
What's particularly funny about all the foreign "comedians" making it big in the states all have one thing in common: THEY WERE ALL FAILURES AT HOME.
John Oliver's one fucking outing as a stand-up comedian in the U.K. was a dumpster fire.
Jim didn't amount to fuck-all either.
Actually breddy funny
Jim Jefferies got punched on stage in Manchester
I don't know but this is some of the least funny shit I've seen him do.
I actually think some of his stuff is good.
>What's particularly funny about all the foreign "comedians" making it big in the states all have one thing in common: THEY WERE ALL FAILURES AT HOME.
Thank the left; they have no sense of humor. Comedy isn't funny when so many things are off limits.
That's because Americans are not very good at performing comedy. Unfortunately, they're also not very good at comprehending it, thus they import the dregs from other countries.
He is just Australia. Nothing to see here.
his finally figured out that if he doesn't want his TV show to get cancelled he needs to suck jew dick. His a fucking cuck now
I want to say it's a leftist thing, but even when I was a know-it-all college freshman I never took shit from any Euro faggot ranting about how stupid Americans are or bragging about their shitty wine or their beer that smells like a fart (looking at you, Heineken).
Supposedly Americans are just this insufferable rude people, but I would never even conceive of visiting a foreign country and repeatedly berating the people of that country while they are hosting me. Europeans and Middle Easterners have this fucking obnoxious sense of entitlement when they visit our country, completely unearned from what I can tell
This guy sucks shit, how the fuck is he funny in your country? He'd bomb here, badly.
We're not sending our best.
That's rich coming from a Brit. I bet John Oliver would have been a success over there had he been wearing a dress and walking funny.
Holy shit, he handled that like a total fucking puss. I'm not some hardcore badass or anything, literally never been in a real fight in my life, but if somebody comes at you swinging you don't just one-arm hug them and bend down hoping to avoid their fists, you fucking drop them. The guy was clearly drunk as fuck and Jefferies still got his ass kicked. That was fucking embarrassing.
I'm pretty sure just about every American and Brit acknowledges that Brits make better comedy.
>No college education
>Not a US citizen
>Lectures Americans about politics
can you put a handle on Jim Jefferies Australia?
I've heard funnier Australians waiting for a plane.
Dane cook of Australia is fucking right.
Coke, coke, coke.
I'm retarded white man
Guns are bad, Australia ban gun, gun band good.
He's that type of poof that lives in Melbourne or whatever and pretends to be 'from the bush'. Closest he's come to a fist before that evening was when another bloke made him cum with a fist.
I liked him when he was just a degenerate drug fueled alcoholic and never brought up politics. I haven't paid him attention in years.
Derisive laugh track political opinion shows have a higher success rate with smug sneering hosts Americans don't identify with to ridicule the opinions commonly held by Americans.
This is how you handle it when somebody comes on stage during your performance.
Most likely it is the elites laughing at us.
Conversation circa 2007-08
Elite 1: Hey I got an idea to fuck with Americans...
Elite 2: What's that, Elite 1?
Elite 1: Lets get bisexual african american elected POTUS and then import foreigners to yell at Americans through their television sets camouflaging it as a comedy show.
Elite 2: Lets get started.
No good decent American watches this shit
Former America-hating "why can't we be more like Europe" leftie here.
The Marxists have been very good at painting a picture where the economic and cultural successes of past generations of westerners were their doing while making the path of traditional western values look like the road to working in a polluted factory for $1~/hr with no access to education or porn.
To be fair, a big part of the problem is that the people on the right that I challenged were the idiot boomers who caused the current dynamic. "Why can't we be more like Europe? Because we're not Europe!" Great argument, you fat piece of shit. Why don't you explain to this dumb 20 year old kid that the peace of Europe is because they don't (didn't, at the time) have a large subversive population that was taught that they are not responsible for their place in life, and that Europe's economic future isn't as bright as he believed?
Also, the left doesn't see stuff like this as an attack on them.
They see it as an attack on the loud, paranoid, stupid, uneducated red necks who are preventing them from their glorious hyper-regulated hyper-taxed utopia where everybody is rich and there's no crime. If you believed this to be the current state of American politics, it would be funny to see the "uneducated rednecks" mocked, right?
Dane Cook isn't accurate, because Dane Cook was never funny. Jim Jefferies was funny for a time, but then he realised he could collect more Jewgold by carrying on about muh guns because what the world needs more of is alcoholic depressives with blown out rectums telling the world what's good for it. Too many dumb people who think their opinions on things they don't know about matter one bit, and the mental infancy of the average leftist creates an environment where ignoramuses like Jim feel a sensation like slipping into a warm bath every time they segue into a political rant.
The funny thing is how clearly Jefferies is acting out some kind of post-traumatic episode after he and his wife were brutalized by house invaders one time.
How fucking cucked do you have to be to go from being unable to defend yourself and your family, to demanding that no one be allowed to defend themselves?
we love how tsun-tsun europoors are for murica
>Why do Americans love foreigners telling them how shit they are?
We don't... It's only unAmerican faggots that eat this trash up
Most people are too stupid to even realize they're being directly told their shit because of le awsum accent!!!!XD
Personally I love it because it just shows the jealousy and hypocrisy of the foreigner and whatever nation they hail from. I could tear Uastralia a new asshole 10 miles wide there's so much material to talk about them, but I won't because we're fucking brothers and I love you cunts
I will say people talking shit(mostly the Brits) about us have started to make me mad but at the same time I know they do it to keep from killing themselves and that if confronted with it they'll always say "it's just bantz"
All in all we think it's funny because anybody that shits on us quite clearly hates us for what we are and I know that they've never spent any real time here and therefore are talking out their ass about something they have zero experience with or they have a home here and by very definition are a hypocrite who wants to enjoy everything we offer and leech off us but then turn around and say negative things about us.
It's a very murky area honestly
Maybe in the past. Brits don't make worthwhile contributions to pop culture aside from importing actors who've actually been trained instead of random handsome people on the street.
>Americans are not very good at performing comedy
Whatever you say Jimmie
Because its amusing to me how much they bitch about us while using our radio, telecoms and internet technology.
Theyre just like the teenies who say capitalism suxx while posting from their iphones.
I hate them. I really hate thier stupid accents an smug faces. Brits, canadians, and aussies are the worst. Samenwith scots amd irish. Spanish, mexicans, jaoa, nords, russians, chinks...
It's an invitation to remind everyone else how irrelevant they are.
Americans don't. "progressive" Americans do because it validates their "evil America" narrative.
Lefties think that the world is like middle school, where it matters whether the popular kids like you or not. To make matters worse, they regard every other country (EXCEPT RUSSIA!!!!!! >:O) as the popular ones. It's an inferiority complex, self-flagellation thing.
>We're not sending our best.
I'll say, why the fuck didn't we ever get Graham Kennedy you cunt?
Not after the 1970's
And even then that isn't true because back then our comedians were just as good as yours
Jim Jefferies used to be funny just a couple years ago. When and why did he sell his soul to the Jew? I refuse to believe it was just for a Comedy Central show that won't last a year.
>le british superior humor meme
Get it? THEY WALK FUNNY!!!!!!!!!
He was funny because /hisguy/ was in the white house so he didn't feel compelled to talk about his retarded political views all the time.
Then he saw a gold mine in feeding into liberals' self hatred, lost 50 pounds and got some hair plugs and started gobbling antigunner cock full time.
>Not getting Python
While most British humor is shit you have to be a boring no fun allowed faggot to hate anything they did
That's practically every show sketch and talkshow on latenight right now. Liberals (especially Jews) love a 'conservative' president because it gives them manufacturable controversy for their media empires.
So it was just another case of me liking someone when they didn't spout off incessantly about their political affiliation and ideals? Gotcha.
>My friend links me a jim jeffries video about america and guns
>he immediately says guns are illegal in the UK and everyone bursts into applause
>look over at my gun cabinet with my .308, semi auto 12 gauge shotgun and .50 cal bolt action
>immediately close video
no time for retards sorry OP I ain't clicking that again
>semi auto 12 gauge shotgun
>lying on the internet
>Our left wing comedy show making fun of toxic masculinity and white privilege failed! People thought that the hosts were insane and seemed to view them more as the joke than the comedians!
>Let's make another white male guilt comedy show!
>That one failed too! Somebody emailed me to tell me that they voted for Hilary but that this show single-handedly convinced that Donald Trump needs a second term!
>Let's make another!
These people really aren't ready to accept that they're not actually in full control of the American public's perception, are they?
Because the Globalists are winning
>hehehe look at me i'm a deadset drunk aussie fucking cock shit fuck shit fuck cock brb drinking moi beeeh
this guy is unbearable
Bong got hit with the long dick of kek.
> Le based Eddie Izzard
Not really, name a funny bong in recent memory. You can't, they're all guardian-tier libshit dildoes like Russel Brand.