+They're technologically advanced +They have a 100% education rate +The people aren't xenophobic but at the same time are proud of their country, race and culture +They've made significant contributions in science, art and literature + They have a sophisticated language with its own unique script +The country is fairly homogenous and less culturally diverse +They have a formidable military +They were on the right side during World War 2
Their first and only mistake ofcourse was anime.
Where did we all go wrong? Why can't we be like Japan?
>They were on the right side during World War 2 Debatable.
However, there are cons -Sexual degeneracy (love hotels, legalized sex services, etc) -Very little in the way of Christianity. When totaling Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox, they total a small number, and are rivaled in number by heretical denominations like Jehovah's Sickness and Mormonism.
That said, these really only apply if you're a Christian living in Japan. It is a remarkable country.
William Reed
Wyatt Ross
Yeah it is the best.
Fuck off, we're full.
Jaxson Myers
In my opinion, Christianity is cancer. Christianity is a Jewish religion and as such it is culturally destructive.
If you're of European descent and are proud of your heritage, Paganism is the way to go.
Justin Fisher
Bless you, chingching
Connor Bailey
They don't want you OP.
Hunter Richardson
No poos allowed
Justin Bailey
Nah, man. I'm staying here.
It sucks that all the smart mofos leave the country leaving us poo in the loos behind. Thats why we arent developing fast enough.
Sure, were getting there but its taking too long. I'd much rather help my country progress than work for some chingchongs
Kevin Cooper
That's only cause they got some cultural behavioral stuff only Japanese know about. In those pubs and restaurants.
Like not putting you chop stick upright in your food and stuff like that for example.
So the bartender or servers don't have to babysit a bunch of foreigners.
Nicholas White
to be fair most of the tourists from white countries are degenerate alcoholics