Why don't we send in a team of Navy Seals and ROK SOF (South Korean Special Forces) to take out Kim and his generals? We don't need to bomb the whole country and kill a bunch of brainwashed people just because the leader is a madman
North Korea options
Because then China and Russia would attack us.
You have to be 18+ to post here.
Niggers and Jews
Because they're not all going to be in one place at the same time and the survivors might sperg out and bomb the fuck out of South Korea since they basically have a religion that says fatty is God.
Your president has to be at least 6 feet tall to post here
You only do something like that if you're planning to invade anyways. Millions will almost certainly still die.
They live in underground bases
Who's the burn victim next to him?
sorry bro but special forces are a meme, they're not actually as magical as pop culture tells us they are
Because this isn't the movies.
The optimal height for world conquest. Napolean, Hitler, all the greats, were 5'6" - 5'8"
And you know how...?
Because South Korean Special Forces are scared of crashing in helicopters. They'd rather go in alone.
Go to school, son.
OP seems to think that North Korea is another Afghanistan or Syria. It is a highly militarized nation with over a million active soldiers and another 3 or 4 in reserves. All trained and brainwashed by the govt using tactics taught to them by Russia during the Cold War.
You think a team of Navy Seals would even get near Pyongyang? I don't think so.
No South Korean miltiary gf. why even live?
>Special Forces
More like Predator Drone or AC-130. Regardless, you ask an interesting question:
You make it sound so easy so you fucking do it. Go on now here's what you're gonna do:
>Go to anti-personnel mine filled shithole with no proper intel whatsoever of whereabouts of the only fat man in the country oh yeah and the generals too.
>Avoid detection at a all cost of any kind so you don't start a shitshow that might cost you your life.
>Have a 100 % certainty that you won't fucking miss the possible shot or the fucker won't get away before you even make the shot.
>Somehow manage to make it out alive and go back home for a beer.
it worked so well in iraq, libya, and pretty much everywhere else we've tried it.
how about we just stay the fuck in our country and take care of our own?
Daily reminder that South Koreans deserve to get invaded
SOF are already on NK's borders.
I know, but it sounds like our retarded liberals still singing 'give peace a chance'.
These niggas look like they're ready to war.
>Attack Japan
Mup beep
Brilliant plan. There's no way that could go awry.
It is already known that CIA has tried to kill Kim Jong Un several times but failed.
1. It's extremely hard to infiltrate North korea. Mostly because they are all koreans, so using whites to infiltrate is useless so it has to be koreans.
2. If you manage to infiltrate the country with anti-KJU koreans, the next step would be to actually staying undercover. Regular north koreans doesn't have access to the well-off areas of the country, they can't walk around at night, they have to walk past several control points every single day on their way to work, etc etc etc.
Just imagine infiltrating a korean nazi germany during wartime AND they have modern tech that will allow them to check their systems for false ID's, etc. It's pretty much impossible.
Not to mention that they would have no idea where KJU actually is in the country since infiltrators can't reach top positions after just a few years undercover. It will take them decades if not generations to infiltrate top official ranks.
Well you can just fit in as a local
I got a plan.
We buy north korea and sell time shares to russia and china.
Are you fucking 12?
The long term infiltration of Korean operatives would probably be the best possible scenario as even after the removal of Kim Jong Un or his successor(s) the country would need some sort of legitimate pre-established ruler to avoid mass suicides and/or a warlord-type civil war. It is a lose-lose situation but it can only be mitigated by controlling the current NK government
go back to cod booby
t.shitbag that failed basic training and is now assblasted for eternity
naa no no way, they have way too much to lose
kek I missed that.
What the fuck are they smoking?
Reported to Pentagon and NSA for leaking classified information. Expect a visit from Secret Service and FBI Counter-Intelligence in the next 48 hours. IP tracked and logged. Thank you.
China wants to keep their buffer zone and no one wants to fix millions of malnourished commie gooks.
*SEAL's? I always feel like acronym plurals look weird without apostrophes.
>the leader is a madman
That's what the MSM wants you to believe.
Probably due to all of that pent up anger
Great plan OP.
Now tell me how this is supposed to make shit loads of money for war profiteers...
Because Rex Tillerson have decided that dialog is the best option and that you want to be friends with NKorea.
China already tried that, it ended in Kim's uncle being fed to dogs.
>why don't we just have a coup
why don't you just pay attention in history class you dumb nigger
and in case you haven't noticed, they're literally one of the only non-Jewishly-controlled countries
Unless Trump can find a way around Mattis and Kelly and Congress, war will never happen.
There are plenty of decent options with North Korea. If Trump hadn't gutted the State Dept, we might be on our way to a nuclear freeze a la Iran right now. North Korea has stated again and again that these weapons are only for deterrence, and that they're willing to freeze the program if the US & SK scale back their military exercises and give them aid. They're trying to copy Mao's tactic of normalizing relations, likely eventually aiming for a Nixon type economic deal:
Stop swallowing propaganda, North Korea has no interest in actually using their weapons. They're solely for the sake of causing a deterrence to the west while gathering support at home. They've said countless times that they wouldn't use the nukes unless provoked. Kim is anything but suicidal. If his actions have told us anything, they've told us that he's a cold and calculating leader bent on maintaining rule.
Mao did the exact same thing. Diplomacy is the only option.
They're a horrible state, but provoking them is harmful nonsense.
>Thinking young Kim actually calls the shots instead of the people that surround him
You must be at least 18 years old to post here.
There's not much evidence otherwise especially given that the killed off one of NK's oldest and most influential generals presumably to prevent a military coup. And even if he's not in control, it doesn't really change much, their actions still point to the same Maoist playbook.
Kim Jung Doughnut and North Korea are a lighting rod, an intentional one at that set up for the world governments as a convenient boogieman. The UN would never allow it's puppet nations to be so bold as to remove their whipping boy. He will die when he ceases to be of use to the UN
Why not throw in the SAS to help?
They need to drop a God Rod next time he has a parade
His wife...i mean grandma...wait no, it's his wife.
gonna need some confirmation this is real other than some shooped png off 9gag
Supposedly South Korea has some plans on the table for infiltration of the North. The point is, this will require a more delicate, nuanced approach than was used in Iraq, Libya, and Syria.
When does school start back up again?
James bond tried and he was caught.
because real life isn't COD you fucking retarded faggot. Navy Seals aren't fucking wizards, killing Kim is impossible because he is protected by an army of bodyguards, trying to assassinate him will lead to a full scale war and your governments knows it.
>why are ameriturds so fucking dumb and childish jesus christ
Big Kim eats special fores for breakfast
He take his peepee take her peepee
Put his peepee in her peepee
Rub the peepee on the peepee
Make it feel so good
Take his peepee take her peepee
Put the peepee in the peepee
Rub the peepee on the peepee
And go "ooh ooh ooh!"
Get the fuck out of here, faggoty civic. We should carpet bomb all non-white countries (excluding the Japs).
>implying SOF of any country can do shit against a prepared ennemy without air - sea - land support to back their ass up.
Man, there are still people in Libya who would like to shake your hand in gratitude for their freedom. Please, find a time to visit them.