Loli loving pedos in Britbongistan got BTFO!
Loli loving pedos in Britbongistan got BTFO!
>certain shapes of rubber are illegal
>ignore actual child trafficing and sexual exploitation of British girls
The UK everyone.
>first they make certian numbers illegal
>then they make certain arrangement of pixels illegal
>then they make a certain arrangement of plastic molecules illegal
where does it end
Get a soul, bin that doll!
>certain age of a mass of cells is illegal to fuck
>certain movements of your own body in certain situations is illegal
so obscene is illegal lol cant wait when they lock down their racist black cuckold.. oh wait ;P
Think about the Muslims! Won't someone please think about the Muslims?
>All the nonces defending this
Glad they are banned desu
Uhmmmm sweetie, like, wrong?
Child sex dolls are for dumb filthy ape republican't voting degenerate white pedophiles.
The """"""child"""" postitution LIES by the nazi right wing media where just muslims and their wifes, it's their culture.
If it is considered obscene wouldn't that mean the author publishing that photo is facilitating an illegal image?
Just remember that this doesn't apply to Scotland due to the different legal system, plus the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 doesn't apply there either.
Lol, your country is literally run by middle aged women
It's the only explanation for your retarded laws
A viable solution for pederasity reveals itself and Bongs are too wankerish to embrace it.
> Uhmmmm sweetie, like, wrong?
Like, for reeeeeal ?
> Child sex dolls are for dumb filthy ape republican't voting degenerate white pedophiles.
Filthy ape white people? Lmfao. Okay.
And you think hardcore conservatives are pedos.
You know I argue with some liberal about why
pedophilia is wrong on here every day. It's you.
Not conservatives. But I know you're just making shit up because you're a woman.
> The """"""child"""" postitution LIES by the nazi right wing media where just muslims and their wifes, it's their culture.
So you're saying the media took children molested by Muslims and framed other people for it. Yea that's a fucking stretch.
God you people are stupid.
So what? This is fucking degeneracy at its worst. You moral crusaders need to make up your mind. Pedos should be hanged.
Britain is nothing but shitskins and the serfs that provide for them. I can no longer give a shit about an empire that killed itself.
Bin that island.
they're not hanging them though, they're just cockblocking them
well IMO it's just the UKuck using cuck policy as per usual
Am I falling for an amazing level of irony or an amazing level of stupidity?
Either way I'm amazed
Absolutely fine with me. What's the point of an oppressive nanny state if it isn't going to at least ban child sex dolls?
>Certain combinations of my atoms with someone else's are illegal unless electrons are sent to some muscle cells to create a sound wave in a certain way.
>Britain is nothing but shitskins
>coming from 56%istan
>responding seriously to le ironic shitpost
Gas yourself.
This doll doesn't have childlike features beyond the size.
files on your pc that arrange pixles a certain way are illegal
Guess Britbongs will have to resort back to their nieces.
lmao good shit nirvana was the best rock band dude
reminder that porn prostitutes with small breasts are not allowed in UK or AUSland
reminder that sex dolls with small breasts will be treated as child sex dolls
reminder that eventually real legally-aged women will be illegal if their breasts are an A cup or smaller
>government funded, forced implants at the age of 18 for booblets
Unless you're brown of course.
>Guess I'll just go fuck a real one like the Muslims then!
These doggos didnt!
>when your country bans inanimate sex dolls resembling children but actively defends mudslime rape gangs prostituting, raping, and murdering children on an industrial scale, threatening victims and their families with prison when they come forward.
Must be some sort of European high culture thing.
"Obscene" doesnt mean they're illegal bruh
Thoughts, i'd imagine.
what does it mean?
Can we Scottish just get out own flag please
I dont want to keep getting lumped in with the cucked English, all these anti-porn laws dont apply to us
They should be charging a license fee for each one ontop of sales tax
And yet here when a shitskin rapes a child, he either goes to prison forever, where he is raped and kept in conditions to encourage suicide, or a family member kills him and the jury refuses to convict.
It pretty much does. Have you seen how vague most of our laws are?
>Get 6 months for the fifty finding a knife in your kitchen
>Mohammed gets a key to the city when they find out he hasn't raped his daughter...yet
It's because the brain isn't old enough yet.
If you kill the brain before the fucking it's just plain old necrophilia.
>It's because the brain isn't old enough yet.
How do you know? Have you been on the deep web yet again, Hans?
>tfw this image is illegal in England but not Scotland
Can someone actually give a 'good' reason why loli and shota is illegal?
I didn't think art (which has a very loose definition) had human rights.
I understand not taking photos of kiddies or fucking them, because they are kiddies
But drawn kiddies? Pixel kiddies? They can't feel, they aren't alive, there is no victim (except maybe the one wanking over lolis instead of getting some real puss)
There is no reason for it to be illegal, if loli ends up illegal then that sets precedent for every artistic depiction of an illegal act to be banned, which is fucking insane
This guy is right. Also its an argument over whether porn is good or bad. For example, would the serial killers before the internet used it to relieve their urges or would it have only made them more extreme? No way to know
If only we had some sort of statistics, if only.
> Orwellian shithole bans things
Color me surprised
But it is illegal, right? Last time I checked.
What is the difference between drawing loli porn and drawing a 'hate crime'? Both have no victims, and both are crimes IRL.
It makes no sense.
CP is very easy to find. Would legal loli be better? I mean, I've seen a little bit of CP (when anons shitpost it). It seems very boring. Loli can be anything, but CP is actual, annoying children, why is that fun?
Plus there is the fact that many who like loli don't like actual children
what the fuck im not even a bong and im fucking triggered you cant even buy fucking knives and the fucking tv (((license)))
It's not illegal in any country with non-retard judges.
>Inorganic, child-shaped pieces of plastic get more human rights than actual living, breathing, flesh and blood children
why even reply
>be Muslim in Britain
>it's ok to marry and fuck a 10 year old
>be white male in Britain
>go to jail for buying a doll that looks too young
Please replace "Britain" with "England" in future postings, its them that have these fucking laws dont lump the rest of us in
Good. Fuck pedo scum.
too right lad too right, and angry anglo's have convinced Sup Forums that its us who is the most cucked
wtf why is the head apart from the body? EWWW
>need a license for any air rifle
>not cucked
Actually we just need a license for realistic looking air rifles, get it right
we don't, I don't know what the fuck that law is about though cause I ow nplenty of air rifles and know people who do and there has been literally no change to us, also isn't it you anglo's who need a license to buy spoons
Good. Child sex dolls are just slightly less degenerate than paedophilia
You can rape, murder and shove chopped remains of teenage british girls into kebabs, but not certain shapes of rubber are obscene
"English" girls, not "British"
>Loli loving pedos in Britbongistan got BTFO!
sex toys are illigal now?
>inb4 dolls and cartoons have feeling that need to be protected.
>implying the law is enforced
I swear anglos are absolute pussies, scotland is the last place where you can experience the real britain anymore, I saw an old guy last week walking down the street with an air rifle and nobody batted an eyelid
just because its in law doesn't mean shit also
> but only 100,000 have been accounted for so far.
kek the other 400k are just "missing"
Farmers seem to be true britons imo
>the british goverment is more concerned >about protecting the rights of innanimate object than actual real people.
ill remind you again not to lump all of us in with those cucks
its the "english" government, not "british"
But apparently if yer a mudslime muslim its perfectly fine to go around raping little girls without a care in the world.