12 year old Youtuber calls out Katy Perry on feminism & cultural appropriation
Is LtCorbis /our girl/?
Other urls found in this thread:
Most definitely
Piss off
fuck off plebbit faggot with your ecelebs cancer
how long til the nudes leak
Trying so hard to be Pew.
is it pedo to unironically want to marry her?
i would deep dick her so hard
dont act like she isnt adult enough for it
She probably goes to Sup Forums because she thinks it makes her super edgy and cool, I know I did at her age.
Wouldn't be surprised if she browsed Sup Forums
She's obviously be coached by her father.
>OP is her father
Shes so qt:3
Damn almost 700k pedos on youtube...impressive.
Everyone would
Shes 12 so i think that falls under hebephile rather than pedo
She also hates communism:
her lips are getting puffy. Not good.
this is creepy as hell
you drumpfkins have no shame
>I'm 12 btw
>my channel is growing bigger than my forehead
gtfo you fucking pedo
Generation Zyklon strikes again.
she's fine i guess.
go back to plebbit. she's hot af
If you're under 16, your political opinions are 100% irrelevant.
i love her boy-ish voice, i wanna hear her moan when i thrust my cock into her tiny beautiful pussy and lick it
wtf, 12 year olds acting like pewdiepie, it's fucking weird.
Well, Jappo, I gotta give it to you: at least you're honest.
She is just a front. some dude is running shit behind the scenes.
kek i live where that happened
did she ever comment on this?
Shadman is obviously a pedo. Why does no one care and why isn't hei n jail yet?
Hey, don't steal my lines, faggot.
I wonder what would her reaction be to this
Honestly if this was 2008 I'd agree. However this kid is young enough to never remember a time without smartphones and tablets. It's entirely possible if she was a gifted girl to formulate these opinions at her early age and be able to put together basic MLG tier videos since she's been watching and reading for years.
She's 100% /ourgirl/
pic related
Well I disagree
I'm really surprised her school hasn't tried to come after her on some BS code of conduct or BS social media policy.
I want our real girl back. This isn't fair.
Kid is smarter than me
does she have tits then?
Shes budding
lmao holy shit, where are that kids parents? she's not wrong in what she's saying, but still...
>where are that kids parents?
She's obviously just catering to the_donald by arguing the same arguments that have refuted SJW's many times, she's similar to Lauren southern but i would say she's going to be smarter than Lauren.
Damn, first we get the 11 year old calling a guy a nigger and now we've got a little girl calling out libtards. America might end up alright after all.
Humans are honestly biologically designed to be able to think comprehensively at an early age due to natural selection. We used to have an average lifespan of around 30-40 years. 13 year olds used to inherit kingdoms.
And no this not advocating fucking kiddiefucking but people don't realize how smart advanced children actually can be. We have teenagers with Phd's now.
>12 years old
You stick out like a sore thumb faggot
are you some degenerate who would say "no"?
Literally who?
Pixels =/= Children
He moved to the US, it isn't illegal there.
ok lads keep this thread going
>Pixels =/= Children
t. pedo
Stop whoring your daughter out, user.
>Listens to Odd Future
She's going to be a thot bruh.
not an argument
>cp is illegal
>foot shit is a-okay
Just blow it all up.
>"I HATE SJWs and I'm a grill!"
Faggot shit
If you're mouthy like that under the age of 16 I will smack the fuck out of you. Idc if you're a cute little girl.
I didn't say that I dissaprove, just that people that defend it are in denial. Jerkin it to anime dudes would be gay, even so it's just pixels aswell.
You sure about that?
Well, not here, in your country they aren't. Over here it is practically worse than raping a baby
I hate this argument. What you see is just stimulie. Sex happens in your head. When you look at pictures of children, you obviously fantasize about children.
>le little alt-lite e-celeb that trump supporters fap to everyday
didn't she get exposed for being a puppet for youtube money?
Dear lord the things i would do to her gorgeous face and tight pre-teen body
Totally okay when a child spouts Marxist bullshit though eh?
>exposed for being a puppet
>every time she's on video she has someone's arm up her ass controlling her
breddy hot
But of course. Fuck H8 for example. A-okay
>12 year old Youtuber calls out Katy Perry on feminism & cultural appropriation
realy another e celeb trash giong after low hanging fruit?
Speak for yourself.
I'd personally prefer pedofags fapping over pixels than posing a potential threat to real children (not that they aren't). Just less likely to do so if they can jack their pathetic selves off to animted pictures of infants.
It's just deplorable.
I remember when she first blew up, people thought she was legit speaking her mind but some user who was friends with her dad told us she is basically parroting what her family wants her to say so that they can live off of youtube ad revenue. No coincidence that she has a 'business email' and does not own her channel.
still running those guns eh?
>goes to Sup Forums because she thinks it makes her super edgy and cool, I know I did at her age
You still do user.
Fuck this shit. Weak men are the problem. First the beta cucks make such a debt that future generations are born into debt slavery and now they are so weak that they leave 12 years old girls to solve their social failings?
White people need to man the fuck up. The only reason other races can even compete is because we have gotten weaker collectively not them becoming stronger.
smack her naked butt
It feels weird seeing a 12 year old girl on the internet like this. She shouldn't be exposing herself to the public like this at that age.
She's a lieutenant? Which Branch?
Fucking kek, first thing I thought when I saw that a 12 year old is getting into the redpill. Well, actually, first thing I thought was, why is a 12 year old getting into the redpill?
nu-right involves watching videos made by 12-year-old girls...i remember when being right-wing meant you killed niggers and gypsies without feeling an ounce of remorse
she'd already be married to a goat in your country ackmed
m8 you're fucking retarded. There are already thousands of white men talking about this sort of shit on the internet.
The fact that she's 12 year-old girl just makes her notable, not someone who will solve social failings.
Hey if any of you cops are left over from the Cardiff thing could you remove these pedos pls
k thank
>united kaliphate
she'd already be married to a goat since 4 years in your country sadik
Seriously, who is this? Is this leafy?
I think you have me mistaken friend, I do not hail from Englandstan
It's not uncommon for minors who are famous on Youtube to be managed by their parents.
Got any proof? Or is this just grapevine shit?