US immigration

I'm currently in the USA, and the purpose of the trip was to basically scout out areas which would be good to settle in. My wife and I are sick to death of the UK and need to get out.
My question is, how the hell are there so many non skilled immigrants everywhere in cities, when getting a green card/citizenship is so difficult?
We've looked at all the guidelines and it seems the easiest way is to have an immediate relative who is a US citizen, or have an extremely high level qualification. The people working at a couple of our hotels could barely speak English and were doing unskilled labour. How are they here?
Help me out Sup Forums, what is the easiest way to get a green card/citizenship?

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The democrats made it effectively illegal to deal with them. Don't worry though they will be gone soon enough.

As for you, perhaps a work visa? Best bet is to find a decent company that wants you or your wife and will sign your work visa shit. After a bit of time on the work visa you can apply for citizenship.
Takes a while, but all legal ways take a decent amount of time. Having American relatives helps speed it up, of course.

They're called illegals m8, dont worry about, if you got skills and can speak English you should be welcomed with open arms. Good luck on the move

Work visa or the lottery will be the easiest and only decently "quick" way to get in and do it legally. Still stupid difficult and time consuming.

Is that a sponsored green card, or just a temporary work visa?
Thanks for the advice

If you can get a job with a corporation or some nice business they may sponsor you

>After a bit of time on the work visa you can apply for citizenship
That's not how it works at all. No visa allows this. You have to get a green card.

The easiest way to get in even for whites is an H1-B and then green card sponsorship. Wait 5 years minimum on the green card and then you are eligible to apply for citizenship.

You start off with a temporary work visa sponsered by a company. A few months to a year i believe after that they will be able to get you a green card. After a few years of being a permanent resident (which has most of the benefits of being a citizen) you can start to apply for citizenship. It's a lengthy process but honestly its one of the easiest in the west to obtain. Good luck and enjoy your trip.

What state are you looking to live in?

It breaks my heart that there are so many of these unskilled bean people here, it confuses me as to how they're able to get in over Euros. I know in places like Nevada, Sen. Harry Reid (D) was caught up in a scandal for pulling strings with ICE to give amnesty to illegal beaners working in Hotels in Vegas
No one cares though

One other thing I've heard of is Mexicans using anchor babies to gain citizenship, my wife and I are planning a family in the next couple years, if she was to fall pregnant then give birth in the USA, would that make it easier for us to gain citizenship considering the child would have a US passport?

Burger here about to move to the U.K. For 2 years...
How bad is it?
How bad will it be for a politically incorrect liberty lover like myself?

Texas or Arizona. I really liked both but my wife loved Arizona. Currently in DC atm, would not like to live here.

Coward, kill yourself instead

>One other thing I've heard of is Mexicans using anchor babies to gain citizenship
That's not a real thing (for whites). Your child is automatically American when it is born here but cannot legally sponsor you until it's 21 years old and the process takes almost a decade.

>if she was to fall pregnant then give birth in the USA, would that make it easier for us to gain citizenship
It would cost you about 30K in medical fees.

Arizona by far best gun laws that's all you really need to know.

don't move to a left wing area.

The UK is a cesspool. Every day I'm amazed at how bad its getting. Its illegal to post incorrect thoughts on social media, you can go to jail for having a knife, literal Communists are in the government and everyone is so scared of getting jailed that they say/do nothing while Muslims and lefties are given free reign. Recently the military and police flew gay pride flags at all their bases/stations. The culture here is about getting drunk, eating a kebab then passing out in the street. I could go on, but that should be enough to convince you hopefully. I hate what the UK has become.

Not very as long as you go to the right regions. Stay out of large cities, stay in rural areas. Keep out of most of the south.

Lmao you just live in a wrong region then. Move to southwest

>59.6% were Non-Hispanic Whites

Enjoy your rape gangs and going to jail for complaining about it m8. I can recognise a sinking ship when I see one.

Hmm, going to be in Birmingham, is it full of shitskins?

Birmingham is a massive shithole.

Go AZ.

Better economy, better laws, less blacks, mexicans keep to themselves, move to a white city like Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa. Anything East side.

I'm from Vegas and you're seeing a lot more whites from Slavic countries taking beaner's jobs because they son't give attitude and actually like working. Also, Nevada having the secobd lowest Muslim population in the US is an excellent reason to live there.

Absolutely. Would suggest southwest England instead
Even then there's white areas I've seen. Stay in those streets.

Florida is the only real choice. Cheap land low taxes.

Birmingham is genuinely the worst city in the UK.
There are no whites there. There are entire areas which are like 99%Pakistanis and graffiti in places saying stuff like 'no whites after 9pm'. Think no go areas, rape gangs and knife gangs.

Oh and last week some girl got raped by a Muslim there, flagged down a car for help and got raped again by the Muslim driver.

Florida blows, I'm in south Florida now and the only good thing is no state income tax. Plenty of nicer states without income tax that are worth considering if thats a main motivation.

Florida sucks ass. It's a hodge podge of a state and everyone moves here from elsewhere, making the sense of community nonexistant since no one is from here or stays here. If you want to live in a community full of transients and people who aren't active in it (55+ y/os), then come to Florida!

I have good news

While liberals are already claiming victory saying "demographics are destiny", they are missing a crucial detail: Trump's interest in White Immigration

Trump: Let's Bring in More Europeans

Trump on Merit-Based Immigration

Trump and Loyalists like Bannon and Sessions want to increase Immigration for whites. While Blocking immigration from most of the third world. He's interested in replacing the 1965 immigration act with a modified version of the 1924 immigration act which would benefit white immigrants. The whites will probably come from Europe/Anglosphere/Southern Africa when it comes to the country of origin. Instead of Southern/Eastern Europeans being blocked in this modified immigration act. It will target the most third world instead, As they've been flooding the US nonstop since 1965 with little to no success. It could also make immigration numbers shrink from 1 Million to 250,000-500,000 immigration arrivals, Most of which would be from Anglo or European countries. This immigration proposal might completely reverse the demographic downfall of America as the nonwhite birth rate is started to shrink, and since less and less third worlders would arrive the number of nonwhites births will shrink while the US will gain 1% of white growth in America each year because of this Pro-European/Anglo immigration plan. This, Along with the RAISE Act, Mass Deportations of both Illegals and Dreamers and Lowered Taxes could keep America a white majority country.

Related Links:
Sessions Praise of the 1924 Immigration act

Pat Dollard's White Majority Project

Donald Trump’s Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration

>low taxes

come on to texas! we have tons of brits and other former commonwealth people. I've had at least 5 south african neighbors, two of my current neighbors are UK originally, and I've met a few Australians. arizona is a nice state, but Texas has one of the strongest, and spread out economies, oil, minerals, electronics, aircraft, hell, TI makes tons of parts for the military. Also, TEXAS NO 1 SUPER POWER BY 2020

stay there and face your problems heads on

Fuck, that truly sucks, my gf will be working at Birmingham university so I really don't have a choice... any way to reliably commute from outside the city?

>I'm currently in the USA
>Bong flag

Question, how difficult would it be to get a work visa if youre only work experience is in animal husbandry?

I'm using mobile data, that's probably why the flag comes up, still a UK carrier. Weird.

>Come to Texas
>40% white
>White people to be found nowhere in any of the major cities

You're a cuck, and a traitor

You should kill yourself.

1. Democrats
2. "Undocumented immigrants"
4. No border wall.

They tested the immigration shit on us before they did it to Europe. Fortunately we woke up and stopped that shit. We are in the process of reversing it right now.

>how the hell are there so many non skilled immigrants everywhere
go to a starbucks or whatever the local chain is, wherever you're staying
notice there are 6/7 people manning 2 coffee machines and 2 registers, and still manage to take 5+ minutes to serve a simple coffee
jobs are plentiful here because every task is overdesigned, every role overcompartimentalized by corporate, in order to hire zero experience, zero skill people, for a pittance an hour

No better than a refugee

My condolences chap. Be careful where you go with an American accent.

I'm in Texas. there are native Tejanos who have been here since the Alamo. They act like your average joe smith but they're a bit tanner. They also hate illegals with a passion. More than me.

Though I agree he probably shouldn't move here until after the wall is built

I'm in the army, I've done my time and been deployed and given my bit back. And for what? So my kids can grow up in a leftist shit hole infested by Muslims where they can't even defend themselves? No thanks.
You can call me names all you like. I can see the writing on the wall.

>I'm currently in the USA
Checks flag.
No you're not.

Don't go to a city

>I'm in Texas

I don't a flying fuck about you or your opinions, Pablo.

Fellow brit user thinking of immigrating here. I'm thinking of going via a family visa my mother's brother is a permanent resident who is getting citizenship in the near future and I'm just under 21 so we are planning on going out there together.

Question for USA anons is Missouri a good place to live? I have extended family out there and that would be my ideal destination.

I'm on WiFi now m8

I'm probably whiter than you, which is hilarious considering where you live, Abdul.

Anybody got that US immigration infographic?

Maybe he's behind 7 proxies.

You can apply for employment authorization and legal resident status. If you're a resident, you aren't allowed to the leave the country and then come back. You can also come as students on an F1 or J1 visa.

If you're actually serious, I suggest you talk to an immigration lawyer. The people here telling you about H1-B and green cards as the only way don't know what they're talking about.

Resident status:

Employment authorization:

Again, talk to an immigration lawyer

>I'm probably whiter than you


Look at my first post, Trump will be expanding European immigration.

I just feel the need to hammer home that this is what Americans consider white.

Even by the 1930's, Hitler considered you mystery meat mutts with no value. That was before your nation accepted tens of millions of Mexicans.

I'm aware of that, but I'm providing practical advice that people I know are following and doing themselves which is useful now.


Texas is a lost cause, I see them always saying how based mestizos are when that's not the case at all. We really need to repeal the 1965 immigration act before we become a minority. I rather have Europeans coming here then nonwhites. You invite the third world, you become the third world.

I tried getting Brit friends over here by making them partners in an LLC. Didn't work as financial requirements weren't satisfied. I have no idea how all these shitskins pull it off

>Help me out Sup Forums, what is the easiest way to get a green card/citizenship?
Marry a US citizen

No it isn't you stupid fucking nigger.
Getting real sick of your bullshit.


Go suck off one of your based mestizos

Read this

We will mostly get European immigration pretty soon.

>be white
>Like / have guns
>Have a skilled trade
>Have a decent amount of money saved up
>Apply for jobs in the states
>Hear nothing back

Stuck in turdeau land forever

I hear if you are a fat, gay, retard they let you right in.

Don't worry my Canadian friend, I posted something explaining about how Trump will allow more White immigration in my first post.

Shut the fuck up faggot.
I hate the spics too.
Stupid faggots like you trying to convince white people to avoid Texas is making shit worse you stupid piece of shit.

Would a step mother count as immediate family to sponsor me btw?

>he thinks I'm a spic
Lol, by what quantifiable measure would a half-kraut, half-potato-nigger be a spic?

Start a youtube political channel.

Clapsharts eat that british accent like there's no tomorrow.
See John Oliver.

Immigration to the US, not Canada

why would you move to a place that is 56% white (at most) allready?

I'll immigrate to your mom, bitch.

You know that wall we're always memeing about? Now you know why.

>graffiti in places saying stuff like 'no whites after 9pm'
Elaborate Nigel.

Wow, rude much?

There is an inherent problem in that any actual "white" nation are all in Eastern-Europe. Where corruption and African-tier wages reign supreme.

Nobody wins.

literally just moved to arizona a week ago. the heat is just nutty, i've stepped outside like twice since i've been here.

haven't been east yet, so don't know about that. but north (flagstaff) is nice.

I met my first Argentinian last night, he was asking all of us if we spoke spanish. Nobody speaks spanish in canada you retards.

In New Jersey people from Eastern Europe and the USSR countries have taken such service jobs in resort towns.

What's wrong with Poland and Hungary?


Why should Slavs even live in Jew Jersey? They should live in Pennsylvania.

Was he White? Italian White? Or mestizo?

He was whiter than me lol.

They have a sign spray painted on a wall stating that there are no white people allowed after 9pm.
How was that hard to understand? Japan does the same thing.

That's easy, Chang.

I scotch-irish you cunt.


>My question is, how the hell are there so many non skilled immigrants everywhere in cities, when getting a green card/citizenship is so difficult?

The sad reality is that it is easier to immigrate to the US illegally than it is to go through the proper channels.

Hopefully Trump will change that.

Fat pimply teenager detected

eh.... Stay away from St Louis

I just fucking told you, Carlos.

>Was he white

Geez, you really are an idiot...

>The sad reality is that it is easier to immigrate to the US illegally than it is to go through the proper channels.
I always wonder why crossing the canadian border isn't done more often. It's literally a straight line in the forest, impossible to miss.