Trump is fighting the deep state.
Deep state doesn't have political affiliation.
How does this end?
Okay we've got the Awan's, we know deep state runs an out of band network for "stakeholders" so they can communicate freely with documents that don't officially exist.
> soros.jpg
We've got one of their computers.
We go after that, DWS takes a long break and finds a new girlfriend once this Seth Rich thing is blown open.
> Sorry about that bus that ran you over, signed Hillary
We know Obama weaponized the intelligence agencies using Brennon, Clapper and Rogers. We got rid of Brennon and Clapper, Rogers remains.
They want Trump out, by any means necessary. Do they still have enough clout for a hit? They are paper pushers, the rank and file are largely Patriots, do they have anyone on the inside that can carry something out?
The Clinton Cartel has connections to many countries, do they have enough remaining power to outsource a hit?
We know Obama is telling the media what to say, two meetings a day from his place in DC. Nobody believes the media, they still doing it. Why?
> Why aren't we sending pizza?
Trumpo is fighting the Democrats, the Republicans, the Media, Social Networks, Outside Forces. Fuck it, hire all the generals.
They took out Lincoln, they took out JFK, they tried to take out Reagan. Why wouldn't they try to take out Trump?
Trump is smart, he has contingency. What is the contingency?
This is a war we're watching, we have very little information. We know how corrupt WDC is, we know Trump is here to stop it. Can he possibly win?