originally it was a chart to check your privilege.
Kill nazis
kill the mentally ill and degenerates degrading society
being obese is being mentally ill too
you see strong obese men working hard jobs, but not retards or trannies working hard demanding jobs. if that's their pleasure, let it be as long as it doesn't halt them completly.
oh didn't see the obese/disabled one
and what about morbidly obese people?
Kill christians, but not Buddhist. Is this MouthyBuddha?
Everyone except white Christians/deists.
>Some other kind of brown
Can't offend the mongrels.
>Not killing the blacks
Only reason I don't kill Indians is that A: their culture really is part of America, and B: they're doing a great job dying out on their own (1.3 replacement rate). Plus they stay on the reservations and keep to themselves.
damn polan why exterminate the proles and leave rich crippled Asians alive?
I didn't know what did it mean, but I assume that it might be hispanic and some of them are cool
my autism demanded to fix the template at least a bit
hey that's great, thanks
they'll kill themself without help
I wouldn't kill anyone because I'm not a degenerate nigger.
implying your people woudn't be degenerate niggers if you didn't kill the jews
You people are really twisting the definition of "degenerate". You won't kill anyone but they will kill you.
>thou shalt not kill
You probably call yourself a christian too.
[x] poor
No more women, just nerdy men fucking their sexbots and each other.
adolf you killed the normie genders
>adolf accidentally kills off all humans in his quest to rid the world of degenerates
What does Sup Forums think of my chart?
kekd a little
Hello, fellow nazipedes! We should go bash some people of color, or "poopskins" as I like to call them. 13/37, Hail Himmler! Gas the Jews, culture war now! Praise Lol!