How the fuck do people get addicted to opiates in a psychological sense? They don't give any euphoria or anything, just a numbing sensation.
My theory: people (especially males) who get addicted to them are predisposed to violence and are a way of self-medicating in that they reduce testosterone and "mellow" the person out. Women get addicted to them to add hellish drama into peoples lives and play the victim card. The euphoric aspect doesn't exist; anyone who was ever prescribed them knows this. They have no reinforcing qualities! If you get addicted, not only is it your own fault, but you are a retard for pretending these things are pleasurable in the first place.
Painkillers are the only drug that have ever made me feel euphoria lol. Still should have the poison taken out of them(acetametaphine)
Eat a dick OP
Jonathan Davis
>They don't give any euphoria or anything, just a numbing sensation. op is a straight up retard lol
Gavin Walker
You think their pleasurable, then you have brain damage. Masturbation feels better for fucks sake.
Hudson Wright
Noah Scott
Colton Morales
Look everyone! OP has a theory!
Eli Sanders
Psychological wounds dont heal
Some of us just live in pain 24/7
Easton Richardson
The opioid receptors built up tolerance very quickly so addiction is rapid and rather severe. A numbing sensation is blissful, you get an endorphin rush, making you feel good, it's impossible to be stressed or have strong emotions under opioids. Men and women both get addicted cos they quickly lose the ability to produce their own endorphins (you must be retarded if you think women get addicted to drugs for attention you basement dweller) Lack of endorphins makes you feel like shit, so you seek out that artificial boost again. Long term usage damages your own ability to produce them as you'll become even more dependant.
Robert Anderson
>My theory >My take on it >I think >I suggest >I'd imagine >I'm willing to bet >lacking critical thinking skills to engage in any of the above and criticizing others for having a higher IQ Nice.
Dominic Morgan
>get addicted cos they quickly lose the ability to produce their own endorphins I was referring strictly to the alleged psychological addictiveness of these drugs; not the physiological addictiveness. Of course if you quit them you're going to have withdrawal symptoms but they're not "worth" getting addicted to in the first place.
Isaiah Collins
Psychological addiction comes first but it isn't as strong. It would be merely the desire to feel no pain physical or psychical, without the physical addiction most people wouldn't get addicted to opioids.
Jonathan Jenkins
I explained. Endorphin boost makes you feel good ,makes you return maybe a second time. Numbing effect is pleasant, it's a reason many people do cannabinoid. Maybe you'll try a few times for those things, get addicted early. If you have chronic pain addiction is a result of trying to deal with the pain. There is the escapism from real life, a major reason a lot of drug addicts start and come from Shitty backgrounds.. If life is awful a few hours in a blissful doped up state seems attractive. Like the psychological reasons are hand in hand with physiological reasons. You cannot separate the two that easily
Hudson Diaz
Even Steven Hawking would call you a faggot.
Christian Jenkins
Dylan Ortiz
>If life is awful a few hours in a blissful doped up state seems attractive. Seems like we have a "shitty life" epidemic, not an opioid epidemic.
Benjamin Collins
>They don't give any euphoria Nigger level retarded.
James Cox
Women use because of drama? Our opiate epidemic started because doctors were prescribing pain pills to anyone for anything. Now that they are tightening down on this heroin is an alternative and it is actually cheaper than weed. These people that abuse opiates fall into a high-risk category anyways. If it was not opiates it would be something else. They are numbing because they do not have the strength to deal with reality. We are a nation of people who believe pills are going to magically fix us. There are people that would sell their kids into sex slavery for a fix. I hope you overdose and die. Have a wonderful day
Grayson Edwards
Opioids activate receptors in the nucleus accumbens, basically an addiction center. Part of the same pathway activated with dopamine.
The way I was taught to remember it was, if something activates your nucleus accumbens, your brain says "hey I liked that, do that again"
"and again"
"and again"
Wyatt Collins
>They don't give any euphoria or anything, just a numbing sensation. Said no one whose ever snorted oxys. If you think opiods don't get you high you haven't tried opiods and you're just lying.
Jonathan Cook
I've only taken oxy for a couple weeks once and it just made me feel drugged and gave me horrible nightmares. Alcohol just makes me tired and makes me lose my inhibition. I dont get much pleasure from drugs I guess. It's hard to empathize with addicts
Henry Foster
You never were prescribed them. I was. No euphoria. Only a nigger would think they're pleasurable.
>muh it's the doctors fault. All addicts attribute their addiction to being prescribed pills in the first place because they have ZERO responsibility. No fucking shit, of course they are going to blame someone else. They are unreliable narrators. Reality is, most of them probably feigned symptoms to get them off the doctor in the first place and regardless strayed away from taking them as directed.
Dominic Morris
>they don't give euphoria
former herojn and cocaine addict.
Isaiah Sanders
Opioids are the easiest drug to feel a sense of euphoria. If all day every day all you feel is pain, wouldn't feeling nothing feel euphoric?
Also having taken them I can tell you, you feel a lot more than just numb.
I felt relaxed, content, happy, sad (but not depressed, thoughtful if you will), sleepy, slept for hours, woke up, felt like it was the first time i slept in years.
Personally I don't understand upper addiction. Why the fuck do I want to feel like having a heart attack? And yes I've taken uppers, was miserable the entire time.
So, your theory is shit. People are different. Drugs effect us differently.
Charles Myers
i remember taking norco 5/325s for a broken bone and didnt even feel high at all
took some while i was getting drunk and the drunk feeling was way more overpowering than any sort of opiate high
Mason Rodriguez
>snorting something with pill binders and APAP in it Nigger detected. I've taken large doses orally from a prescription, whenever I wasn't in any pain at all, and I received no pleasure from them. Not even a mild antidepressant effect. Totally worthless. Exactly
Parker Powell
Can confirm, user.
Wyatt Peterson
>Reality is, most of them probably feigned symptoms Doesn't matter, doctors were prescribing oxys for stubbed toes. In a country where drugs are the cure for everything don't blame the victim who is just doing what a medical professional told him to do. Quit lying you never took oxy or any opiods.
Caleb Sanchez
20mg is the good to go dose for oxy
Colton Hughes
Yeah because its only 5mg of actual opiod.
Samuel Rodriguez
yeah you're supposed to take like 3-5 norcos if you're prescribed 5/325s.
Ian Morgan
For a lot of people with bad pain problems, the medication makes them feel normal as you or I do without pain. They don't really get a "high" feeling from it. They just feel no pain. That's huge for some people
Eli Morales
Shitty diagram, but illustrates the point.
Opiates activate the ventral tegmental area, which activates the Nucleus Accumbens, causing addiction through the canonical dopaminergic pathway
Charles Nelson
being numb to everything is exactly why they are addictive, you dumb cunt.
Brody Williams
Cocaine is legit the best drug, makes you smarter, more charismatic, energetic, motivated, euphoric, and you lose weight.
Hunter Reed
>doesn't matter Shifting the argument. >medical professional told him to do. Rx'd for short-term (ie, acute) pain. Even if they are prescribed for minor things, the patient failed to take it as directed and they themselves are responsible for their own addiction. Nothing losers like to do more than blaming some guy (a fucking MD or DO) more successful than them.
Why the fuck would I make this thread then if I had never taken them, so far the only non-addicts in this thread, (me), this guy and this guy agree with me.
This is abstract, theoretical, addiction research level cause and effect.
> your brain says "hey I liked that, do that again"
Sure but let's be honest here. Masturbation and sex are much more reinforcing than opioids in eliciting pleasure. Opioids might approach a 1 on the this pleasurability richtor scale whereas sex and masturbation are like a 10.
Chase Smith
You must be fat, painkillers do cause euphoria for me
What are you taking that's not euphoric? Morphine or something?
Lincoln Davis
Certain people react to things differently. I'm someone who doesn't get much pleasure from purely sensory things so perhaps my body has some malfunction compared to others
Luke Rogers
You're right, I never understood how these whiteboiz loved deez thangs. It makes you constipated too. How the fuck is that pleasurable, not being able to shit proper wtf
Liam Powell
>You never were prescribed them. I was. No euphoria. are you actually this retarded? you took some T3s for the bump on your head and you think you know the full range of effects?
You think over a century of medical research and documentation regarding opioids is wrong and you're right?
I'll give you a very basic link that's on your intelligence level, but I encourage you to use "google" to research further
>this is abstract, theoretical research based on actual scientific evidence >Here is an arbitrary pleasurability richtor scale I made up on the spot
I don't like addicts either but you can go fuck yourself
Gabriel Jones
The only time I've taken painkillers I was 135 pounds skelly mode at 6'1 and there was no euphoria
Benjamin Lopez
Why can't you guys just name what you took
Was it codeine, morphine, oxycodone or what
Luis Anderson
I took oxy I already said that
Ayden Anderson
What I don't get is: How is this stuff still legal in the US, with tens of thousands being addicted, with it being an obvious problem?
When I was operated on in January, and it was very painful, the hospital gave me simple over the counter painkillers, Ibuprofen. I bought a package without prescription in a pharmacy and only used half of that up.
Are Americans sissies that they need opioids to kill their pain???
Justin Howard
>You think over a century of medical research and documentation regarding opioids is wrong and you're right?
The narrative stating that they are extremely addictive and that anyone prescribed them will risk becoming an addict has only been around for the past 15 years. The physiological addictiveness of opioids has been known for nearly a centrury and even longer than that if you include medical literature on opium from the 18th and 19th centuries.
The notion that they are somehow extremely psychologically addictive is a recent phenomenon.
Adrian Robinson
>They don't give any euphoria or anything Lol. Have you ever done drugs?
Joseph Jones
A lot of the people who are addicted begin with is being prescribed at some point. As someone who has experimmented with drugs, when on opiates i would find whatever task i was doing to be extremely enjoyable. I didn't necessarily feel great and the next day i was likely to not remember much, but even something as sitting down and watching tv felt extremely satisfying. Im in the midwest and the opioids are a huge issue in my town You are obviosuly a pleb and didnt take a lot of your prescription. If you take a regimented perscription and stop. But the eurphoria opiates give you can make you want to feel it more, so you take more. Addiction is not a disease, its obviously a lack of self control but i understand when they talk about the mental handicap of it. If you watch US tv you understand why so many people are on them. Every other commercial is for some drug. People go to the doctor and get their xanax and kpin scripts paid for super cheap. Medicine for anxiety/depression should be completely banned. They just make you zombies, over prescription is a real issue in America we should address.
Henry Morris
I would have thought turning your dick inside out to make a vagina would have been more painful than that.
Oliver Nguyen
>What I don't get is: How is this stuff still legal in the US, with tens of thousands being addicted, with it being an obvious problem?
It's simple: Opioids are legal in most developed countries because they are analgesic drugs used to treat pain. Most people will not get addicted to them and most physicians are aware of this. Why should people who genuinely need them (especially for acute pain) have to be penalized because niggers and addicts abuse them?
Justin Baker
I don't know the "why", but I do know it's happening. My wife is in chronic pain and her scripts have been cut 30% because some fucking oakies are using it recreationally.
James Garcia
>A lot of the people who are addicted begin with is being prescribed at some point And they blame the doctor because they are addicts with zero sense of responsibility. What these studies and individuals fail to distinguish is often they feigned symptoms to obtain the opioids in the first place.
Let's just say I'm in the medical field. If someone came in complaining of trigeminal neuralgia pain, I would prescribe opioids without hesitation, especially if they didn't look like degenerates. Physicians don't have a magic crystal ball to see who is and who isn't faking and if they start discerning, someone who actually has TN might pay the price. I honestly would rather some degenerate successfully feign some of the time than risk a patient who genuinely needs pain medication to go without it because I'm trying to be a good guy preventing drug abuse. Ffs.
Kayden Wright
i got some 5mg tablets of oxycodone from a certain online pharmacy and it went past the point of being high and gave me a carsick feeling
took them for a few weeks and I decided codeine was better for euphoria, any of the strong painkillers make me feel like my intestines are blocked and I get this disgusting feeling
Leo Morales
You've clearly never used opioids, kid.
Jason Torres
>Rwanda Why the fuck would I have made this thread if I never used them? Go back to smoking opium in your hut, you have nothing else to do there so of course you are going to think it's the cat's meow.
Jaxon Barnes
>they don't give a euphoria >just numb
If you are someone with preexisting psychological issues then just existing from moment to moment is painful. Drugs do "just numb" and to some people that is better than reality.
Tyler Johnson
>What is basic biology >What are opiates >What is chemical addiction >Why don't you just not get addicted to something that biologically modifies your physical nervous system
WOW SMART THREAD Fucking retards. Millions of white people dying over this shit and this is what you come up with.
Connor Phillips
Well I could've told you that. The number of mental disorders is spiking, there's a weird discontentness in everyone I know under the age of 35, I think humanity is screwing it's own mindset up
Benjamin Hill
First paragraph: You're an idiot. Most people find that opiates feel good.
Second paragraph: I hate stupid Sup Forums theories like this. It really shows how dumb some of you are. Reminds me of when someone argued that Chinese like gambling because of their dominant MAOA gene variants.
Alexander Wilson
they're selfish and need a worse problem to complain about.
when they get sober they drag people down to make themselves look better.
while they're using they'll use other people to distract the attention.
if they're doing opiates and you hang out with them they'll say you're doing them or supplied them.
they're control freaks because they have no control over their own lives.
they also think they're really smart or will never say they're dumb.
Tyler Ortiz
I am not saying kill all doctors because the over prescribe,because they obviously cannot discern between fakers, but that doesn't speak to the fact that doctors/hospitals have no problem prescribing everyone who comes through the door, i can walk into any clinic right now and say my back hurts and pick up a script in two hours. Doctors prescribe to anyone because they know the government/health insurance companies will pay for it. People don't have to work to pay for their drugs anymore because the government helps pay for the majority of the prescription.
Adrian Russell
>Drugs do "just numb" and to some people that is better than reality.
Stupid DARE generalization from people who have no experience with drugs. Not saying drugs are a good thing to do, but to just say they numb existence and that's why people take them? No. Different drugs have wildly different effects, and people don't do them to just numb them from normal existence.
Angel Turner
Brandon Hughes
Isn't that more an American craze than a German one though? Mutilation of dicks is an American tradition
Jason Wilson
We don't do that bullshit over here. That's an American craze.
I think opioids were part of the lefties plan... dope Americans to a breaking point, then push through all the lefties gay NWO agenda... obama was just the friendly dope pushing bus driver
Adrian Parker
They all deserve it.
Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
Zero pity. We need to remove these people from society by any and all means necessary. Their lives are forfeit.
Brandon Cox
Your brain is broken or everybody is lying? Hmmmm, which is more likely?
Henry Lee
Opiods make your brain release massive amounts of serotonin and endorphins. Your brain normally requires these to function normally. After just 3 uses of opiods your brains natural ability to produce these compounds begins to atrophy. You actually become physically addicted as your body requires opiod use to produce them after a time.
Most of the time heavy drug users tend to be impoverished social outcasts who turn to drugs as a way to escape reality and not deal with their problems. What has been so wierd about the current opiod epidemic is that its been primarily middle class people with otherwise healthy social lives.
This is because from the 90's to only a few years ago big pharma pushed the idea that opiod painkillers were a cheap nonaddictive way to manage pain. They used teams of lawyers to crush anyone who said otherwise. Doctors over proscribed them at unheakthy doses well above what should be needed for pain management to people who might not have actually needed such strong medications in the first place.
The US govt finally noticed doctors were essentially handing out fist fulls of medical heroin to anybody with a headache who walked through the door and cracked down on it.
Most of these people who no longer had acess to these drugs suffered through withdrawal and lived normal lives. But some simply began buying the same meds illegally. If there is a demand a supplier will arise. The mexican drug cartels flooded the US with cheap low grade heroin to undersell the guys selling the pharmacuetical stuff.
So thats why the opiod epidemic kicked off in middle class white people. The more likley a demographic is to have access to doctors the more of its population got hooked by opiods.
This current epidemic is all on big pharma.
Angel Taylor
>muh big pharma Addicts love to blame anything that relieves them of responsibility. It's big pharmas fault guise, not mine!
Oliver Thomas
Asher Carter
Their are 5 kinds of happiness 6th is heroine
Parker Thomas
Im not excluding addicts from responsibility. But if theres a drug addiction epidemic the drug suppliers obviously major contributors.
The current biggest supplier of opiods is still pharmacuetical companies. They pushed a product they knew was addictive to people who didnt need it, and would have continued to do so if they hadnt been caught.
The drug cartels from mexico just took over a consumer base the med companies suddenly stopped supplying.
Xavier Wilson
I know others in this thread already called you retarded, but add me to the list. I only made it 2 sentences in. Have you ever been shot up on fentanyl? Tell me that you don't feel euphoria you imbecile.
Hunter Bell
Because you can BEE anything you want to BEE! Fucking people on the Right are reducing Nietzsche to Barney...
Robert Baker
>be in afghan >on patrol >out of smokes >haji kid runs up "Marine Marine! Give you tabbac for chocolat!" >chocolat is just general afghan gutterslang for any sort of candy. Give him candy. Recieve smokes. >smoke one >drink some water >stand up >whoooaaaaaa...... >suddenly realise everything is just GREAT. The sun, awesome! The sand! Fucking sweet! The mud huts, wow, those are swell guys, all these dirty unwashed villagers.... theyre all just so fuckin great >wait a minute...... >fuck >go to corpsman >"doc I think I just smoked heroin" >laughs "what and you didnt share?" >sees dilated eyes and sluggish reactions >oh shit! Youre not joking! >complete patrol >go back to FOB, get tested >"yup. You smoked heroin." >get waived on piss tests
Actually have it on my medical papers I got on release under accidental exposures to dangerous substances diseases and environmental hazards right alongside cholera, malaria, blast trauma, and that one time I got fried by a laser. (Helicopter pilot was orbiting around with his targeting laser on. Apparently those things are really powerful and I had laser burn on the back of my neck and hands.)
Christopher Turner
Nah. As someone who has had a number of friends that got addicted to opioids/heroin I have not noticed that any of them had abnormally high predisposition to violence. Inh Ink it stems more from lingering trauma and a sense of hopelessness.
Xavier James
We already had a meth epidemic up here in montana. Now we got a heroin epidemic to go with it.
Two for the price of one! Step right up and buy now and we'll throw in the highest alcoholism rates in the nation free! This place used to be nice......
Eli Morales
Cannot watch any videos right now. But I take it your pain is related to this event? Horrific.
Jeremiah Mitchell
It's Crawling by Linkin Park the theme to your life
Caleb Stewart
Spics ship the drugs into small towns. Spics feel like they own the country.