Daily reminder that countries with no ethnicity like America is a non countries, Australia belongs to UK, same as new zealand, and canada, quebec belongs to france, south africa belongs to netherlands, South america belongs to spain, Brazzil belongs to Portugal, and USA belongs to all of Europe becouse americans are just mixed Europeans Larping as something diferant.This is European world you are living in it.And yes even Trump is german Larping as ''american''
Daily remionder that world belongs to Europe
How can new worlders even compete?
Moscow may be in Europe, but Russia belongs to Asians.
They can't
Thanks for remionding me.
Ok, Portugal annex us please, shit didnt work
Actually Quebec too belongs to the UK.
>inb4 no locals in Latvia by year 2050
No since Quebecians are ethnic french.
>Cameroon, Togo, Hereroland, Tansania and Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land belong to the bongs
Gee, I wonder who could hide behind that bootleg Austrian flag.
nah, they don't belong to non of you either bongs or germans, they don't have any ethnic germans or english living there.
Why would anybody stick around after they've become independent? I know I wouldn't. But I think there are actually still some German missionary groups around in former German colonies. I know for certain that there are in Togo, not so sure about the other regions.
I think you'll find the British gave it back after taking it from the French.
Therefore it could still be considered British clay.
Dosen't matter, i am talking from cultural and ethnic stand point.It means only countries like Canada and australia becomes part of UK not also egypt and sudan.
Alberto meu filho, esperei 200 anos para te ouvir a dizee isso.
you have it backwards. the new world dominated and now owns the old world. specifically the US owns the world
>Deluding himself into thinking the USA isn't the greatest country in the world
It's not healthy you know
seems you forgot about the entirety of asia and most of africa, which hold most of the world's population. also, south americans (most of which are mestizos) arent really european in most ways
You do realize that Quebec's got the same culture as the rest of Northern America, except for the language, right?
Fine but only after we fix ourselves first
>America has no ethnicity
The vast majority of Americans are of Anglo or Germanic descent. The South, New England, and the Mormon areas around Utah are mostly Anglo while the rest is overwhelmingly German.
And since Europe is being conquered by middle easterners, they now own the world as a result. Good job europeans.
Also I'd like to note that I do not consider the mudshit leeches and invaders in our country to be American
Europe doesn't even belong to its self.
Europe belongs to Somalia
yes i agree with this
Ok, let me get this straight:
America is not a country, then what is it?
Yeah but that means USA should be part of germany and UK.
Most of USA land has more German heritage than British. Sayyyygaah
bullshit map, where is Latvian rightful Tobago, colonised by Latvians in 17th century? Evil dutch took it from us REEEEEE
We don't own tobago becouse it's not of Latvian culture.Yes there are few niggers there who still have Latvian surnames and names but that is about it.