Some guy on the Verrazano Bridge is threatening to jump, FOX is livestreaming

Some guy on the Verrazano Bridge is threatening to jump, FOX is livestreaming

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This happens a few times a month on the Golden Gate

>Verrazano Bridge

what is this>?

its the name of a bridge that can be easily entered into google for a complete history and detailing.



Is this a Jump for Trump?

It's the bridge to Staten Island.

Suicide recommended.

Looks like it's a manlet. Nothing to see here.

>tfw actually from staten island


how the fuck did this guy get up there without getting run over? there's no pedestrian walkway on the verrazano

if he was going to jump he would have done it already

seems like attention seeking or else he would have just fucking done it.

how long has this been going on for/?

i bet his backpack is full of rocks

Not for the public but there's a path there

He just wants to go for a swim. Is it illegal in United States?


Looks like there is a giant gondola in the image

Tanker Incident Soon

Is there a way to land in this water from this height without dying or breaking your legs?

trips saying he will jump

fuck he isnt going to do it

Just realized they would have put it on a delay, so if he jumps they could see it 20 seconds beforehand and stop the livestream. Well they would have done that if they are competent.

chopper out no jump




your best bet is trying to land with the least amount of surface area, ideally feet first.
its still a very small chance that you will survive

Did he or didn't he jump? Chopper left.

i think the impact alone would knock him out, which would lead to drowning of course

>Install jew player

After 8 years of kind of being on kikebook i got banned for "suggesting someone to commit suicide", fucking faggots.

>when you see it

user is right. The world record is 174 ft, and it's feet first.

Nvm I'm watching it now

I did a quick calculation and not accounting for air resistance he'd hit the water at about 80mph from that height.


>install flash player
fuck off

There's water underneath lmao how fucking dumb is this manlet cant even suicide properly. Just grab a gun and pull the trigger why bother jumping into water?

>american education

shitty bait. apply yourself user

>white male manlet

not surprised

Just let him die. Faggots who do daring shit like that not because they're desperate or in need of psychological help but because they just want news coverage are the lowest forms of human beings.

He's so far from water. At that height he will die

is there a place we can give encouragement?

that seems about right, terminal velocity for belly-to-earth falling is about 120 mph

They should just have a lasso to throw around him and pull him inn

I actually live right near the bridge lmao I wish I was home.

i suppose long distance hangings are your specialty, aren't they, norden

encouragement to jump off?

literal retard detected
worst case scenario he drown
no one ever died jumping into a pool

I think the method of having a cop try to talk a guy down from suicide is a pretty brilliant strategy. If I were gonna kms and some fat bald prick came up and started preaching to me, I just wouldn't be able to let go with that being my last memory.

Weird seeing the place I live on fucking Sup Forums.

A harpoon then

How? Have you ever died from drinking a glass of water?

If he were black, the police would have shot him already.

>American education
Try belly flopping onto a pool dumbass. It's only going to hit harder the further up you jump from.

Asshole. If you fall into a liquid mass very fast that mass acts like solid. That is basic physics, go to school

So do you get charged a shit ton of money for causing emergency services to come out? Is it a felony? Can you still buy guns afterwards? How long do you get arrested?

What's in the backpack?


Where did the feed go

He'll wished he had jumped, that's for sure.

Heli left

There's a bridge just to go to the prison? Why not just send the prisoners on a boat? Seems like a retarded waste of money to build a huge bridge to a fucking prison island. How many fucking people are locked up there?

Gotta train your ass muscles to clench as hard as possible too. People die all the time from water getting shot up their bums after a long drop like that.

helicopter had to refuel

are you humans water soluble or something whats this all about i would like to know more

You're thinking of Rikers Island, which will someday be taken over by private developers.

Sorry I just realized Staten Island is not a prison. I guess I confused it with "rikers". Still seems like shit though. Pretty much everything in NYC looks like shit desu. Even manhattan looks like fucking shit.

That whole city is such fucking shit. I fucking hate urbanites.

>you humans

Look how filthy the water is.

Do a backflip faggit.

Maybe the "You have so much to live for" signs will change his mind.

DO a backflip!


Any other streams?

>Google it

Yeah I realized after looking it up my mistake. I can't believe people willingly live in NYC. I'd rather fucking die. NYC is what the Jews want to turn the whole world into, and I'm fucking sick of (((NYC))) and (((LA))) dominating the global culture. Both cities are such utterly mismanaged, wastefull, degenerate, alienating, corrupt, low-trust, consumerist shitholes. Why does every fucking aspect of our cultural zeitgeist have to revolve around how a tiny (((ethno-religious elite))) in these insular high-density concrete jungles neurotically deal with their unlimited avarice paranoia and insecurities.

No offense but I would celebrate if these cities got nuked. Its a jewish fucking century and NYC and LA are the new Jerusalem.

Ok, just tuned in and they're talking about green cards and other shit I don't care about.
Did he jump or not?

you know i really don't know where this stereotype of cuckadians being friendly originates from


>australia operates basically an offshore Guantanamo that it shoves all asylum seekers in upon capture but nobody says anything about it because trump is hitler

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