>Now our tax dollars will defend white rights.
Pick one
She isn't wrong.
The rights of everybody should be defended.
Of course, not ONLY whites but white rights shouldn't be violated.
I don't see a problem in rights being defended.
>stupid enough to say "defend white rights"
this. FUck white people. They can't just tell Mexicans to go back when Mexicans were here first anyways, and don't let me begin with the Native AMericans. WHite people got BACK to EUROPE. You can always count on whites to take your shit and tell you it's theirs because muh white rights. Fucking give me a break
The only thing a white man ever invented was mud cookies. They didn't even know how to clean themselves until a black man showed them baka fuck white people
Where's muh white history month? I wish I was able to go to college and get a discount based off of my race. I hope that a good job will hire me specifically because I'm black and not because of my skills. "Because I'm black"
Sage this fucking bullshit
I need a war. A big bloody fuck everyone war.
Every month is white history month cracker jack.
because whites have built civilization, leaf
Really? So why can't we celebrate white culture without being hated? I'm being sincere here. Why can't I celebrate what makes my people who they are? Or do I just have to sit and listen to we wuz kangz
You have a version that can actually be read?
get off your phone, nigger.
>i can't read it
fuck off newfaggot. can't even open a fucking picture correctly
Because white people invented war and slavery and rape etc.. black invented everything else. I want you to honestly think of something that you know a white man invented, then Google "black man invented" and what ever the thing you think of. It's pretty funny. They invented the first space ship, computer, phone, etc...
I never knew whites couldn't be female or part of the LGBT crowd.
>white people invented war.
Uh, no.
>white people invented slavery
No. Slavery has existed forever
A white man invented the internet that youre using right now. A group of white men created the country you're living in.
Thought I recognized that name.
Lisa Bloom is a predator. Lowest of scum bags that will latch onto anything true or lies that lets her push forward her hate filled white man hating agenda.
>stupid enough to say "defend white rights"
She can't possibly be (((white))) because if she were, she wouldn't make that sort of PR mistake.
get out
Google it senpai. Whites only invented bad things. Black man invented the internet
>Because white people invented war and slavery and rape
slavery was practiced in africa and the middle east way before whites traveled there. slavery is still being practiced there and is much more brutal than white slavery ever was.
>I want you to honestly think of something that you know a white man invented
i posted that here () but you couldn't figure out how to open an image with your Superior Nigger Intelligence
I say that again: you could not even figure out how to open a huge image and make it readable. you're a newfag cancer shill and you're so bad at this it's embarrassing
you are embarrassing yourself
>They invented the first space ship, computer, phone, etc...
you provide 0 sources and 0 evidence.
just stop. you're embarrassing to even watch
>0 sources
>0 evidence
>too stupid to open a picture
>A payment of 0.04USD has been credited to your PayPal account. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of ShareBlue, American Bridge 21st Century, and Media Matters to America, subsidiaries of David Brock (202) 756-4100.
I'm on my phone homo and your list is wrong. Name one white invention and I'll prove a black man invented it
What bad things did white people invent? Besides war and rape and slavery, which has undoubtedly a major reason why our civilization works the way it does. If there wasn't slavery in the US, maybe there wouldn't be an intelligent black man.
>0 sources
>0 evidence
you could not even figure out how to open a huge image and make it readable. you're a newfag cancer shill and you're so bad at this it's embarrassing
not when niggers refuse to sit the fuck down and let teachers actually teach you niggerloving white boy FAGGOT
But I thought all rights are human rights
>1 post by this ID
Except that Africa was very wealthy with a low crime rate until they got enslaved
>Can't name one white invention
>Whites? Please
Report her for racism. Silence her.
you could not even figure out how to open a huge image and make it readable. you're a newfag cancer shill and you're so bad at this it's embarrassing
Your right. Don't know why black people never ventured back to prosperous Africa and live in their totally civilized and almost utopian country. Where they created many great achievements like mud huts and sticking eachother with dirty needles as a practical joke.
>Except that Africa was very wealthy with a low crime rate until they got enslaved
>0 sources
>0 evidence
you could not even figure out how to open a huge image and make it readable. you're a newfag cancer shill and you're so bad at this it's embarrassing
You can't write off a patent as a refutation because some inventions actually are patented by their inventor. You'd have to do it by a case by case basis.
Considering that Africans didn't have a written language that all tribes understood, it would be very unlikely that they could record crime rates.
Okay, the telephone was made by a white guy. I can go all day man, you're just making yourself and your position more laughable every post you make
>white people invented slavery
Didn't Africans sell slaves to Europeans?
Superior Nigger Reading Comprehension, everyone.
I concede. They wuz inventors n shieeeieieeeeiitt
i wonder if her employers know shes against human rights for caucasian people. who does she work for?
Newfag phoneposter
Yep, and before that the Barbary pirates were buying and selling europeans to africa. The Barbary pirates also practiced islam
>defending white rights is a bad thing
I wonder how long it will take before they sacrifice her in an antiwhite false flag.
The nose knows.
You forget the other gay tag. "Sips tea"
That broad needs a good, hard spanking.
The problem is that some of these "civil rights" people want anything but equality.
this womans permission of being a lawyer should be withdrawl
Oh god she phrased this so stupidly.
The Ishmaelites that took Joseph to the pharaoh in Egypt 4000 years ago were white? You sure?
She works for herself. 'The Bloom Firm at Law'
he's such newfag cancer than he doesn't even know how to open an image in a new tab on a phone to zoom in on it
this is the quality of shills that they send here now. it's insulting.
I have no skin in this game, but you can ad hominem all you want. I just saw this post from page 0
>A pair of shorts
I really wish that Trump would be the person that all of these retards claim he is.
>ad hominem
it's not ad hominem when i point out how you misread and misinterpreted easily-understandable text, jamal
I was wondering how long it would take for the liberals to start getting mad about Trump investigating affirmative action.
blacks invented shit. google is pandering to them fo r some dam reason, prob jews. blacks are worthless.
>page 0
Is this what 4chainz has become?
Wow, racist
Once again, I'm on my phone retard
Read above
Next invention please
twitter has a report feature for people who "direct hate against a race or group of people" FYI
>Once again, I'm on my phone retard
you can open an image on a phone.
you could not even figure out how to open a huge image and make it readable. you're a newfag cancer shill and you're so bad at this it's embarrassing
reported her to twitter and trolled her you tubes. reported ALL of them
I'm not saying black people didn't invent anything.
I'm saying they didn't invent those things
Sink already ,diego. No one will miss your monkey ass
If you're a white guy and believe that "oppression" is holding you back, you may as well just hang yourself now since there is no recovering from the sheer amount of cuck running in your faggot blood. Must've inherited it from your effeminate little fag father!
>Mexicans were here first
We killed our natives or put them on reservation.
Mexicans ancestors are all from south of our border, or european mixed with mayan/aztec/whatever that were from south of our border.
Either way, they have no right to our land.
Our ancestors killed and worked this land to make it worth a fuck.
Why would we give it up to a new pile of savages that are already doing their best to turn it into the shithole every other nation south of us is in?
This is how stupid you worthless fucks ate.
Logic, reason and grasp of historical context are literally beyond your means.
I don't see where I misinterpreted its definition of a patent. It clearly says invention =! patent, and that automatically writes off everything as a variation and not an invention. I'm not disagreeing with the image because it says blacks "invented" typewriters, which is obvious bull. But a WE WUZ writer could just as easily make up some shit that patents are white inventions and that they stole the invention from their "colored inventors" or whatever bullshit they wanna imply.
today I learned that the front page is now labeled page 1. When did that change happen?
Just be happy those words of hers are now immortalized.
Fucking normie meme.
It's still not readable. You must be a manlet
>Puerto Rican
>American citizen
Pick one, preferably the one that doesn't allow your kind near my kind.
you could not even figure out how to open a huge image and make it readable. you're a newfag cancer shill and you're so bad at this it's embarrassing
In countries built by whites, this should be true.
Browns can celebrate their own worthless hit ores in their own worthless backward countries.
Fuck off.
>"White rights"
>Still giving billions to Israel with Jews pushing legislation (that bill on banning any boycotting to Israel)
>Trump's cabinet full of Jews and Zionists
>People act like the military isn't full of fags either (trannies may not join but fags can).
The internet. The USA. The computer. The first phone, not cell phone. Electricity. Planes. Cars. Trains. Medicine. Large hadron collider. Space ships. Space statiom. Should I keep going, faggot?
No, they sold them to Jews.
>today I learned that the front page is now labeled page 1. When did that change happen?
Absolute degenerate
africans sold other africans to the jews who then transported them to the US and sold them to white farmers.
i wonder why we didn't learn this in history. we were just told that whites bought the slaves from africa and the jews were (((conveniently))) left out
Did you know Monsanto (yes that Monsanto) family originated from a Jewish family of slave traders?
the front page had been page 0 for at least 7 years, user.
In my day the lowliest kind of lawyer you could be was an ambulance chaser aka "accident lawyer". I guess now it's welfare line poacher aka "civil rights lawyer".
What happened to Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian is exactly why we need Lawyers defending White rights. The five niggers who tortured and killed them were motivated by an Anti-White speech by a nigger """""professor"""".
Fuck (((Lisa Bloom))) fucking whore bitch.
The Channon and Christian killings was my first redpill.
"we dindu nuffin we good boys like you goys"
Reminds me of another Bloom
>not invented by blacks
Yeah right