Black natsocs

What does Sup Forums think about black nationalsocialists?

Are they /ourguys/? Imagine the US with all blacks moved to a natsoc ethnostate ( give them cali its already a non white shithole).

see you in space..

Don't mind as long as they don't breed with whites

Natsocs care about and want to protect their own race. So yes, as long as blacks stayed with their own, and only socialized outside of their circle, I would be fine with them living in peace.

If they're nationalists then why aren't they in africa?

Where is your race from?


America, the country my ancestors built hundreds of years ago. Do you really not understand the concept of a nation?

I expect a lot of flame responses from left leaning trolls in this thread.

As a white nationalist I support people like this. He comes across intelligent. Even aside from "National Socialism", this is the type of black people that adapt well to our societies.

"OOGA BOOGA BIX NOOD" types of all races need to go.

Don't talk to magic dirt people.

That's good. Let them create their nigger ethnostate in Alabama or some other southern state, they're almost the majority there

Nigs also contributed a lot to it, whether you like it or not

>Are they /ourguys/
>implying that all the National Socialist poster on Sup Forums aren't blacks, hispanics, mudslimes and other non-whites
top kek, hello there newfag.

Blacks helped in the creation of America as well. I honestly don't get why so many white Americans don't recognize that. You shouldn't have taken them there if you didn't want them. In fact, blacks are more American than whites on average, since they've been there since day one. A lot of white immigration from Europe occurred in the 19th and 20th century.

IMO a slow process of homogenization is not a bad thing for America. Stick with your race if you want to, but mixing is not necessarily bad. The problems of America have nothing to do with "black people". They have to do with heterogeneity in culture. Whites and blacks mixing means that the cultures become more compatible by the day. And blacks adopting NatSoc is a good thing if that's what you're into, if that's the ideology you want to see adopted America-wide in the future.

And no, your IQ won't drop. Blacks are only around 15%, aren't they? Even if there's some small difference in IQ, it will be offset by Asian admixture with Amerindians. If anything, the IQ may actually increase given that Hispanics are more than blacks.

It may take 400 or 500 years, but there'll come a day when America will have achieved a stable racial hybrid, the American race. And it'll be a great time for everyone, because 2500's Sup Forums will be autistic screeching-free for a change.


What race are you? Genuinely interested

There were blacks in the SS.


Greece is not a very ethnically diverse place

early America was awful to the Chinese who built the rail systems but they kick ass now. I love how America is "racist" to only two groups but all the others get a pass and do well





It makes perfect sense. After all, Hitler was black.

this and a tough japanese style system of civic nationalism that makes it hard to become a resident without having a lot of achievements and willingness to integrate into the culture


See, Britain is exactly what I'm talking about. Black Brits (16th/17th century ones, not recent arrivals) have zero difference from normal Brits in terms of behavior, culture and social understanding. Of course, Britain is a more ancient-rooted country with a very specific genetic character that didn't need to be enriched, unlike America that was only born a couple hundred years ago. But my point is that it's not black people that are the problem, but black culture.

America reaching a homogenous racial type is not only good, but also inevitable. Focus should be turned on the formation of its eventual homogenous culture. It must get closer to what it originally American culture originally stood for, and keep away from McDonalds America and Basketball America.


So your a Turk?

>race mixing not necessarily bad
>small difference in IQ
Nice shitpost, Ahmed.

That's rich coming from you. You do realize Bulgaria is the most prominent example of stabilized racial hybrid, right? The original Bulgars were a Mongoloid Turkic tribe, and they mixed with the Mediteranid Thracians and the Baltid Slavs to create the modern Bulgarian.

And yes, I realize that doesn't help my argument.