Daily reminder burgers haven't discovered the electric kettle yet
Why are burgers so inferior?
Daily reminder burgers haven't discovered the electric kettle yet
Why are burgers so inferior?
i've got one
fuck yourself nigger :)
they literally use a microwave to do it aswell how disgusting is that
What would you need one for?
They have a different voltage. Kettles take ages to boil.
You can buy an electric kettle at any store, dumbass.
to heat water very very fast?
yeah you probably use it to boil hot dogs while you microwave water to make coffee
It's energy inefficient relative to gas
Cucked no gas kiwi?
This thread is 10x more golden if you read it with an Australian accent.
Where do you put the kindling? I don't understand.
They only have 1kW ones. Not gonna heat water very fast.
>be me in college in Wyoming
>be drinking everclear with cowboys and rednecks
>be 930 pm, just took 4th shot of everclear, only me and one other redneck left drinking, most puked after the 2nd shot, the rest puked after the 3rd
>fast forward to 4am because I dont remember anything else from being blackout drunk for the first time in my life
>wakup in my dorm to fire alarm and strobe lights
>dorm is on fire and the place is being evacuated.
>find out at the end of semester that the other redneck I was doing everclear shots with, put an electric kettle on the stove top to heat it up.
electric kettles, not even once.
I use my electric kettle almost every day. Especially during the cold winter. I love it. It's one of my favorite appliances that I own.
you guys are allowed to own guns but electric kettles are a danger
Obviously the fault is with the kettle, not the mong.
inb4 /bant/
>just how I like my coffee, thick and noxious
>current year + 2
>drinking the herbal jew
you jealous that you can't eat hot dogs, mohammed?
we don't really drink as much tea as other countries so we don't need electric kettles generally. that being said they're convenient if you like tea and make multiple cups at a time. i own one.
and what's wrong with heating up water using a microwave? if you're drinking black tea and the only criteria is that it's boiling water, and you're making an individual portion, microwaving is quick and easy. if you want to make tea for multiple people you can use a stovetop or electric kettle, or if you need more precise temperature control for teas with lower temperature requirements (green tea and oolongs for instance) then an electric kettle is great.
this doesn't help. our appliance sockets are half the voltage so at the same amperage it takes twice as long for our electric kettles to heat up. stovetop is generally faster and if you have natural gas its also cheaper.
the dorm we were drinking in was full of shotguns, rifles and pistols, yet the only problem we had was when someone tried to make a cup of tea.
nah I eat hot dogs, if I lived in seppoland and was muslim or a jew I still could since you guys have all beef ones
But I use one.
I just find it weird that the guy had access to firearms but managed to fuck up boiling water
You probably a spic
>They have a different voltage. Kettles take ages to boil.
We use the same voltage as the yanks and it only takes under 5 minutes for mine to boil 1.5 litres of cold water.
I have one too and i make stronger better tasting tea as well.
>Heating up water more efficiently is gross
Go to bed Seamus, youre more drunk than usual
When it comes to cooking steaks and burgers, I start by shooting something like an elk and aging it properly. On the day of cooking, I also split a bunch of wood, start a fire, and cook them over that. I get higher quality food than you youropoors and emu slaves, and you faggots feel superior over how we boil fucking water? It's a matter of knowing when something makes a difference or not.
Exactly. That would be less than 2 minutes here. Better off using the stove.
Americans have electric kettlemachines, we just have the brains to combine heating up water and making coffee at the same time. Eurokeks and strayacunts still haven't figured out how to do that yet with tea.
we have that shit here porky, maybe I want boiling water for some other reason like dipping my balls in it while I wank because it gets me off
I use an electric kettle for making green and black tea. And yes I put milk it my black. It's how my mother takes it.
a shotgun is a shotgun is a shotgun. It has an unmistakable purpose.
Then you have an electric kettle with a bottom made out of plastic and the rest metal, so it looks exactly like a kettle that belongs on a stove. Do you think you're going to get out of it clean when you try to make tea with a belly full of 190 proof grain alcohol?
>a shotgun is a shotgun is a shotgun
never underestimate the power of american ingenuity
>The first of their hold-out guns is a .410 shotgun/flashlight, the Companion, which where a fourth C battery would normally go is an all-steel fire control group, chamber, and extremely short barrel. Pull the pin, rack the button, and pray you hit what you’re aiming at.
but yeah, I get your point how someone drunk in college could confuse an electric kettle with a regular kettle.
Fair enough, but who the hell, when drunk, says no to another drink and makes tea instead?
an electric kettle is an electric kettle. It also have an unmistakable purpose, to boil water with electric power. If would be like if I buy D batteries in a shotgun and wondered why I got shot by the nigger who broke into my house while I tried to shot at him
>we have that shit here porky
nigger, we get instant hot water from the sink.
get out poorfag
>claim burgers don't get your kettle
>said kettle lists its temps in Fahrenheit
hot is not boiling unless you yanks have boiling water taps
They sell them at Wal-Mart. I have one as well. Wtf are these people on about?
Microwave is faster, cheaper and greener.
I thought you Europoors were supposed to care about the environment?
those are a thing, most of them can dispense near boiling water. this model for instance can dispense water at anywhere from 160-210F (71.1C-98.9C) based on user preference.
>you yanks have boiling water taps
You mean to tell me they make better ones?
I know this is a link but this is funny
Why the fuck do we need one of those? We have keurigs.
we're talking about a guy who sat down in a room with a group of some of the toughest people from the frontier and drank them all under the table.
That person will leave you with some unanswered questions
>If would be like if I buy D batteries in a shotgun and wondered why I got shot
wrong. Because he didn't buy the kettle. it was left out by some slack lining hippie kid.
well ill be dipped in shit
Listen faggot we got the same electric kettles over here without the loud mouth birtish larp.
you have to admit the dude was fucking stupid to put it on the stove
We can plug in 3kW appliances. A cup of hot water in a kettle takes 20 seconds. A lot quicker than a micowave.
do they play the star spangled banner when the water boils?
we have and it makes the best tasting coffee.
In my office they have boiling hot tap water. Shit's amazing.
>Doesn't know that Americans can have 30 amp circuits.
Stay out of the sun emu-san, your brain is turning to mush.
it's winter here mate that's why I need to warm me bollocks
Guns n Roses
using a kuerig is pretty dumb for a variety of plastics. subjecting many types of plastic to extreme heat still leeches chemicals even if it isn't bispheonol A. and the k-cups are designed to brew through the kcup, not bare with nothing in there, who knows what the machine plastic has in it.
also, keurigs brew at 192 degrees which is quite a bit short of boiling. it's 20 degrees F short of the recommended brew temp of black teas and far in excess of the brew temps for green teas. once you hit 185F or higher (with recommended brewing temps generally being lower) you will destroy the aroma and retain a shitty bitter flavor.
I don't drink tea enough to own an electric kettle.
what about covfefe?
what song I want one, love me some gunners
they're really convenient. the benefit of the electric kettle is you can just plug it in wherever, even in dorms or rented apartments. but if you are willing to either pay someone or install an instant hot system yourself, it's fucking amazing. with many of them having capacities around 7.5 liters, you can just push the lever and instantly have hot water for a single cup of tea or multiple.
had one in my last house, can't put one in given my current living situation, will probably install one when I buy a condo in the next few years.
We have coffee machines that run on a timer every morning.