That does it!!! #ImWithHer now!!!
Trump reportedly described White House as a real dump
Well it has been public housing for a family of negro criminals for the last eight years, so no doubt it's run down.
It's been that's way for a long time after the civil war it's been a dump
It requires more marble and mirrors.
It needs to get Trumped.
Can confirm, a dump. And after the obamas, smells funny
smells like fried chicken and weed
I mean, he did move into a black smokers old house...
HAHAHAHA this is just too easy playa! You do understand that most if all of us free thinkers don't give into the partisan bullshit that is constantly spewed. Why the fuck would we focus all of our attention and energy on 1 dude in that in reality is just a puppet and isn't as powerful as the media makes him seem?? That just is fucking stupid. We all know that it's the lobbyist, the lawmakers, the corrupt intelligence agencies, and the establishment politicians that are the ones giving us the dick.. It's common sense homie.. why aren't you screaming "burn it down?" like a true free minded individual?? Ohh that's right playa, we know why.
What kind of retarded and non-relevant pasta is this
Honestly, Trump is right. The White House is a fucking embarrassment for the most significant nation since Rome.
I can appreciate the value of modesty, but it's been taken too far in this case. Bling that shit!
>newfags actually taking the bait
Summer can't end fast enough
Prob smells like pineapple soda, and afrosheen
No archive no buy
The White House was originally intended to be a house to entertain big shots. It wasnt intended to have anybody live there.
>reportedly described
Fake news buzz words. You either have a credible source or you don't.
Has the Washington Post ever released an article that was even mildly fair or good to Trump since his inauguration?
remember when the Clinton staff took a shit on the furniture. no wonder it's a fucking dump. plus trump runs a business of luxury hotels. the white house nigger crack den can't compete.
>when you find another literal oldfag
No I don't
when bush came in clinton's staff pulled a "prank" that cost the tax payer tens of thousands of dollars in damages. stuff like removing the w key from computer keyboards and graffiti and general vandalism everywhere. hideous caricatures and some people smashed furniture and out right stole things. one even took a crap on his chair. literally google it.
this is beside Hillary and Clinton themselves thieving things like old silverware and paintings.
Ur retarded
I bet the bathroom still smells like all those camels Obama used to smoke there.
The interior was rebuilt in the 50s and it has an eccentric collection of modern conveniences, but in many ways it's still a basic 18th century mansion. It has dignity and charm, but not luxury.
It's undergoing gentrification.
Bill was the most gangster president ever
>The accounting office said similar pranks were reported in prior transitions, including the one from Mr. Bush's father to Mr. Clinton in 1993. ''We were unable to conclude,'' it said, ''whether the 2001 transition was worse than previous ones.''
Sounds like Bush couldn't take it as well as his Dad could give it.
It is a dump.
I hope Trump tears it down and builds a Trump Tower in its place.
hopefully jail doesn't leave as bad as of an impression on him
Yes imagine how much more efficient the executive brand would be with a proper tower.
The White House needs minarets. Or, we could go for a Disneyworld-style Cinderella's Palace on a hill. And of course, I should be able to get an awesome burger there, and receive a complimentary Bible if I'm armed appropriately.
With a wall around it!
It needs 4 turrets pulled off the old battleships mounted on the corners of the yard.