inb4 we're not spiders
if caffeine doesn't have a significant effect on you, then why do you drink it EVERY DAY?
inb4 we're not spiders
if caffeine doesn't have a significant effect on you, then why do you drink it EVERY DAY?
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Because it is addictive. The drug helps me make it through the day.
>helps me make it through the day
You can't overcome the addiction? Can you live without caffeine?
It distorts your judgment and also raises blood pressure. You're better off without it.t
Wearing socks is something I do every day even though it has a marginal effect on my comfort. I also will put a bit of grated cheese on top of soup even though it has a very small additional nutrition or taste. Am I addicted to wearing socks? Am I addicted to cheese?
>raises blood pressure
it doesn't where, wheres the proof?
it's quite pathetic to need an addictive substance just to get trough the day desu
Because I'm a professional working artist and basically won the job lottery.
Where can I get some Chloral Hydrate? Also, where is the Adderall web? Shit study.
I don't usually wear socks. it makes sense when it's cold, otherwise it's superfluous.
And when it makes sense, there's your answer. Addiction to something for no reason is fucking stupid, especially when overall it's bad for you. see >cheese
I don't eat dairy either. Milk is for babies, and industrial dairy production is particularly cruel.
It's like a narcotic it's hard to give up because you'll have to face 2 vveeks of lovv blood pressure and headaches.
I can only drink iced coffee at most otherwise it makes me sick. It's nice not having a drug dependency.
>Caffeine can cause a short, but dramatic increase in your blood pressure, even if you don't have high blood pressure. It's unclear what causes this spike in blood pressure. Some researchers believe that caffeine could block a hormone that helps keep your arteries widened. Others think that caffeine causes your adrenal glands to release more adrenaline, which causes your blood pressure to increase.
I have very lovv blood pressure my doctor told me i should drink atlease a cup of coffe every day because i didn't vvant medication for it becuse coffe is a lot cheaper
It does have an effect on me, it wakes me up in the morning and makes me shit and get ready for the day. It gives a pleasant slight euphoric feeling to have cup of coffee after a meal. I drink about two cups a day when I'm working, been on a long vacation now so I don't drink daily at the moment.
There is nothing wrong with coffee unless you drink an excessive amount (5+ cups on the daily) which can hurt your bowel intestines.
I drink tea, ill go on a bender for a while 4 or 5 cups a day, for a few months, then stop for a few months to lose tolerance, then drink tea again.
Drinking tea can get you drunk, it's fucking crazy i love being tea drunk at work
what does that have to do with caffeine addiction? I'm not talking about freeing your mind for your job. I'm talking about freeing your mind for your life, user.
true, it's hard to give up. It's not just physical effects either. You will feel terrible. You will crave caffeine. You will tell yourself you can have it again once or twice, no big deal, and then you're back on it.
buck up, it's for your own good
are you a man or a mouse?
wasn't the spider given LSD in this test?
I was caffeine free for over 2 years. Now I drink coffee one cup every day. Take a guess which one feels better
You sound like a giant fag.
The point is that there are things both that people do every day and that don't have a significant effect. It's obviously wrong that everything people do regularly must be important. On the flip side, it's also not true that things people do infrequently are less important. Many things that we do, for instance, once in our lives are the most significant of all. None of these patterns have anything at all to do with addiction.
You can keep sleeping on scratchy wool and whipping yourself while fasting. Must be some sort of self-hating fag.
People have a spider brain?
I know i do
i personally identify as a wolf spider
coffee has a benefit of multiple layers of healthy bacteria for your metabolism. caffeine doesn't really have any benefits beside hyperactivity though. caffeine has fueled innovation and economic prowess since it was discovered in the americas, and probably contributed to the rich medieval chinese economy and british empire
>iced coffee at most
still a ton of caffeine
>It's nice not having a drug dependency.
If you do it every day then it's a drug dependency
> it wakes me up in the morning
on caffeine addiction you always wake up tired, because you've gone ~8-10 hours or whatever without it. you always wake up tired. when you're free of caffeine addiction you wake up normally.
>pleasant slight euphoric feeling
that's an addiction being satisfied
>There is nothing wrong with coffee
if you drink it every day it's an addiction, a dependency. it distorts your judgment by constantly feeding that reward behavior and prevents you from engaging in the world as it actually is. that's a problem. wake up
Who here /microdose/?
>not drinking 40-50 cups of coffee per day
fucking CASUALS
But where can I get that flavour and the comforting heat of a good coffee or cup of tea?
I tried several decaf varieties and the taste is just bland
30 seconds late, damn it
Not bullshit.
I used to drink a lot of tea. It's the same caffeine user
>which one feels better
if it feels good do it? the good feeling is your addiction being satisfied. it's not real life
your real life is harmed by your inability to deal with reality on its own terms. you're wearing rose-tinted glasses all day
buck up, wake up
>being such brainlets that u cant live without coffee
>If you do it every day then it's a drug dependency
A dependency means it's required. If you choose something that you don't need, it's not a dependency. Obviously if you took this guy and locked him in a room without coffee for a day, he wouldn't die. Nobody on Earth is "dependent" on caffeine.
people who do great things make great sacrifices, try doing something worthwhile instead of shitposting on Sup Forums and maybe you'll develop some perspective
If food has no effect on you why do you eat it every day?
Stop drinking coffee
Now put a spider on video games and see what happens
>being this straight edge
I have iced coffee like once a week at most. I don't go out and I don't know how or care to make my own.
I generally avoid it now and do smaller sizes because my heart doesn't handle it very well.
If you overdrink coffee and brown soda, then your anus spews blood.
I like the taste and it has a placebo affect for me.
I don't drink caffeine or alcohol. I only drink water
but we're not spiders is a valid argument. Spiders don't have a fucking brain.
just let people do what they like, what the fuck is the point of this thread and how is it related to politics?
>caring about other people drinking bean liquids
Just FYI, the thing they don't tell you about this spider experiment is the one on LSD actually made a *better* web. (look it up)
It's becoming clear that you're mentally ill. Good feelings accompany things that are good and things that aren't good, that's true. But if something feels good, that's not a sign the thing isn't good. It feels good to quench your thirst with water. Is that "addiction"? You fucking nutjob.
>Caffeine can cause a short, but dramatic increase
>short increase
then so what? I get a short and dramatic increase in blood pressure whenever I come on this fucking website as well
>You sound like a giant fag.
lashing out, that's the caffeine addiction talking
>there are things both that people do every day and that don't have a significant effect.
if it didn't have a significant effect you wouldn't do it every fucking day for no reason. there are reasons for normal daily behaviors. daily caffeine consumption is addiction, pure and simple. the fact that you can't make that obvious connection shows how clouded your judgment is
>None of these patterns have anything at all to do with addiction.
>You can keep sleeping on scratchy wool and whipping yourself while fasting.
>life without caffeine is sleeping on scratchy wool
wew lad, you really are addicted
it depends, if you're depressed, a coffee will basically be the difference between getting up and doing stuff or staying in bed. It's relative, listen to your own body, not other people.
I don't drink coffee, in fact it makes me even more tired
I drink coffee, like, once or twice a year, retard.
It's significance is my deuces drop like clockwork and helps me tolerate other people.
You can only dream of having such healthy pooping habits. Envy my bowel motion supremacy.
This rant on pooping was made possible by the Deutsche Bank poopenshitze division.
Dude usijg drugs to better your performance is the ubermensche way. Forming addictions is pathetic, but using a drug in order to better your decision making, quicken your senses, and improve yiur cognitive skills is just beautious
The nazis were all on meth
Are you thick? I just showed you lots of things people do every day even though they don't have a significant effect. The fact that someone does something regularly is not evidence that the thing is important.
>caring about 2nd hand smoke
>caring about drunk driving
>caring about kids using heroin
I quit caffeine in a desperate attempt to cure my premature ejaculation which developed after starting to work out seriously.
It fucking worked. Not sure if placebo or not. Don't fucking care.
Feels good being a sex god.
>inb4 we're not spiders
Well, we are not.
I wouldn't advocate fostering dependency upon anything, but coffee is delicious.
the extra energy and wakefulness puts me one step ahead of normies.
there may be a time and place for it, but when it becomes an addiction and it affects your health, then it's a problem
also, while there may be a time and place for it, there's also a time and place for sobriety. war, for example, will raise your blood pressure. you don't need your blood pressure being spiked by caffeine at the same time
do estonian keyboards not have a w key?
>muh 'avoid everything superhuman' who still shitposts on Sup Forums in the middle of weekdays
>A dependency means it's required. If you choose something that you don't need, it's not a dependency.
topkek, and you think the fact that you drink it every day has nothing to do with addiction or dependency? the science says otherwise
that's just your addiction talking, user
>I could quit at any time
yah yah yah
see we're not just talking about coffee. we're talking about caffeine
Im not a spider though
>not shitposting on Sup Forums at 2 AM on a weekday
>when given THC the spider didn't build a web, it built a hammock
>there is no such thing as vacation
I have six weeks paid vacation. I spend some of it shitposting on Sup Forums.
Im a vv enthusiast
To everyone itt shilling against coffee, J.S. Bach, objectively the greatest composer of all time, drank a lot of coffee. Bach was extremely prolific and I don't doubt coffee helped him boost his output. He even wrote a cantata called the Coffee Cantata.
We should all try to emulate Bach
>devout Lutheran
>had 20 white children
>prolific genius
>coffee drinker
> what is concentration
Do you even science mate
So we should just be spinning webs?
>I never meant to cause you trouble.
But a human is not a spider. Did you just try to give me an analogy? I have a hunch that this picture is pure bullshit. They were propagandizing us with this same shit when I was in school in the 80's, and I shouldn't be surprised that they are still using it because kids, and most adults, are too stupid to see how absurd this is. Show me one fucking study where an actual scientist got spiders fucked up on weed and watched them make webs, then explain to me how that is remotely relevant to human medicine.
I'm going to do an experiment right now: I'll spray a spider with window cleaner and we'll just see what happens...OMG THE SPIDER CURLED UP AND DIED THIS STUFF MUST BE DEADLY TO HUMANS BAN WINDOW CLEANER RIGHT NOW THINK OF THE CHILDREN
Caffeine makes you smarter, it's a fact.
If you don't drink coffee you're probably a social reject.
Yeah but she began weaving tesseract webs and bringing vorpal moths into our brane. They were paralyzed by the venom, but the experiment was deemed too risky and subsequently scrapped and black balled.
>lashing out, that's the caffeine addiction talking
Non caffeine addict here, you do sound like a fag.
If you don't have a big tolerance to caffeine, then it can be used to increase productivity when doing certain tasks. And of course it can be used to help you stay alert and awake for longer.
>the fact that you drink it every day has nothing to do with addiction or dependency? the science says otherwise
I wonder what "the science" has to say about my parking behavior, since, every day, I pull into the same lot and park in the same spot. Then, when I go home, I pull into the same drive way. I even park at the same times on the same days of the week. Now that pattern surely indicates a parking "dependency" doesn't it? I wonder if I could survive quitting parking cold turkey? You shit-for-brains.
>we're not just talking about coffee. we're talking about caffeine
What, you think I pop caffeine pills, or something? I don't use caffeine.
>i get the worst headaches without caffiene. I also get dizzy and pass out.
Meant for
I like my two cups of coffee that's why. Helps burn off the night.
>muh flavour
>muh heat
you can heat up water for anything
>I tried several decaf varieties and the taste is just bland
your addiction is conflating the too. it's your addiction talking.
the effects aren't regular and when you're in withdrawal your blood pressure drops even lower than it would otherwise. it makes 0 medical sense. I don't buy it. if your doctor did say it then he's a retard
we're trying to help you user.
>brain shuts down
we need food. we don't eat the same food every day. not the same. you don't need caffeine.
better straight than crooked
yes they do
>just let people do what they like
you sound like a hippie
that's the politics we're moving away from
>what the fuck is the point of this thread
free your mind, it's in the subject
>how is it related to politics?
if you can't think clearly then you can't think about politics clearly either. plus widespread caffeine addiction is a sociopolitical issue
~90% of American adults consume caffeine every day
Come to think of it, I may have had some sort of caffeine contact high from eating your mother's ass. Does she drink a lot of coffee? Is that why you hate it so much?
Perhaps coffee is the real reason he's never achieve the status of Mozart or Beethoven. There's no control, so there's no way to know how awesome he could've been without the caffeinated Jew.
Coffee probably caused the revolutions in the 18th century.
Masturbation is worse than all of these things combined.
So I looked it up and it turns out I was partially correct. The whole thing started with a kraut zoologist who wanted to watch nocturnal spiders build webs during office hours so he gave them caffeine, then some other guy found it interesting so he gave them other drugs as well to see what would happen. Their research never implied that this had anything to do with human reactions to these drugs, but that didn't stop the kikes at D.A.R.E. from using it to propagandize kids.
You must have some sort of SJW definition of drug dependency if you think getting a temporary headache if you don't drink something means you're "addicted" to it.
>"it's a americans fall for yet another jewish marketing ploy to buy a "new" "healthy" product"-episode
Coffee is not bad for you in any way.
>no fap cultist
Pls go.
>mentally ill
nah you're the one addicted to caffeine. projection.
>But if something feels good, that's not a sign the thing isn't good.
If the feeling good is derived from your addiction being fulfilled, then it's an empty feeling
>Caffeine tolerance develops very quickly. Tolerance to the sleep disruption effects of caffeine were seen after consumption of 400 mg of caffeine 3 times a day for 7 days, whereas complete tolerance was observed after consumption of 300 mg taken 3 times a day for 18 days.[5]
At first there is a good feeling effect but after a few weeks your body's tolerance grows and then you're drinking it for the addiction alone
you have to drink caffeine just to get back to even
I've also explained how it isn't good; it raises your blood pressure and addiction (reward-seeking) distorts your perception and your ability to deal with reality as it is
>You fucking nutjob.
>being this addicted to caffeine
lawlz. if water were addictive like caffeine then why don't you just drink water? you're defeating your own arguments. water is a lot easier to come by and a lot less expensive.
>if caffeine doesn't have a significant effect on you
What idiot thinks this? People drink it specifically for its powerful effects.
Were you born retarded, or did you have to work at it?
>Not knowing the only people who make it through the day without addictive substances are bluepilled goys
>Not knowing the people who get (((prescribed))) addictive substances only do so to keep them bluepilled
Change that flag now you pinko cunt.
I only drink it specifically when I'm sleepy. No point in randomly drinking it
There is no depth to the acid trippin spider's web. The vision is there, the outline of a web, but none of the supporting strings that make the web actually catch a fly are there.
>Caffeine distorts judgement
Finland runs on caffeine
He's right though
>Liver regeneration was stimulated in partially hepatectomized rats fed diets supplemental with up to 7.0% by weight of ground green and roasted Brazilian or Hawaiian (Kona) coffee in a basal powdered ration
>but was little influenced by decaffeinated or African Robusta coffee diets over a period of 10 days
Mormons BTFO