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wtf is wrong with this dude.
>being this fucking new
>muh sekrit klub
kys tbqh my dude
>Physics Girl \ Dianna Cowern brags about fucking niggers
Absolutely nothing. What's wrong with you?
He's obviously insane.
>big dick nigger orgasms
He's been talking non stop about this for a week.
His suicide has to be right around the corner.
niggers is a symbol
Is that your medical opinion?
Produce your credentials.
It also led him to become an alcoholic and drive drunk, abuse his dog, and curse/argue his parents. He is super obsessed and throwing his life away for a roastie who isnt even hot.
>you're insane if you hate niggers fucking your women
I'm gonna need you to stop being retarded for at least 10 seconds, you dump larp flag faggot.
Not even larping. He sounds mentally unstable. Anyone who abuses animals is mentally unstable but the crazy shit he says is further proof.
who the fuck is Diana?
I hope he's gonna shoot some niggers desu
I don't need to be a Doctor of PhD MD in order to say that you're a homo butt-sucker.
So was Dianna real? Was she a celebrity he had delusions of grandeour about? I'm new.
>muh inclusiv sekrit klub
kys tbqh faggot
hi terry
I think you're talking to the dude in video
>fallacy fallacy
You have no credibility.
Proffesionals don't make medical diagnoses' remotely for people they haven't met.
There is nothing wrong with Terry.
average Sup Forums user
g has prolly fucked with him, they at least used to write him mail that appeared coming from Dianna
Shes real. Has a youtube/instagram he stalks. Seen him viewing her in some of his videos, I havent looked at them personally though. Goes by the name "physics girl" i believe.
Yeah, you don't fucking say, but when you are awake to how fucked your Nation is; you're going to do that.
We could fucking kill these fucking wastes of space, but end up putting up with it like fucking cucks. Hence, when that frustration is bottled up, you get guys like OP.
He's right you know, we could eradicate the nigs in a couple of weeks at max.
gtfo newfag
take a lesson kids, he is still a virgin and obsession over a grill he doesn't even know, he has just seen her online on a fucking youtube video and on a twitter feed
Get out there and have a life other than in front of your computer screen and get laid! I lost my virginity at 16-17 half a life ago
I'm aware of how fucked up our nation is. He does sound insane though.
>muh dik
fuck off you dumb ass protonigger
>He does sound insane though.
He's enlightened. Can you write your own compiler from scratch? How about an OS, by yourself. Yeah, didn't think so kid.
Putting up with niggers is the craziest thing I can think of.
Don't post Terry here ffs. The dude already has it bad enough, there's already too many underage faggots fucking with the dude.
When did we become ?
Fine line and all that.
I agree. Looking at paying a million dollars to buy a house away from nigger neighborhoods.
Obama's EO to spread section 8 housing all over white communities ensured there's fucking shootings and niggers slinging crystal next to 700k condos.
so.. I kicked the dog
we follow him on g a lot, and this stuff came up.
he is schitzo and everything, but it's not normal to have this obsession part in his age, and it turned out he was still a virgin.
I remember as a kid too you know, that you were not hardened to this as much as you get later. Obsessing over a grill online he doesn't even kno... And he is an adult man
47 yo, he could been her grand fater+ but don't even understand it
He lives in Vegas
He is a 47 yo Virgin
Somebody please get this man a hooker!
Make it happen!
This nigga speaks with god on a daily basis. He's on a higher level of thinking than you.
You should stop caring about blacks and women. They aren't worth it.
You just confirmed your butt-sucking ways.
>He's obviously insane.
Spotted the Nigger Monkey
>Is that your medical opinion?
He is actually schitzofrenic, I'm very impressed to see him actually function so well when it comes to coding at least
g also made him stop working on TempleOS, they wrote a mail from the vatican. I think that was what set him off as bad, he started drinking and stopped working on the OS. They wrote commanded that he stopped, but they have prolly written back again now as he is back on it again
>gets hooker
>can't get it up
>goes into a blind rage
>kills hooker
>blames CIA niggers
>gets put away
>temple OS fades into obscurity as terry rots in an institution
idk user...
I dunno how this works, but if you haven't been using it before, maybe even at that age the opposite is the problem, and you even cum to fast and so. I dunno how that works
americans are fucking crazy
err having a couple of beers here
>They wrote that God was not pleased and commanded him to not work on the OS anymore
That made him go like pic related, he has been drinking ever since and still do though. Last night he was an ass to his parents again
I blame the jews
Your posts glow in the dark.
Jim is such a gook fucking degenerate. Now he's trying to profit off of Terry.
>g also made him stop working on TempleOS, they wrote a mail from the vatican. I think that was what set him off as bad
Literal children were sending him the spoofed Diana emails.
Quick rundown on him?
>Literal children were sending him the spoofed Diana emails.
yeah I am not denying that, a couple of us also said it was ... well crossing the line.
But you know how it goes, I think they stopped though. They also called him many times
He's not a virgin, he sucked his brother off.
Which vids did they call him in? I missed it.
This guys confirms the stereotype that racism is a pathological condition born out of sexual frustration.
B l a c k e d
Terry has always been redpilled.
Wonder he got TCP/IP working on TempleOS nowadays?
>Be engineer
>actually quite good
>old school, the gen older than me
>knows everything inside out and how shit works, compared todays coders and engineers
>makes own flat/protected mode in the early 90ies as many of us dis(for me a bit later though) to use all memory
>work for many years
>get sick
>be 1999 cia niggers glow in the dark, so you run them over, he ran one over
he actually haven't hurt anyone jokes aside
>be 2002 schitzo stuff kicks in
>can't really work anymore and gets fired
here it gets a bit fuzzy he is not quite consistent here
>anyways get in trouble with mentalworking niggers
>they even give him needles and he don't like that
>runs off for a bit
>3-4 time into the mental health stuff
>has to move, moves to his parents
>locked there with them
>becomes christian and starts working on templeOS
>ever since CIA Niggers have tried to shut him down, but he has God on his side!
>g niggers find him
>he visits cuckchan too
>g niggers fucks with him for keks
>obsesses with random girl on internet called physics girl
>g fucks with him more
>goes more nuts
>but even nigger monkeys can't stop terry
He looks/sounds like an unmedicated schizophrenic
Because that's exactly what he is.
i have plenty of sex but i still hate non-whites, nigger.
is this the Kung Pao actor?
T-thanks. Sounds Mkultra'ish tbqh
yeah he stopped taking his meds for I dunno 2 months ago or something, and then he also started to drink which he hadn't done in years as he said
That's some good satire.
incorrect. They sucked each others dicks.
holy shit those poor parents, what a life. And what will terry do once they are gone?
Become a women like chris-chan
no i mean before that but after they died
woman btw
His reaction is completely justified, who normalizes having his community destroyed by regressive invasive species?
I fucked with 7/10 milf 2 days ago but I still want exterminate all of you
He is not.
He had a normal life in the 90s.
Then one day he just flipped.
it's a combination of cuckchan(the most lately) and CIA Niggers I guess.
Tbqh we're far worse than those guys. I dunno what the guys sent him here, but I suspect the nigger dick shit comes from lurking here actually
>My father's computer was pure
>He feels violated now
>I said to him; Do you want to see my home page?
>Then I went to Sup Forums
Also something like
>I'm fucked
>I can't go there anymore, it screws with my head
>I can't visit Sup Forums
>But sooner or later I will go back again
Man I should have written these down, he has like 6 million videos on kiketube. He doesn't upload them him self anymore, but he just uploads them to his own domain to some random folders there, the videos gets grabbed and put on one of g's yt accounts
It's like 6 millon of them there
His videos are only up for a short period and he deletes them and they end on yt anyways
He deleted his whole site after he started drinking, and just hosted his videos for a short period basically. I haven't checked the last days, but it seems he is back on it again, working on his OS and all so maybe his site is up again now?
You used to see his rants in the OS there and such
I'm a proud Temple OS user
>talks of genociding niggers
terry is finding the grip on reality. he's coming back. niggers and CIA niggers be scared.
diana is some science youtuber that terry fell in love with and Sup Forums decided to troll him by pretending to be her and sending him emails
yeah indeed he had, so maybe it's him just ranting off and obsessing because that is what( think at least) they do. Very possible
But again to underline this, he was fully functional in the 90ies and before that
Actually, I wonder if the parents did anything to him to fuck him up that bad.
he fummed some gases while he was young, that is probably what fucked him up
>he thinks sanity is accepting the decay and destruction of society
found the nigger fucking faggot
yeah and they are old too.
His father is a fucking saint, sometimes he goes out with him even. Damn I should have saved this video, but in his age he goes on a long walk with him in the night even.
He never comlains or anything, the strong silent type yet to his very old age, and his wife is sick too
I wonder why Diana rather fucks big nigger dicks than that superior apex male.
He should re-start to take his meds and stop drinking. I'm worried he will end up killing himself or someone else.
Can it run League of Legends?
Latest video shows him not taking terry's shit anymore telling him to gtfo
>There was a case where my brother, Danny's like, got me high on gas. We sucked each other's dicks
So that's it huh? Niggers fucking white women is the cause of you insecure cucks becoming neo nazis. Fucking hilarious. Calling people cucks was just projecting all of this time.
yeah I hope he gets on his meds again.
And the worst of it you know, if you had game theory at the uni you prolly know the story. But you had Nash right, and he was brilliant as fuck and we can thank that guy for that the west and commie east never went to nuclear war due to his game theory stuff.
He actually worked with the CIA and military even, but he got schitzo. And went from working with (((those))) fags and being a professor to just well being mad. Then some years ago, they actually found medicines that made him well, so then he went back to his university again. He wasn't allowed to lecture but all the students flocked to him again and he kept keeping like lectures unformally.
I dunno about today though if he is dead or not, he was shit old. My point is that suddenly that can invent some new medicines that actually work on Terry too, then boom he is him self again
hey look, arguments with holes again
>she brags about nigger orgasms from big dick SHUT UP BITCH!!! SHUT UP!!!! I just kicked the dog, holy fuck its so easy to exterminate the gorillas why are we putting up with this shit? we need to get rid of the nigger dick thats fucking up the fabric of our society
this is what happens when you take Sup Forums too seriously