Should women be able to enter university?

The most common thing when arguing about having kids is that "women don't spend their days studying to not to have carriers", which is often echoed by every one of them.

But being in the education system until their mid-20s and some more years until their realize that they are not happy with that shitty job just delays having a family and raising children, which contributes to subhumans outbreeding white people.

What should be done, Sup Forums?

It shouldn't be an issue if the woman is able to provide medical documentation that proves she is infertile.

Ofcourse not, higher education should be banned for women, that decreases unemployment, increases the population (by having stable families and having one man winning the bread) and frees up money going to unemploymen benefits (which should also be slashed) and instead be used for giving financial incentive to any family who has 2 children or more

Well, universities are the best place to get knocked up

Yeah, but most women are not.

She should grab a fucking paint brush.

>What should be done, Sup Forums?
You cant create policy, when women outvote men when it comes to "women's issues". We cant take away things we gave away already.

You as an individual can better yourself to such a degree, where you can find a "decent" woman to start a family with.

Everything else is wishful thinking. Resource rich environments make women prefer Chad and a shitty job. Resource poor environments will make them chase the best and most stable providers.

Unless the world suffers a major economic and environmental problem in the magnitude of a global war, or even a gigantic catastrophic event like a minor ice age, forget about it. Women prefer fucking (Chad) until theyre 35 and working as a secretary, than marrying Beta Bob at 20 and being a housewife.

Why do you guys keep fantasising about subjugating women? when did you turn into muslims/r9k virgins? Do you think white shariah is going to give you more of a chance with us? you know muslims can have multiple wives, right?

But by dismissing 40% of the workforce and replacing them with the 2.5% unemployed men is impossible.

Good to see this post.

Only benefit I can see to higher education for women is that it provides for assortative mating based on IQ.


I'm a girl, and even I can agree that women should be forbidden from the workplace & higher education.

When women turn 18, they should leave school, while the men are off to attend university & achieve things because due to the testosterone men have, they're more competitive & have more incentive to accomplish major things.

Most women, at the end of the day, want to be nurturers/mothers, at home.

Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, have any role in the army, have any jobs/careers outside of domestic housework, nor attend college/university. Women also need a male guardian to help them with stuff.

It's simply nature.

>inb4 larping/post tits/etc

Don't you think that's unfair to women who want to be more than just homemakers and babysitters?

>Most women, at the end of the day, want to be nurturers/mothers, at home.

Even if your outlandish statement is right, most women != all women.

Why should the rest have to be restricted like that?

Wtf I love women now

Sure, somebody have to clean it after all.

>Why should the rest have to be restricted like that?

For the simple reason that you you can't know which is which-


Women should be banned from university and forced to wear burqas.

Because the inherent lack of ingroup cohesion caused by high levels of estrogen means that even though there are some "good ones" they as a group shouldn't be given sway over anything even relatively important.
Its not even a case of a few bad apples ruining the bunch, its a case of a few good apples dont make a bad bunch worthwhile.

Pls delete these images infidel.

A woman using the internet is absolutely haram. Go to your husband and confess your crime against his house and maybe he will go light on you with your beating.

Women should be allowed all the opportunities of men, but they should be educated of their important and noble purpose of motherhood, homemaking, and being a wife, and be educated that just because they're at home doesn't mean they have to be illiterate fools. A strong, intelligent, and wise woman backing up an honorable and good man makes for the strongest foundational force known to mankind for prosperity and for children's growth.

We're all individuals and each have their strength and weakness and some gals are better suited to work than some men, and some men are better suited to homemaking than some women, but exceptions don't make the rules.

Everything wrong in society has to be fixed from the bottom up with good values, education, and a willingness to be the best we can be. Government propaganda for nefarious purposes and top down management of society is what has destroyed the soul of the west.

Cunts shouldn't be allowed in schools at all, is no good for anyone involved.

Women should only be allowed to make up under 10% of university students and only allowed to study things such as art or drama.

>Women should be allowed all the opportunities of men, but they should be educated of their important and noble purpose of motherhood, homemaking, and being a wife, and be educated that just because they're at home doesn't mean they have to be illiterate fools.

>Well maybe if we just try to convince them to stay at home really hard they will even though we give them all the tools not too.

not dressed like that.

>eliminate half the population from working
wow this sounds real smart
>subhumans outbreeding white people
this happens because white people subsidize subhumans

This feels like a thinly veiled MGTOW kike thread

I worked with a group of lady doctors previously.

Fresh out of med school, late 20's/early 30's.

I watched them all get nutty as shit when Valentine's day rolled around. The existential crisis of 'omg I'm single and getting old' was palpable. But year round, I'd overhear them talk about relationships/lack of.

They were also complaining about young "uneducated" roasties getting the men they ''deserve'', aka other doctors and successful men.

It illustrated so much we all know. Female market value crashes based on looks/age alone, and the financial value has less impact than for males.

I have way more sympathy for them than most, at least they spent their 20's having no fun and working hard, as opposed to someone that spent their 20s riding the carousal

>This feels like a thinly veiled MGTOW kike thread

>If you want traditional gender roles you're a kike

get off this board

They should be able to, that they may better homeschool their kids and even tutor those of others on the side.

Even without subhumans birthrates would decline.

>reeeeeee women are so shit now reeeee
>I swear it's just traditional gender roles!
Makes me really think

>just delays having a family and raising children
Mature woman will rise her child to be better at all things. Husband around 30s will have experience in work field, probably will have higher salary to provide better education for child, will create better conditions for child to grow up.
Woman in early 20s is very influenced by her parents, I mean mothers and grandmothers. Husband is usually in early 20s too, doesn't have experience in work, wants all kind of toys, spends his money unwise, etc. Child growing in these conditions won't be successful in life. This family is doomed.
>subhumans outbreeding white people
Don't let them in. What I mean,don't let them in to your daily life. Ignore them.
>Mercy, in excess produces pathology.

nonsensical post, kill yourself


Oh Allah! I'd like that as my snack bar pls.

>wanting to further divide white people
>you're somehow not a mgtow kike

nope, they need to be in the home and trained only in wively duties and home makeing. not to say they cant have hobbies and such but sending them to college just lets there labido take over and we have enough single mothers as it is

you're just a racist liberal (aka retarded kike)

I think you should post sauce

Of course they can have carriers, they can even get a loan of my ramp if you know what I mean.


Segregated education. No loans for sluts. Actually, no gov't loans for anyone.

its sad really, women are beautiful and their true value is that beauty. it should be encouraged and honored, cultivated and respected.

Women today are more interested in learning shit to impress others with their careers. to have a "ton" of money so they can retire

How many men out their care if their significant other is a scientist or a doctor? The only thing men care about in women is feminine features. that means looks, charm, behavior. Not how many books they have read, not how much money they make or what awards they've won.

these women are chasing things they are told they should chase, they do it to impress others, they do it to get attention. but what they don't realize is that when they turn 30, 35, 40, 45 , even 50, and their looks are faded, that attention they thought they were getting from their "hard work" and "impressive education" disappears.

working, learning, becoming professional in something is a mans job, because men are not inherently valuable, their value comes from their choices. women value is inherited. It comes from their looks.

Women are going to be very upset when they realize this in 15 years.

there is nothing wrong with a girl commiting her time to being as charming and beautiful as she can be. I would respect that in a girl more than her doctorate.

Nope. Most of them get baby rabies in their 30's and end up half-assing their career and motherhood. The eternal wisdom of tradition and society knows better what women want, than they do. They should be strongly encouraged to devote themselves to family, whether that of their father or their husband. This would naturally cause them to desire better men thus encouraging men to be more masculine.

I think the current situation is way more unfair

>wow this sounds real smart

It actually does, if you want a society that survives the end of the century, that is

I really like that table.

yes yes shekels are more important goy! there is nothing more important in life! remember, mass immigration is a net positive because more shekels! don't forget!

Checked the digits. And the wisdom

Sup Forums sure as hell got a chromosome too many.

yes you nigger

>replacing [women] with the 2.5% unemployed men is impossible
explain to me how post WWII US economy worked so well then.
Men used to dominate the work force, and wages were better as well as women being put in their place.
The only people who would suffer from dismissing the 40% of women would be the corporations, big business, etc. This is because: more workers available = less average salary, less workers available = higher average salary. It is supply and demand, and the only ones who want to maintain having women in the work force are the upper class.