Have you ever been in a situation where you thought this was true, if so can you tell what happened?
Have you ever been in a situation where you thought this was true, if so can you tell what happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
Every single day
>what happened
The country is on the brink of economic collapse and my newsfeed is being spammed by sportsball
Can you get more specific?
Holy shit
Has something happened!
My country reached 6% budget deficit. Every financial risk evaluator lowered our qualification. Bonds from our treasury are considered trash. And every single normalshit opinion is the same: just lower the senators salary mane xD
Tell politicians to stop taking the money dude xD
And immediately go on a tirade about the latest sportball match.
I'm considering challenging Cho's highscore.
What's your country?
>costa rica
Don't bother. Fly to London and do it there.
This is the empath personality. At least 90% of the population does not possess a large amount of emotional intelligence. I am curious what this person's personality type. There is a buzz among a few authors who have referenced a spiritual awakening among a certain population of people, and they believe this is going to transform many of the people that possess an enlightened level of spirituality.
Not just souls of humans, of all living things.
I've noticed this too and it's frightening. I've had it happen to me a number of times back in Maryland. It's more dominant in Liberals than Conservatives too. Though I will say that the conservative version is more concerning in that it's pure instinct.
Here's one of many examples from when I lived with liberals:
>"Hey lisa I was thinking about this multiform gravitational vector theory.... "
>Blank stare at computer.
>Talking for a good 5 minutes.
>No reaction.
>No reaction again.
>"Gas the jews"
>Walk away.
That's just one of the more amusing times, when I assumed it was just because she was a disrespectul and self absorbed bitch (She is though). Now I can start an argument online and it's like "Ok I want to mess with them and back them into a corner. I know, I'll press this button" And then get them into a corner. But the entire time the main point of a conversation remains unaddressed. In one particular case, it was like personal responsibility. Instead of actually discussing that, the person instantly switched to blaming some police officer or whatever because a kid shot the cop.
It's become so easily apparent that at times I wonder if I even want to engage people in conversation anymore. Or if I just want to look someone in the eye and decide if they're even mentally awake
lol you mean goyim have no souls? no shit.
i wonder how surprised Sup Forumslacks would be to learn the amount of jewish DNA they have that allows them to think for themselves. i know some of you faggots can form your own opinions and only those with jewish blood are capable of that.
It's not conservative vs liberal. Stop playing that game.
Very close OP, but you forgot to account for higher animals. If these creatures had souls then it could explain how the soul vacuum which would logically arise with population growth might be filled. After all as civilization spread, animal populations declined or went extinct so where else would those souls go.
However, this would predict that as the population increased a subpopulation of the human species would start identifying with animals and that has not yet been observed.
>However, this would predict that as the population increased a subpopulation of the human species would start identifying with animals and that has not yet been observed.
Back to Tumblr with you.
>reincarnation only works for humans
K.. Keep me posted
Cognitive dissonance is too much for most people. To even imagine that the status quo is built on lies is a bridge too far. Violent red pills will be had once this dnc thing blows open. That's why jewtube and faceberg are battening down the hatches. They know a paradigm shift is coming and are trying out get in front of it. Sorry faggots. Not gonna happen.
You know, OP and those of us who have these experiences. They're not necessarily 'empty', even if they were 'non-player-characters'. Player means 'aware of the game'. They don't know about the game, they are being played. You give them new or offensive information, they can't process it. They always rely on external validation for their thoughts. What you have met is the modern man. The goy. And that's what the future will look like, except it will be more violent, because Satan/Kikes desire it.
user has been watching a bit too much B5
I believe in this NPC meme but I think it's different than just a solid NPC. I see it more like the programs in the task manager. As in they use a set amount of RAM or resources. For example I can break my sister out of her consciousless trance for 5 minutes at a time but something just drags her back to "LMAO DID YOU HEAR DRAKE'S NEW ALBUM?!"
For example you can't be so dense as to admit you were never bluepilled. I believe that when you're bluepilled you utilize 10% of your resources, you basically run on autopilot. Your processes have been repeated hundreds of thousands of times so they are incredibly efficient, this becomes a neural highway in your brain, hard to break out of (if you understand how neural pathways work you'll understand what I'm saying) it's easy. But when you acquire true consciousness you face every event in the world from different perspectives, you analyze it and behave in whatever the new information requires you to behave like so that your goal is achieved. I think it explains how some people get PTSD and some don't in war, when they're both seeing the same shit. The one who got PTSD never in his life expected to see a 3 year old's guts spread around the ground.
He who is able to break out of the sheep herd mentality will consume more resources, like saying running paint.exe consuming very little, sometimes even less than 5% and running Half Life 2 which would consume lots of resources, sometimes even 90%
>trying to argue with a woman about meaningful things
>magical thinking
I remember this girl I used to hang out with. She seemed so very close to breaking out of the conditioning, for some reason or another we stopped hanging out and she started becoming more bluepilled. More distant. If you don't talk about some gay nihilist meme on FB or some gay Anime you won't get a response at all.
I like this method of thinking
Seems legit imo
I've experienced this. I think most people with a functioning thought can say they have.
The user in OP's pic calls those mindless people NPCs, while saying non-NPCs have souls. I call those NPCs thoughtless people, because it's as if there is nothing but instinct and compulsory in them. Where as with people who are in possession thought, are able to actually think, feel and philosophise regarding all the world's problems and faults.
In either case, i've experienced it when i went through high school. I expected to make some intelligent friends, who had a clear thought. And those friends i made were certainly nice people, and one of them very smart. But they all shared the same mindlessness. If i ever mentioned anything beyond mainstream news or shitty video games we've played, i would NEVER get any response. Sometimes they would just flat out cut me off to do something else.
I would've called them rude for being like that, but i won't deny i've thought about this "I am the only man with a consciousness" scenario before.
I suppose you're Hindu, right?
Believing that you can reincarnate into anything living, based on your karma from the previous life, correct?
How are the conservatives worse? I imagine it's all
these are all interactions with plebs at my work. People in their 40s+ who have no wife or legacy. Many such cases, sad!
>*reincarnation only works for whites
sorry pajeet. Maybe next time.
yeah, I used to get that, but since I started getting more forceful I start insulting them if they ignore me, telling them they are being rude. then they usually tell me they don't want to talk about it. so I tell them we can stop talking about it after you acknowledge what I said and give your response
I don't think these people are NPCs, just dumb/shocked/in a mental prison
Yea I also like this one
>. There is a buzz among a few authors who have referenced a spiritual awakening among a certain population of people
Tell us more user.
>I'm the only real person on this planet of the sheep
>omg everyone else is so laaame
This is what happens when you're not forced to be around lots of different people. In the military, I met plenty of morons, retards, and simple-minded motherfuckers. Not one of them was an "NPC". They all had their own lives and struggles, and when you got right down to it, each of them had their own little spark of intelligence, even if it was hidden beneath a layer of pop-culture retardation.
So go outside.
>and when you got right down to it, each of them had their own little spark of intelligence
That's debatable, many would argue. I've encountered examples of it though.
It's more like tech support. You press 1 and 2 continually in order to robotic responses, wait in queue, then finally you get through and the motherfucker's speaking indian.
>a stupid nigger thinks it can feel empathy
fucking lol you are the kind of mindless goyim this thread is about
can we talk about this for a minute Sup Forums? because this is something i grapple with to no end
At the risk of sounding like a fedora tipping faggot, i think the most important think when presenting an argument/position is that you should be able to reason to it. It should be like the work on a math problem; i want to know the steps you took to come to the conclusion youve reached, so that i can either A.) come to the same conclusion or B.) find a flaw in the work that should be fixed. I get that sounds a bit autistic but why would you hold a position you cant back up or cant reason to?
But anybody i talk to nowadays (or try to engage) just parrots the same response
>fuck trump
>open borders
>fuck hitler
>fuck white people
But if i ask them why they think that they just give me an incredulous look, or say "because x sucks". Thats even if i get a response other than being mocked/shamed for having different views or the person walking away
Every person has the same interests too
>did you hear tyrones new album release?
>this sportsball player could hypothetically beat that sportsball team player
>so i got drunk and had sex last friday....
Its as if people are clones and are incapable of thinking for themselves
My question is, how the fuck did we get here? Are we getting dumber as time goes on? is it the jews? media?
white people were always like this, jews are just intensifying the effects artificially through mass media. used to be a white man would obsess over his work and family, now they obsess over games and toys.
>But if i ask them why they think that they just give me an incredulous look, or say "because x sucks".
They probably don't respect you enough to give you a real answer. Are you a fatty? Do you shave?
Yes and yes
>American education
People block out complexity because simplicity leads to happiness.
Engaging with the complexity probably won't lead to happiness but you will be enlightened.
Being enlightened means you have to engage with the full nature of the brutal blackpills and if you can manage to balance out the blackpills with a sense of optimism and wonder at the nature of the universe you can achieve a certain contentment, but not happiness, happiness is a temporary dopamine rush by eating a nice meal, fugging a hot girl, buying something nice and shiny and new etc...
Happiness is for normies.
>i have no argument to justify my existence
>i know, i'll try to shame them!
please dont try to use jewish tricks if you arent jewish. you are mangling it horribly.
Of all the people I have met in my life, I would say maximum only 25 of them are not npc's.
This is the way it is anons, when you find a friend or girlfriend that has that spark in their eye, make sure not to distance yourself from them
I don't need to justify my existence, the US military did it for me, when I was 17. Then it was foreign service. Then my own operations.
>white people were always like this
as if to say that other races such as blacks or asians are not?
no and yes, in that order. Its not the kind of response where they immediately say it to blow me off, theyll look at me for a second or two first as if theyre contemplating the issue, and then default to "....because x sucks" and then go on talking about drake or some shit
are these people aware they block it out, or do they do it subconciously? and if this is true, the enlightened vs ignorantly happy dichotomy, that would mean that you and i are different. So what exactly is it that makes us different?
I think its the media. If all of the normies came to Sup Forums at least half of them will come back and stay.
>as if to say that other races such as blacks or asians are not?
well im talking about humans here, not monkeys and ants
>nigger gets a fake job in the military
youre the reason i will never follow my grandfathers footsteps. no fucking way im fighting in the same army as stupid desk """""job""""" niggers.
I used to believe that infographic 100%, from ages 14 to 19 more or less.
But as I grew older and realized just how much work it is to keep track of studies, your job, your family, your body, your social status...
Discovering the truth about things takes energy. Tremendous mental energy. Discovering new and interesting music takes energy and time. Discovering cogent philosophy takes energy. All of this takes energy.
You have a finite amount of energy every day. To be a competitive upper-income skilled worker, you can pick 3 of the following: studying/job skills, physical/emotional health, social status, better taste. I've noticed that since I have started chasing after better skills, I no longer have time to delve into why the latest media craze is wrong, and I no longer have time to listen to new music. The last new band I came across has been Mac Demarco. 3 years ago. And now he's super popular.
Whining about traffic, having a comedy-show level of political competence, subscribing to the zeitgeist of the time... all of these are simply following the subconscious social script. They don't take time. They don't take energy. They are equipped and used as tools to socialize with other script-followers.
user, it's very difficult to juggle the obligations of contemporary society with a desire for superior tastes and opinions. It may even be impossible. This isn't to excuse their behavior, but only to stick a cause to it.
I like the term "simpleton". It reminds me of the words "simple" and "automaton".
I remember very very clearly the first time something like OPs slipped into my mind, I was in the elementary school playing hide and seek, currently hiding, so I used that time to think about stuff... So maybe around 8y/o or such.
I thought to myself how incredible it is to think about that there are so many humans on the planet and if they all thought as much as I did, how many thoughts there were in this instant.
It was like an epiphany and I began to study the behaviour of the other kids around school, how they behave and why they do so, what they think etc.
It was a phase of maybe half a year or year, I quickly became bluepilled again and slipped back, nearly forgetting this happening.
Till quite a few years later I wondered why so many people seem to be so goddamn stupid, then I remembered and it suddenly made more sense.
Most people run a fixed programm. Their cliche, their "role" that came to be because of various reasons. Mainly that circumstances slowly entrenched this role into them.
A bully type kid isnt a bully just because he´s an ass. He became that asshole for a reason, be it part genetic, part society, part family troubles.
But they begin to "like" that role whitout thinking about how and why they like it. They arent really self-conscious. They dont think about themselves, it´s the fault of others and so on.
A hardcore bible thumper who rambles about sodomites wouldnt take into consideration certain benefits to society from gays for example. He´d simply shove these to the side and ignore it.
What I want to show with this example is that it is a form of fanatism.
They could think outside their box but it doesnt fit their worldview, so they ignore it.
Most normies think about such a thing for one second, blink and say something like "That´s stupid" or simply "Nah".
They dont want to think about it, especially if it is uncomfortable for them to do so.
that spark though
the only people who dont look like their eyes are rolled back behind their head, their eyes glosses over looking through everything not focused on anything
well said
theyd have to come one at a time and be assimilated so we wouldnt see an erasure of board culture, mirroring whats happening in europe right now. If they come all at once theyd retain their mob mentality hive mind
That raises an interesting point though. Say that a bunch of normies get run through the internet hate machine and change their views. What good does it ultimately do? Sure theyre OUR useful idiots now, but that would make us the jews, and the rhetoric they mindlessly spew our rhetoric. How different would it really be?
They probably just disagree with you politically and don't really want to talk about it. You'd be surprised how many people base their political ideologies on a single thing, whether it's guns, or gay rights, for some people it's race. Most people, when they're faced with a political issue outside the one that they care about, will just hurl some bullshit insult and then fuck right off.
It makes them jackoffs who vote based on that one stupid issue, it doesn't make them NPCs or anything. If they like Drake, their taste in music sucks, too. But I've met people who loved Drake, could sing half the (shitty) songs, could play the melodies on one of those bullshit midi apps that doesn't even have a real keyboard, and were all-around relatively intelligent people, with their own lives and hobbies, they just had bad taste in music and culture.
Even stupid seeming people are sometimes good at something odd, like lockpicking, or pulling ZIP drives and other components out of old junk computers (back in the late 90s, when that wasn't a common skill). You'd be surprised, how people will surprise you when they're in the right environment. It's like those old, kinda chubby, office ladies. You think they're one way, and then you see their mommydomme tumblr with 80,000 followers.
Just keep doing nothing with your life, man. Maybe someday the government will take pity on you.
what did you do besides the easiest thing on earth (joining the military in the 21st century)
This actually.
How Jew are you Sup Forums?
Well, joined the foreign service right afterwards, and then started up my own aid station in one of the nations that I'd served. Popping back into the US for technical degrees as needed, of course.
I don't see how that would make us the jews. For the most part we just want to uncover the truth and a lot of us just want normies to think for themselves and question the world. In the end, Sup Forums is the truth and the jews are the lies. The more educated the people are, the better chances we have to change the world for the better. We don't have enough rational people in the world
im a h'white blue eyed hamitic canaanite with catholic family but you go far back enough and it started to just be typical phonecian
am i a jew???
I've had this happen. For example, most of my friends are always making jokes or talking about the latest drama. However, whenever, I bring up anything political, they have simple replies like "yeah" or "you may be going too far" without any input of their own. Most of my family is like this as well, so it makes family reunions an absolute snoozefest. Here are a few signs I've noticed:
- An Obsession with Fitting in - An NPC is ultimately empty inside. However, they don't want to accept this so they try to mimic "real" humanity.
- False Display of Emotions - An NPC obviously has no real feelings beyond basic instinct. So, in order to appear human, they constantly exaggerate emotions to compensate. They will always act either super happy, super sad, or super annoyed with no in-between. This has lead to real people being labelled "anti-social" or "dull" because they aren't hyper 24/7.
- Constant Duckspeek - An NPC doesn't have any interesting thoughts of their own. So, they will repeatedly chat about meaningless drivel to compensate. This will lead to real people being labelled "quiet" just becaue they think and listen before they talk.
- Obsession with Fiction - An NPC can't comprehend "complex" fields like politics, history, or philosophy. So, they become involved in easy-to-understand works like Harry Potter or Marvel movies. This is why they use pop culture references ad nauseum ("The cake is a lie! XD" "Duuuude, why couldn't the Stormtroopers hit anyone lol!" "Trump is Voldemort!", etc). This is where the distinction between nerds and "GAMER GURLZ" forms, as they only know entry-level knowledge about their chosen topic.
- No Political Awareness - While an NPC will try to avoid politics as much as possible, they know they'll need at least some alignment in order to fit in. Their entire political thought is composed of basic slogans and buzzwords, which is why they constantly spout "diversity" and "equality" without any logic behind it.
>At least 90% of the population does not possess a large amount of emotional intelligence.
you have a source on that?
I had a similar theory when I was a kid. Like there was a giant pool of soul energy; every time a life was created soul energy was taken from the pool, and every time a life died soul energy was put back in the pool. This meant that soul energy was constantly getting mixed, as there weren't solidified "souls," just a finite amount of "soul energy." That was why some people felt they were reincarnated from someone else, or had another person's memories. They might have a combination of soul energy that was once in thousands of different people.
I was also a stupid 8 year old when I believed in this. But if something similar were the case, then the population explosion would mean each human being has less soul energy than they did 1,000 years ago because they have to split it evenly and it's finite.
Obviously it's all completely bullshit, but this post reminded me of that.
desu im thinking about this, Sup Forums kinda ARE the jews. we all grouped up in this site, look out for eachother, have an in-group, are willing to let people into our groups if they assimilate, and we focus on coverting(redpilling) people
we're better at doing false flags and psyops than people in intelligence agencies. maybe theres some legitimacy to that, having been on Sup Forums since 2007 and being part of old /new/....
are we the khazars?
okay. theres nowhere else for this discussion to go and i dont trust internet faggots to tell the truth about their achievements so whatever. if you have so much responsibility maybe you shouldnt be wasting time posting on internet forums.
How naive you are to assume there isn't a more indepth reason for people being trash. Why would you want to be trash unless you already have processes accepting trash? It's more more inpdeth problem then "they are just like this." Their mind is literally built to enjoy trash. I do not enjoy trash (I do but not in this context).
Also if you've noticed, we don't brainwash people. People come to laugh at us and call us racists and we just laugh and ignore them. Then they stick around because they are curious.
ive had that thought a lot. the more people are the more its diluted. makes you wonder if the old human societies really did see tons of mystical shit, because the ordinary human was a mancer by birth.
read the vedas
I disagree
>just want normies to think for themselves
and thats what im wondering. I agree with you completely, but my question is that if we get these people to change sides, is it because they managed to think for themselves? OR are they truly mindless and think what theyre told?
In the first case, thats great, game over, job well done everybody
In the second case however, meaning that theyre truly just sheep, we'd have to to take care of them. And then we'd have to take precautions to not just end up as the jews controlling the goyim. unless of course thats the real answer
Oh I delegate quite well. You'd be surprised how efficient these "snow niggers" can be, when they're finally getting paid in a currency that isn't toilet paper.
i said convert, not brainwash. the truth is still the truth, and you can't pretend the jews in power are dumb. they have their own truths, but might also be led astray.
if they really do worship an extradimensional entity..... dont we also too? praise kek btw... just a thought :^)
If XYZ were nothing but trash, it probably wouldn't be so popular. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but the entire world is not retarded outside of this little internet clubhouse.
We also use subversion It was a few Trump supporters from Sup Forums that went on liberal forums during the primaries, pretended to be liberals, and created the #BernieOrBust movement.
People on here constantly pretend to be radical feminists, leftists or kangz on Twitter and FB in order to drive moderate white men towards the right.
We had to become the Jew in order to defeat the Jew. But now in the end, no matter who wins, the Jew remains.
>if we get these people to change sides, is it because they managed to think for themselves? OR are they truly mindless and think what theyre told?
after redpilling countless people i can tell you that the answer is NO. they still can't think for themsevles.
try and get them to explain their positions in-depth and they will waddle in their own dogma while looking to you for support. its gross
>Obviously it's all completely bullshit
You were close. Try you've already been incarnated as everyone, just not in time, if you feel a sameness. That sameness you try to attune to when you socially astern; what do you think that is?
Relevant: lesswrong.com
Then obviously I just deserve my suffering because I went after truth. Please, the average person lives for bare minimum in this reality. Have a non-optimistic outlook and stop cutting your junk with bullshit. I'm not a fucking nihilist, but the average person is a talking head 95% of the time who deep down is a dog, rabid or tame.
I genuinely believe I'm the only conscious one. Kind of like a Truman Show type situation but the people dont know they're actors. It doesnt change my life at all desu, if anything it alleviates anxiety that previously crippled me.
It's called being alive. Have you looked around at the state of the world lately?
People are selling the kids into sex slavery for opiates, they can't think for themselves, they need a Hollywood actor to tell them how to feel and how to vote, the majority of people's lives revolve around social media, and think there is a pill to cure every single one of the problems. Do you need me to go on?
remember draft our daughters lmfao.. christ. i dont think had to become the jew, i just think we've always been the jew.
got that jew blood, but not jews or part of jewish families. so we seek our our kin, even though we havent the slightest clue who might that be.
*tips you for the post* whos a gOOD BOY???
I think you've never seen people's blogs. I've been surprised many, many, times by how weird people can actually be, when you get into their blogs.
>what do you think that is?
That amazing feeling I get when the new Drake album is released?
I think that the link between the physical body and the soul can be fucked with.
Some people think its the pineal gland, and there are a few other theories.
In a lot of people I think that interface has become weak.
Sometimes I even find myself drifting along on autopilot.
what is it with people and blogging? how self-absorbed do you have to be to blog? i really dont get it, who does this? who puts out their life out there?
im fucking gen z but i started going on the internet and communities in like 2004, so i always knew to never put out my real life on the internet. just bad opsec.... why do people do this shit?
We don't convert. We actually tell all the normies to fuck off. And I can't speak for the rest of the normies but when I came here I was disgusted. But then I kept coming back because it just made sense. The media never told me the other side of Assad, Putin, The Holocaust, etc, etc. There is something about Sup Forums that just makes sense. I can't explain it. Its like going down a rabbit hole that no one else has discovered.
I wouldn't even be surprised at this point.
I guess "we" really are God's chosen.
...Or should I say G-d?
you're assuming im using the word convert in a certain way, and i mean what i mean. even forcing them to question themselves is converting. there's no dogmatic overtunes to the word 'covert' nor does it imply any sort of wrongdoingness. it just is, but sure lets not use convert since it makes it seem bad. you're still right.
u can say God just not ****
Yes, except you're Drake (along with every other person) and everyone around you is your fan (you're also your biggest fan).
>yfw Lemmings are no longer classifiable as people
Honestly though these people are just centrist cowards who want to fit in and be comfortable. They should be caned for weakening the nation.
They are calling it 'Asension'
The belief is certain people are awake, are seeing beyond identity politics, and how religion is used to divide us. Some of them believe an event will happen that will shift some people spiritually. They basically believe certain people possess the ability to see that what's happening right now is a spiritual battle.
as long as ur not latin i think that shits heckin k*sher my dude
whatever u do just dont make the V a W or ur gonna get in big trouble
Most people just do interest blogs, like, "I'm really into being a cat mom", or "I'm really into mommydomme", or "I'm really into both".