What's your opinion on him, Sup Forums?
Julius Evola
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I have to re-read paragraphs several times before I can figure out what he was trying to say. I enjoy his works, don't get me wrong, but damn does he use a lot of run-on sentences. Is he easier to read in Italian?
Hes an eccentric genius
I read his book about mountain climbing was pretty interesting. The strangest thing he ever did was get himself paralyzed by walking outside during a bombing attack. Kinda retarded.
I think he died standing up like a boss
he redpilled the fuck out of me, now i can't debate politics any more, all i think about is when the Kali Yuga will end.
He enlightend me.
He regards japanese restoration as traditional for its resemblance to ghibellines and it really made me think.
Now I'm loyal to our Emperer who is central to my political consideration.
i wanna start reading him, anyone knows which one of his books i should start off with?
He's not bad. I haven't read much of his stuff desu. He's like a cross between Nietzsche and Guenon, though not as good.
>Revolt Against the Modern World
>Introduction to Magic
Interesting. After diving a bit into him, Learning about the Meiji Restoration (Japanese History is surprisingly fun and inspiring) and reading classical liberal and traditional politics SOMEHOW the idea of a Constitutional Monarchy came to mind. Out of nowhere the idea of a king looked like the best way of giving both order and freedom to people
Revolt against the modern world is the best to start. You might not enjoy the first part though as it just describes the world of tradition. Second half is where it gets political. You could stsrt with men among the ruins it is entirely political and an easy compelling read. Don't start with ride the tiger until you have familiarized yourself with his thought to a modest extent.
I earnestly thank you ^_^
Happy reading
There is also a collection of essays that is published under the title 'metaphysics of war'. Its an interesting read for a Sup Forumsack.
Very interesting man, no conventional but many red pills.
Intelligent enough to bash capitalism and marxism.
He was pissed because he was a virgin, so he hated women blamed the Jews.
Same goes for Kant.
And all of Sup Forums.
Thank you! This guide has been very clear. I will start with the Hermetic Tradition then
I like him, but don't know him to in-depth. Is his wikipedia page still Jewed?
I advise to read him first and then read other's opinions and analysis on him. Discussions are better when you know about the subject
Never heard of him.
Ride the tiger brah
He would be disgusted by us.
Writing in the US before the 1940s and the UK until recently wrote in long sentences.
>implying women aren't to be hated
>implying jews aren't to be blamed
It's time for another foo00o0o0o0d review!
Went through a few of his quotes and now listening to him on YouTube.
Thank you, he's pretty cool so far.
That's the best part
Is a sign
The concept of riding the tiger is the solution to all blackpilling, so he is definitely something worth spreading.
>During his trial in 1951, Evola denied being a Fascist and instead referred to himself as a ‘superfascist’.
This is all that needs to be said. He is 100% based.
Shit, That sounds cool. Even during his trial he acted as an übermensch
>super fascist
thats such a nice word, I call myself ultra fascist.
He was the ultimate contrarian of his time, everybody hated him, he never married and thought he was the only one who knew how to save mankind.
If anything he would post here.
Rehashed most of Nietzsche's ideas
Still breddy gud
>He also believed that one could be "Aryan", but have a "Jewish" soul, just as one could be "Jewish", but have an "Aryan" soul.
More like Cuckius Cuckvola, amirite?
ha, indeed. DNA makes the person.
"Superfascist" implies that he's above being a fascist, not that he's very fascist.
Super in Italian is not the same as über un german. über may mean above, but Super means something like power or perfection
just like hitler
super is Latin for "above"
But the use in the Romance languages is different