Alright Sup Forums, I need to redpilled someone on the holocaust but need some help. Any material, statistics or other evidence is acceptable.
Otherwise general holohoax thread
Alright Sup Forums, I need to redpilled someone on the holocaust but need some help. Any material, statistics or other evidence is acceptable.
Otherwise general holohoax thread
Other urls found in this thread:
if you can't, this image is comparing documents transferring the same amount of zyklon-b to auschwitz, the alleged death camp and to a non-death camp
another one in debating against the nuremburg trials
Thank you based holohoax leaf. Can you provide a mega or something of your entire folder?
theres not much else including the ones I already posted
>Otherwise general holohoax thread
just wait for the austrian white knight to come trough.
more proof of that
Ah, nevermind then. this is fine.
and if someone says "there was no photoshop back then"
do you have ones that expose the anne frank dairy story being a hoax?
certainly got a lot of material there
i asked my grandma, she said we didn't - otherwise they'd be dead.
please use this as source.
you got more?
il post some of my redpills.
How Britain tortured Nazi PoWs: The horrifying interrogation methods that belie our proud boast that we fought a clean war
How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss
the nuremburg false claims.
Keep feeding me, i'm archiving it privately and securely as i can
forgot to type
Not anymore on anne frank
Irma Grese.
homosexuality was punisheble by exicution in the reich (according to the narrative) so you kindof torpedoed youre own argument there op.
and miscegenation was illigal by the nuremburg laws she could not have slept with the prisoners
so we got that out of the way.
that's all i have
the "fingernail scrathes on the "gas chambers" are fake aswell there made by tourist.
>Mohs.mp4 - YouTube
>Hardness Test - Before the Polish - YouTube
Thus fingernails can’t leave marks in concrete when scratching it. If concrete is scratched by fingernails, only a fingernail powder will be left on the scratched concrete surface (but no furrow) because fingernails are softer than concrete.
Those marks were caused by tourists in the decades that followed, probably using their keys.
Thank you for posting it all
You have all my thanks for this
6 million Jews over 5 years comes out to 2.21 Jews per minute. Plus all the Slavs etc they claim were also killed. Plus fighting a war on two fronts.
Sound legit?
>original photo in random magazine
Wow people died in a work camp during wartime?
all "holocaust debunking" material is bullshit taken out of context
this link confuses and frightens the holocaust denier:
Literally this though, we whites are amazing at genocide when we 'want' to, if we really wanted the kikes dead they'd be fucking gone.
Clearly they have given us reason to make sure of it this time around though.
What was the long-run plan for all the inmates, if not extermination?
Not shilling, just newfag thinking this all over for the first time.
>holohoax is shill thread
>go to a american thread instead
Wow, really makes you think. Fuck off
Madagascar plan, they wanted to send them there. Before the war they were deporting them to Palestine
>hurr durr
Prepare yourself, there's a lot of great meme images in this thread that are far more valuable than any 'book learnin' you could ever had gotten.
>Anonymous (ID: z1czmb+Y) 08/02/17(Wed)19:27:13 No.135903748▶
>File: 1498519498845.jpg (1.45 MB, 1096x1600)
More holohoax info here:
>Admitted that Free-Masontry is Judaic secret society
>Free-masonic leaders admit pic related
It's easy to get caught up in the Free-Masonic conspiracy but you must remember that they are a branch of Judaism, not the other way around.
Jews are chiefly the one to blame and there are mountains of evidence to prove it. It's just a matter of finding it and having the willpower to accept it.
>Protestants founded on distrust of the Jews and the papacy which was infiltrated by Italian/German Jews
>They infiltrate Protestantism and turn it into the most marxist egalitarian religion on the face of the planet
Hehe.. Total coincidence goy
The formatting of the writing of this imgur page looks like it was written by a Nigerian hacker. Absolute trash and I've seen and debunked many of the things in this particular link before
>expelled by 300+ countries
Judaism is a rejection of reality.
Whoops accidentally posted the (((partial))) list.
Here is the full list.
Sand niggers are barbarians and shouldn't be let into western countries but remember that interventionalism in the Middle East fuels immigration to the first world.
Let the Jews deal with their own problems.
>but dur wus 3 versions of dur durury, hur dad wrote the last one aftur dur wur!! durr
The cuckoldry meme is spread by Jews
>Jews aren't engaged in a deliberate psyop to destroy western civiliza-
This isn't related to the holohoax but I still think you should know
>Pornography isn't a Jewish enterpri-
Is this real?
Yes, I confirm everything that I save to my harddrive. Posted falsifiable stuff erases everything else you posted when you are trying to redpill people.
It's fucking ridiculous isn't it?