Can't wait to see the outfall about this being a "racist" ad.
Mason Price
Benjamin Morris
William Kelly
Aren't AfD controlled opposition?
Evan Hall
And also the boogeyman at the same time and also an irrelevant
Luis Brown
Daily reminder that the AfD are a bunch of nigger lovers who can't get enough of that big black cock
John Smith
No they aren't.
Not you fag again
Aaron Rogers
Are you the kike who can't even talk about the Jewish Question because you are afraid of a government that is bringing in rapefugees to rape all the German women?
Nicholas Jackson
Yes we talk yesterday
Michael Miller
Still the only alternative we have.
Landon James
So fuck off to some normie place where people live by your logic.
You are a sad cuck, who is afraid of saying the truth about the Jews because you are afraid of a government that is trying to culturally enrich every woman in your family.
Wyatt Nelson
>Still the only alternative we have. I'm not going to get jewed because the mainstream media tells me the AfD are a bunch of right wing extremists.
AfD are a bunch of jews who are just acting like they care about Germany and idiots who trust them.
Jackson Young
Das ist ja islamophoborassistenschweine... Mehr Migranten sofort die Grenze öffnen.
Ethan Price
Cooper Moore
You need to go back
Robert Perry
you shills and leftys must have a miserable life. go play with your toys and let some men handle this. ffs...
Michael Davis
Go back to the_schulz you juso fag
Jackson Butler
you need to go back nigger lover
Jordan Carter
Well, who are you going to for vote then?
Dylan Thomas
Warum spricht hier keiner Deutsch?
Ich wette ihr seid alle Amerikaner ahahaha
Angel Morris
>so many German hate threads all active right now >I know lets make a german thread because we aren't hated enough.
Alexander Morris
Mods löschen sonst den Faden.
Justin Walker
>Well, who are you going to for vote then? Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP
Will provide pics on election day
Jack Jenkins
So you're just anti-AfD shill?
Colton Phillips
Yes he is. He is shitposting in this thread regularly
Jaxon Sanders
>So you're just anti-AfD shill? I'm sick and tired of jews and race mixers shitting up my board
Juan Jackson
you need to go back
Evan Thomas
Hello you fucking germancucks, I came here to say that genocide is in order to cleanse the Europe and the world of the disease known as GERMans. Hopefully the Anglo will deliver, but if not you will do it yourself like a good goy you are.
Also, good thing of you to call you thread "Kraut" - it just shows how cucked you are by the superior Anglo. Goodbye Germanfuckpiecesofmuslimshit.
Gabriel Campbell
I'm pretty sure you are a shitskin yourself
Parker Carter
Fuck AfD!!!
Joseph Gutierrez
Germans are the strongest race in the world. FACT
Eli Walker
Okay Abdulla, okay. You are so strong, so strong!
Ryan Rodriguez
>Linke memes
Kayden Powell
Is the woman in your pic bearing a multiracial child? I hope so
John Perry
Gabriel Morales
Robert Cook
>german >not bearing a multiracial child Lol, is that a joke? Everyone know the Kraut is the biggest cuck on the whole fucking planet Earth.
Thomas Clark
>Germans used to be the strongest race Fixed it for you
Aiden Adams
Jack Lopez
is there any chance you cucks don't vote for merkel again? >b-but Schulz is even worse sometimes for a bigger change you need to experience the worst.
Bentley Gutierrez
Nobody needs those stupid assholes!
Jeremiah Morris
I second that. He's probably that self hating "German" I keep seeing all the time.
Brandon Powell
You need to go back
Grayson Hernandez
>is there any chance you cucks don't vote for merkel again? No.
Nathan Stewart
You need to go back
Joshua Smith
Merkel will win the election. Today's polls show that Schulz is back the to the results from January
Chase Ramirez
>krauts >not being the destroyer of White Civilization since the beginning of times
Landon Rodriguez
fuck off nigger
Luis Hall
Why are leftist memes so lame?
Anthony Nguyen
Duftes meme Sören
Jaxson Adams
So how's it feel to lose 2 world wars to "inferiors"?
Owen Jenkins
Leo Murphy
you need to go back
Christopher Collins
Jackson Diaz
You need to go back
Samuel Cox
you need to go back
Henry Davis
Fucking racist assholes!!!
Hunter Rogers
this thread is pathetic Next time don't even create one on Sup Forums
Hunter Rivera
Bald wirst du Geschichte sein, Günther. Und auch deine Bundesnegerrepublik.
Ayden Ward
Can I get a quick rundown on Martin Schulz?
Jacob Parker
"Patriots" are Idiots! Nationalism is an ideologie for stupid people!
Nicholas Watson
>germancuck getting cucked out of the board Noice.
David Perry
That is an insult to black people
Brandon Walker
Why would Nigger vote the AfD?
Nolan Bennett
The “winner“ are in a much shittier demographic situation compared to us and we have almost 300 billion trade surplus AND europa is ours So yeah pretty good actually
Lucas Bailey
Du bist wahrscheinlich auch einer von denen, die diese Ficki-Ficki-Multikulti ermöglichen.
Owen Fisher
If they get anything over 5%, they effectively take seats from other parties so no, they aren't.
Julian Lopez
Worse than Merkel. Has no chance at all.
Gavin Perry
That is the NPD, they are controlled by our Verfassungsschutz and used to discredit all right wing movements.
Camden James
AFD sucks!!!
Dylan Collins
Irrelevant and fucked up his campaign.
Basically Merkel shifted to the left.
Kayden Walker
Oh nein, Günther. Deine Scheißmemes sind schlechter als die Realität selbst.
Jackson Cooper
>300 billion trade surplus So you're exporting like crazy and get nothing in return? Genius.
That is, except for refugees.
Grayson Edwards
AFD - Alkohol für Deutschland!
Hunter Howard
jesus christ this is why we cant have a own general, this thread is a mess We are maybe even worse than the leafs or the swedes when it comes to Sup Forums why are there so many german antifa cucks on this board ?
Nathaniel Ramirez
>AfD Why not just voting NPD? At least in Sachsen you could win something.
Jordan Gray
Reddit Schulz Fags invaded after Trumps Victory
Mason Mitchell
the more you shill, the harder my resolve to vote for them will be.
Nathan Mitchell
Allah for Germany!!!
Michael Jenkins
The only thing that can save Germany is an army of German Breiviks
Liam Green
>voting for controlled opposition that can't even get into the Landtag anymore Hello schlomo.
Camden Peterson
What are you trying to accomplish here?
Easton Robinson
AfD will continue daring the German people into more and more aggressive actions. >auschwitz.jpg >Trau dich, Deutschland!
Brandon Perez
>Why not just voting NPD? Because they are not a real party. They are LITERALLY controlled opposition, in this case controlled by the Verfassungsschutz.
Ryan Butler
They are a honeypot and their program sucks
Hudson Smith
In Germany they're paying huge sums for anything related to keeping the AfD down. Even the dumbest loser can a make a living from shilling for the government.
Gavin Thomas
"Günther" Sören fits better and pls write Besatztersprech or else this thread gets nuked by mods
Nathaniel Nelson
Zachary Phillips
>satirical poster >would probably win more support among German electorate nice move
Lucas Gonzalez
>Nationalism is an ideologie for stupid people! says the anarchist.