Is Donald Trump mentally fit to serve as President?
Is Donald Trump mentally fit to serve as President?
Other urls found in this thread:
>self diagnosis
>(((professional))) opinion
2 years of deep state leaks - zero evidence of collusion
Questioning his mental health is how you know the libs/deep state have nothing on Trump.
>By Matthew Goldenberg
999 confirms it
deep state on suicide watch
every single time
>Impeach drumpf now
t. op-ed
It almost sounds satire it's so jewish
but not only that if you watch ANY recent speech of his you can tell that not only is he mentally sound but he clearly knows what he's doing.
fucking aye
Doesn't matter. He is president. Was FDR fit to be president in the final year? Doesn't matter he was president.
I remember them bitching about any prognosis on Clinton's health back then
This. It's sort of highly infuriating that the left has no remorse over having spun lies with the Russia collusion, and how its absolute failure is followed with more baseless slandering
Trump's mental health > Hillary's physical health
>professional opinion: you don't need a professional opinion just believe me
What profession tho? Janitorial sciences?
You need to work on your shilling.
shilling = laughing at retarded, paranoid fuckwards?
Bullshit. If you want to understand Trump read political speeches and commentaries from the Golden Age of Latin. Whether intentionally or not Trump entire persona is more align with an ambitious Roman Senator. He's attiude towards loyalty and revenge along with apeal to populist rhetoric are text book classical era politician. Its why he was able to route everyone so easily. I hate the reddit tier "6d underwarer backgamma" bullshit but the truth is he was playing an old game that eveyone else had forgotten the rules too. Thats why he won. Yes he oratory stlye was much less formal at times than Classical or contemporary politician but over all he had hell of alot more in common with the former than the later. In the end he was able to apeal to the traditions and common people at the same time.
Did any of the anlyst and campaign strategist really not read any of Sulla, Marius, the gracchus brothers, Julius Caesar, or anyone? At the VERY least they should have made the connection with the Catilinarian Orations. Thats oratory 101.
Idk. Maybe they really did underestimated him because he was so informal so often. At this point I don't think it matters whether he knows that what he doing or not because I don't think the media/establishment/progressives/etc will figure it out any time soon. Hell they cant even stop taking smallest b8.
Hello fellow braindead/brainwashed american citizen here is a video you can watch that might make you float down on back to earth with the rest of us:
Yes, on /pol this is generally the case. You're new here, aren't you?
>the same, disjointed speech and political rambling as always
Lol I went random spots in the video and he was going full retard. Yeah you really showed me.
you are fucking stupid dude.
It's benis tyme!
>Is Donald Trump mentally fit to serve as President?
no but he's a good bully and Republicans are afraid of him
Did your feefees get hurt when I pointed out the truth?
>Mere coincidence
Exactly. This is "by any means necessary".
What comes after this, I don't even wanna know.
you pointed out absolutely nothing and made no point or counter argument at all because you didn't even watch the fucking video you slack jawed cretin.
seriously the CIA pays you for this?
like honestly how much money are you making and what type of currency is it?
stay delusional trumpfag
You are a moron for responding to him. He gets paid when you respond
yeah but my questions are still valid
Don't fucking respond to him. You are giving him money
im responding to you. do you know?
we had this during the election campaing alreadz
Do I know what? They're paid in dollars. And yes I agree he just made you mad but that's what gets responses. He isn't here to talk
tell him, coke is bad
You are fucking delusional. No other word describes this kind of behavior.
Haha came to post this.
Jews are building their own gas chambers.
>not knowing the connection between intelligence and symptoms of mental illness
>not knowing that being literally mentally ill means not being able to perform duties in your personal, social and work life because of behavioral issues
about half way through and realizing this might be to set up anti-antisemitism laws and anti Islam laws. He does say christian faith but you cant expect him to do anything for just one religion. This would be good for Christians so we arent constantly demoralizing Christians on every media outlet but then we would lose our right to criticize islam and jews. Not a fair trade we have been subjected to this abuse since the early 2000's these fuckers are just now getting criticized for what they are really doing. not just hur dur bible thumpers are gay. I can handle that it's been that way for a while now. but what happens when we cant call out islam or the jews for what they are doing right now?
get off the board you are fucking too stupid to post here.