Why didn't they just move the maginot line up north?

Why didn't they just move the maginot line up north?

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Frenchies are retarded.

you idoits could have just steamrolled through that line in 1914 and never brought the Anglos in the fight


They didn't want to offend Belgium. France did start working on an extension but far too late.


Belgium was expected to hold its own.


Against who? The German Empire?

austria was part of the Reich

Maybe they didn't expect the Germans to invade Belgium?

>building a defensive line as a wedge

it's like they wanted to get encircled

Yep. And it cost a fucking fortune. Still the French Army was bigger than the German army and should have won, but it was poorly led and organized for WWI battles.

Also their PTSD made them just want to get the whole thing over with. They literally could have walked to Berlin in Sept 39.

Yeah, so what?
If the wall had been built up north, Nazis would have gone south. The only way to prevent this would have been to build a wall on the whole eastern border with every country, which would have been impossible, not enough time nor money.

One could argue that a better idea would have been not to build a wall at all, and redirect the money to much needed sectors of the military : tanks, planes, artillery, etc. But that's how it went.

This, it was a neutral country.
And didn't expect tank getting through thr ardenne neither.

>Oh no Pierre! I am le scared. What if les Allemands go around le Maginot line through La Belgique?
>Not to worry Francois. They will never be able to get their tanks through le Ardennes. The trees are just too thick!
>Oui Oui Pierre. Stupid Allemands will get stuck in le forest hon hon hon hon

Why didn't Germany extend the line after annexing France and use it to fend off an Allied landing?

>annexing france

Kek. Underestimating rommel and the logistical speed of blitzkrieg really fucked the french.

the French had a defensive position in the Ardennes tho! 1 little bunker with 6 guys defending it (basically a glorified border check post) all of the sudden stood eye to eye with Guderian and his army in the Ardennes. Needless to say they all died...

Guns faced the wrong way

1) They did it before.

2) Belgium thought they could avoid it by staying neutral

Uh...no, they definitely expected that to happen, considering that Germany had done it before and it was the only possible way to get at the French.

Belgium was retarded and didn't want to fight. That's all that really happened here. If the wafflefags had just sacked up maybe France wouldn't have fallen.

But le treeeeeees

It is proven that there is no way to move treaded vehicles through thick forested areas. Simply impossible. The Ardennes is perfectly safe monsieur

It wouldn't have mattered honestly. The Germans were extremely motivated and bloodthirsty for revenge while the French just didn't want a fight. There was no stopping them.

>They will never be able to get their tanks through le Ardennes. The trees are just too thick!

Dumb myth.

The real obstacle in the Ardennes were the hills and the lack of roads. It's no trouble at all to drive a couple tanks through a forest - but Germany had several thousand, along with everything else an army requires. Getting all of that shit through a big-ass hilly forest with no good roads and keeping up your supply lines for weeks, months (or even years...) was basically unthinkable and very very dangerous. Germans did it anyway. It happened to work.

The French weren't stupid, the Germans were just willing to gamble and you just need to read a book.

Well I assume they underestimated the ability of semi motorized troops with air support to manouver. Also I belive the french and british lacked radios so they couldnt be ordered to move in response to german attacks.

Just a guess. I have never looked into their subject deeply.

>Le Germans just went around the line meme
Yes, the French assumed they would. The Maginot line allowed the French to staff the Franco-German border with fewer soldiers while still being able to hold it against a potential attack, where the French messed up was assuming that the main German thrust would come through Flanders instead of through the Ardannes. However even that didn't doom the French, the Germans didn't win because they were tactical geniuses, they won because the French fucked up in the absolute perfect way.

>French leave Ardannes lightly defended
>Refuse to support small scale counter-attacks that would halt the German offensive
>French supreme commander plans an all out counter-attack that would likely shatter the German offensive
>He is sacked before it can be launched
>His replacement decides to not launched the attack while he assesses the situation
>By the time he realizes that attacking was the best option it was too late

The German invasion plan was a hail mary that only worked because the French politicians and senior commanders were so incompetent that they practically helped the Germans win.

Well if Hitler didn't decide to fucking march against Russia instead of just doing nothing you faggots would all speak German now. That's just not how history went. The Germans thought invading the Normandy would be extremely retarded and going against every typical behaviour of American military. If the war ended a few weeks later the Americans would've bombed Braunschweig (IIRC) and the Germans would've retaliated with their own atomic bomb and we'd be all living in some sort of Fallout game.

>French supreme commander plans an all out counter-attack that would likely shatter the German offensive
>He is sacked before it can be launched


You do know the Belgians had their fortifications, among the most modern and heavily fortfied in the world, and that the Germans simply landed gliders on top of them and knocked them out with a few paratroopers

>Also I belive the french and british lacked radios so they couldnt be ordered to move in response to german attacks.

No, they had plenty of radios/telegraphs/messengers. Getting info through was not an issue. The real problem was that they lacked transportation, and these particular armies were largely defense-oriented...meaning that you marched them to a particular place, they dug in, and waited for the enemy to come to them. They didn't have enough trucks and tanks to move around the battlefield quickly and deliver pain.

You have to remember that at this point in history, the idea that you drove a hundred miles and attacked an enemy with tanks and motorized troops was a totally new concept that nobody had ever tried to do in a real war. The way the Germans fought that war was totally different from how the Allies had expected to fight it.

As a half-frenchie...Yes.

Long story:

The plan was to hold the French right flank through the Maginot line and the left flank through a combination of French/British/Dutch army and natural obstacles such as the Ardennes forrest.

Also, the French high command was still very much in "ww1 mode" while German generals were advocating modern mechanized warfare. The French thought that they could just dug in on their left flank and that their artillery would stop the German advance.

They were wrong. Even the French high command realized after the Polish campaign that they were wrong. But during the Norwegian campaign in early 1940, the French and British saw that Germany's military had massive problems in coordination and equipment. As a result, Germany was underestimated.

Lastly, the French and the British still thought Germany was just kidding and that there would be diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis. The phoney war made them complacent.

tldr: nobody thought the maginot line was required to extend to the North, also for political reasons.

You're exaggerating the ability of the Germans to build an atomic bomb that quickly. Memes aside, the heavy water from the Norsk Hydro plant in Rjukan could have been used to make an "atomkraftmaschine", sometime in 47 perhaps.

Belgium has never been able to stop the Germans, and wasn't neutral in WW1 either.

The French did send support to the Netherlands and Belgium. Belgium didn't even do a poor job, but of course it was no match for Germany. They could have known and they probably knew.

In the Netherlands, well, the French called the Dutch army a glorified boy scout troop in reports made years before the war, and even with the help of French troops in the south, they didn't stand any serious chance.

No I specifically remember watching something that claimed that the french relied on telephone lines over radios since they thought they could do this with their defensive plans.

The germans managed to cut the lines and the french were lest without orders.

Yeah that's what teachers tought us in HS.
Mind you, that world war was won mainly through technology and ruthlessness. The Germans landed in Belgium and marched through it without any resistances, partly also because their ideology had enough followers in the rest of Europe.

Because they thought the forests there were enough

Takes time and money, and they didn't think it'd be necessary. Besides, the Belgians had a strong border defense too, and could count on British support, so it's not like the northern flank was weak.

Not in WW1 they didn't you spongo mongo

1.belguim was neutral
2.the french did not think it was possible to move such a large army trough the ardennes.
3.belguim had a line of strategic bunkers that where supposed to stop the german advance.

We all know how that ended, but belguim still held out langer then the dutch.


Ironically the Germans were behind because most scientists on that projects were ex-German jews.

The plan was
-Maginot line at the german border
-Troops at the flemish border
-Nothing in front of the Ardennes Mountains

We didn't think your tanks could go through the Ardennes.

>if hitler didnt decide to fucking march against russia
Nazism is diametrically opposed to communism. Communism was the common enemy around which the German people rallied. An assault on the USSR was inevitable.

Not to mention by the time war was declared Stalin was massing troops on his western border. Had Hitler moved all his focus west Stalin would have certainly invaded Western Poland and Czechoslovakia just like they did with Finland.

>You're exaggerating the ability of the Germans to build an atomic bomb that quickly. Memes aside, the heavy water from the Norsk Hydro plant in Rjukan could have been used to make an "atomkraftmaschine", sometime in 47 perhaps.

Wrong. The atomic bomb was never a real priority within Nazi Germany. Building an atomic bomb is foremost an engineering challenge. You need to mine enough uranium, build enough centrifuges, and get a working reactor that makes plutonium (or rely on the centrifuged uranium). 97% of the Manhattan project was dedicated to centrifuges and the first two large scale nuclear power plants breeding plutonium.

What the fuck? Anyone else remember learning in school that the third Reich went south and through the forests of Switzerland instead of north?

Show some respect to your king Swede fag

Jean-Louis you are so smart! It's clear to all that you can barely walk in les Ardennes.

They didn't count on the blitzkrieg and thought it would be like in WW1

I can officially say it
>American education

No. They've always gone through Belgium.

>and that the Germans simply landed gliders on top of them and knocked them out with a few paratroopers


It was the very first time anyone had ever done anything like it. Nobody had any idea how to guard against an airborne assault...or even how to conduct one. The fact that it worked is partly a miracle. Other German airborne assaults were not as successful.

It was also only one fort. You're implying the entire Belgian defense line was annihilated by paratroopers, when it reality it was just Eben Emael.

If you limey faggots would have just gotten out of the way and let this bloodthirsty warrior do his fucking job. We would have taken Berlin way earlier and stopped the commies from stealing half of Europe.

Pussies can't handle a few rockets.

Uh yeah, units are occasionally cut off from communication in all wars. But the real reason the Allies didn't move around in this particular phase of this particular war was because of the reasons I stated.

Do you think anglos would not jew in the war , even if Belgium was not touched ? Legit quesh .

Unironcally this

Patton was unhinged certainly but he knew the commie menace better than those effete armchair generals and politicians

>Underestimating rommel

So remind me again why we allied eith ussr, who is worse than nazi Germany in every way?

Remind me again why Pattons demands that we neuter/kill/confiscate the remaining soviets left in germany was ignored?

Doubt that Britain would have stayed neutral for long in any scenario. Not with Churchill in power at least.

>Implying (((President Truman))) and (((General Eisenhower))) would have allowed him to take out the Soviets.



>Americans are the ones that agreed to Yalta
>Americans blocked the Danube thrust
>Americans fucked up at Market Garden
The only people that let Uncle Joe stealing half of Europe was Americans.

Remind me again why we allied with the ussr who was worse than Germany in every way.

Also remind me why Pattons demamds to get the remaining soviets in Germany were ignored?

And then remind me why Jews call it the "good war"

Churchill was installed as PM after Britain entered the war.

Shame. Patton was definitely redpilled during the course of the war but by that time he was in too deep.

and then they killed him because he wanted to kick the soviets back in their own country and then some.
Holly fuck, how much suffering he would have stopped for all those in the soviet occupied country's.
The men who gave the order to kill him would probably have been banging their heads against the wall win the cold war started picking up steam.

No you are wrong. I can tell because of your american flag.

Except we would wipe the floor with you, amerifat and chase you around the ocean. Not because soviet > america, but you can not handle loses well. You were pussies.

Belgium said no.

>Remind me again why we allied with the ussr who was worse than Germany in every way.

Germany declared war on the US.

You're also forgetting the economy that was built up with the sole purpose of crushing Germany.

Patton had nothing to do with any of those. He consistently criticized the alliance with Russia, going so far as to entirely omit Russian involvement from his victory speeches. He knew Market Garden was going to be a disaster, he was basically shafted due to his unsoldierly attitude and his poor political acumen.

>can not handle losses well
>literally just finished assaulting pic related for 4 years straight

are you fucking retarded?

Read up on the wiki for "Fall Rot" you faggot.
This is Sup Forums not your history for retards class.

It all depend son how defense Germany would be on the Western Front

in all actuality they should have played defense in the west and offense in the East, this would make all western countries look like the invaders while dumb slaves would have still got their asses kicked, but the Kaiser refused to listen to his generals...


That's rich coming from a country which were overt nazi sympathizers throughout the war, but the Irish have never been able to think any further than "uhhhh anglos are bad I guess" so I suppose in your autism is simply genetic.

Abandon your idiotic tribalism and read a book. Or has that technology not reached your benighted, potato-soaked shores?

Also you're a cunt.

Because it was already expensive as shit to keep up and they feared pissing off Belgium by making it seem they were leaving them to face Germany alone.

>He knew Market Garden was going to be a disaster
Market Garden would have had at least a pyrrhic victory if the 82nd didn't sit on a hill the entire operation.

Hahaha good one

Remember when we had these and you didnt?

Forgot pic

Maginot line
More like faginot line

Why didn't they just invested in offensive weapons?
And why did they stop when they started invading Germany in sept 39? the western front wasn't even defended

>And why did they stop when they started invading Germany in sept 39?
Because they were French.

bitch please, you're ancestors ran away to their island like fucking cowards. The only thing that prevented the invasion of British mainland was the channel.

And your ancestors ran away to own island too.

>Why didn't they just invested in offensive weapons?

The list of reasons for this is very long and complicated, but it basically boils down to the fact that after WW1 the French were not excited about the idea of fighting a new war.

>And why did they stop when they started invading Germany in sept 39? the western front wasn't even defended

Pretty much everybody outside of Germany expected that the war would end in 1940 or 41 with Poland occupied and some sort of peace settlement reached. Nobody seriously believed that it would kick off as hard and as crazy as it did. You have to recall that all sides sat around for like a year doing practically nothing. It was not seen as a serious conflict at that stage.

I doubt you even had nukes in 1945 after wasting existing 3 already. And even if you had 3 more, it's not like Red army just sits in 1 place like a town. It's spread. Early nukes are overrated.
Now imagine loses if japs had equal amount of troops and not 5 times.

The south? The Alps? Are you retarded?

>Nazism is diametrically opposed to communism.
100% incorrect, but the left can't have people realizing that the nazis AND the commies were the left


Who cares, German army of 4 million was defeated by allied armies of 30 million, we will work on a new army.

>I doubt you even had nukes in 1945 after wasting existing 3 already.

IIRC we had about 9

>And even if you had 3 more, it's not like Red army just sits in 1 place like a town. It's spread. Early nukes are overrated.

This is an accurate statement.

On top of their low number, the delivery method for nukes was also a problem - you could only deliver them via dropping them from a bomber, which were very vulnerable in many ways. Nukes didn't really become world-shattering weapons until the invention of the ICBM, which allowed you to keep a ready supply waiting to go inside protected shelters on the other side of the world, rather than being perilously trucked there by soft-skinned airplanes that could only fly so far and so fast.

>If the wall had been built up north, Nazis would have gone south.

Through Switzerland and Italy?

Have you looked at these places on a map?

No but Moscow sits in the same place

Also we had dozens of nukes by the time you got your first. See pic.

It's even worse than that. A significant part of the population was either communist (ie wouldn't do shit because of Stalin's order not to fight) or shitless scared of commies to the point of liking Hitler's views.

With some more national unity, the french parliament wouldn't have appointed Phillipe Pétain to surrender the country, and would have moved the remaining french forces to north Africa to keep up the fight.

Because the point was to draw a German attack into the teeth of the French/Belgium/British army and annihilate it. You have to keep in mind that the German army was pretty shit at this point that had just grand theft auto'd the Czech's tanks to buff up their own armored divisions and beat a bunch of farmers with rifles and horses in Poland.

Fuck me

Wow are you seriously trying to argue that the US could defeat the USSR in a nuclear war in the late 40's?

You realize this happened like 70 years ago right? The question has already been settled. Try reading a book about this subject, there's at least a couple out there.

Yes, that's a very good set of points. I agree with you.