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how much does she eat a day?

4 children and 2 live pigs

fat people never stop eating. they tend to eat 3 or more meals a day and snack constantly between that. their guts literally dont get a chance to processes it. its not fat tissue youre seeing, its impacted shit.

With a gender studies degree I'm sure she'll find a decent job and be a success in life

How the FUCK do you get that fat? I enjoy food, I really do; I'll eat my chicken and beef and pork and have my fucking cake with it too. I love oily salty snacks and sweet and sour ones too. I don't calorie count and I don't give a shit about macros. I have never gained more than ten extra pounds in my entire life. So I ask again, how the FUCK do you get to that state? You must literally eat like a humpback whale, just vacuuming lard and butter 24/7 without a single breath of oxygen. You have to be, without a doubt, a completely gluttonous worthless and irredeemable waste of life to get to that space. There is no fucking excuse to walk around looking like a oblong spheroid. You are a FUCKING mental patient. You need to be in a psych asylum YESTERDAY. HOLY FUCK I fucking hate this culture.

Petition to change the name to University of Whiney Pig

im guessing you prepare and cook your own food?

It really tickles your temples.

I said, 'Do you speaka my language?' It just smiled and ate a huge sandwich.

The obese people I know eat all the time and eat really calorie dense food.

Yes, for the most part. But I do eat out maybe once a week. I don't try to cook healthy though. I always find tasty recipes. I don't skimp out on the ingredients and my portions are generous. I barely exercise and I don't gain a single pound.


pure kino


Hey, why where's men's and gender studies?

These fat people are destroying our countries.

You sly sonnovabitch

They're consuming our nations


>How the FUCK do you get that fat?
step 1: be born American
step 2: live like an American

Winnipeg is American now? God damn it, like we needed another shitty NHL team.

I'm born, raised and live like the American I am and I do what this guy Does and Im stready at 6ft tall 169lbs. Im 33 years old and engage in moderate amounts of exercise.



Probably more than what I eat in a week

Why do people even live in that drunken squaw infested city? Would never visit again or even transfer flights for an hour


You're an honorary bong.

theyre consuming our already limited healthcare resources.

loving grandparents die preventable deaths while womens studies majors get free insulin and blood pressure medication

I consider myself fat at 6' 225. I eat shittily and constantly and I'm no spring chicken. How the fuck is this even achievable by someone so young with full use of their legs?

>honorary bong.

Why do you hate someone so much as to make them an honorary Paki?

You're the same as me user. Honestly i would assume we're just blessed with decent metabolism. Or dont consistently eat chocolate and sugars regularily. Unless you use tons of suger or butter when you cook or deepfry you aint gonna get fat off your own cooking

Why don't fat people understand their cause won't be taken seriously if they are disgusting to look at overweight pieces of shit

Instead of women and gender studies, maybe she should study the nutrition labels on food.

>Fat Lives Matter

And they want more.

HR People often report that anyone with 'Gender Studies' 'Women's Studies' 'Child and Family Studies' are immediate red flags for hiring.

Decent metabolism only goes so far. A poor metabolism only accounts for, at most, 30 extra pounds. To get to the size of the person in OP you need to actively work on getting fat, and doing so would work even with a god tier metabolism.

She's responsible for multiple famines in Africa.
She's good in my book.

Honestly I've seen women like this eat a whole large pizza to themselves, and down a 1L-2L of diet Pepsi to themselves in one sitting then proceed to eat a personal tub of icecream and half a box of garlic fingers. Rinse and repeat similiar eating habits all day without exercise whatsoever and there ya go. It's too much Soda and grease combined with lack of exercise. Women seem to gain weight way easier and faster then men.

Which is ironic considering HR rep is the only half decent job you can get with one of those degrees.

>Women's genders studi-
I think she means debt anchor

more like winnipig amirite

nah, she'll get a nice job in (((academia))) and that should enrage you.

post more ridiculously fat people
they amuse me

i bet it makes a whale call

My girlfriend is chunky because she gets high to eat, then proceeds to over eat to the point she throws up.

If she didnt smoke weed, she'd probably weigh 50 less pounds.

Same goes for me though and drinking.

>not adding 'Faculty of Farts' too

come on user

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 3500-4000 calories. More on weekends.

Obese people are so embarrassing. I can't take them seriously at all. What a horrible way to live.
