(((Scholars))) want teachers to use Harry Potter to teach our children about the Holohoax

The perfect leftist mix.

What say you Sup Forums?



what do you think Sup Forums?

I think its a travesty
All our kids will be brainwashed with false yokes of sorcery

its the perfect children's story to help your kid learn about the 6 gorilllian though!

Even worse
How does Harry cucker even teach about the holohoax?

How are they even related?

Well, nothing like fiction to teach fiction.

They're both works of fiction

>Jewish magazine

Let them. Let's expose the lies once and for all.

honestly I dont know. Never watched the movies or read the books.

subliminal messaging maybe? Liberals seem to LOVE Harry Cooter.

House elves are basically poor jewslaves.

The Jehovah's Witnessess are right, Harry Potter is satanic Jewish bullshit.

lol wow.. 2 shekels to speak, goyim


The writer is obviously racist,how dare they portray Black's as house slaves!
Racist racist racist racist racist!!

Jews magically turned a couple hundred thousand dead jews into 6 million, so why not

They love it because
1) The prose is simplistic
2) The themes are nothing mindblowing (Racism/classism is bad, m'kay)
3) The themes are about as subtle as a brick to the face
4) lots of people have read it, so it's easy to form groups around it and people will understand references easily
5) Rowling is competing for the title of most empty lefty virtue signaler on the planet

The wasted potential, plotholes, and pants on head retarded pottermore patch jobs (see pic related) don't seem to enter in their heads

>pay to comment


jesus christ was Night not fucking enough

>mfw had a gf with Harry Potter tattoo's

the shame.

Yes, like we don't have enough holocaust propaganda in our schools. All of our English courses focused on books like Night, and our (((sociology))) classes spent the entire year on ww2.

We must infuse the holohoax with all facets of life, where all the goyim congregate. Entertainment and education

get's your noggin' joggin'

"The authors suggested that a blind, beaten dragon forced to guard a bank vault could serve as an allegory for Kapos, prisoners in concentration camps forced to work as supervisors.

“Let us invite this next generation to honor and gain courage from our ghosts by sending them on a journey with Harry Potter, a boy plagued by (((generational trauma))) who rises and fights evil on his own terms,” the article reads.

Parallels do exist between the ideologies of the Nazis and the villainous Death Eaters, as well as the Nazi concept of race and the books’ concept of “pure blood” and “half blood” and “muggle.” The parallels were not intentional, according to the series’ author J.K. Rowling, who recognized the analogies in her works after visiting the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C."

Oh yes, J.K. wasnt intentional at all...pure coincidence

>The parallels were not intentional, according to the series’ author J.K. Rowling
Of course

When the left is so in favor of something. You know something is up with it.