How does one accept the fact that life is not fair?

How does one accept the fact that life is not fair?

That is the final pill which I have not swallowed yet. Don't get me wrong, I hate communism and socialism and people deserve what they get when they earn it, that is totally fair. But how can I accept the fact that some are born with better genetics, circumstances and wealth?

Just fucking live with it. Stop acting like a pussy.

By getting over it and not throwing childish tantrums (i.e. like a woman).

>get over it
>live with it

but how?

sorry op, this guy is right. play the hand you're dealt the best you can and you will be successful.

I thought I filtered "the final redpill"
thanks user

Yes goy, all rich people earned their worth. keep slaving away and you will make it too

Suffering is how you get stronger you fucking pussy

Read some philosophy.
>Marcus Aurelius
And go from there

This isn't your only life faggot. Learn the lessons and bump up to the next level.

Most of life is suffering and you should work hard and make the most of it, goy

by realizing if you have the time and intelligence to stop and ponder these things you probably have a relatively easy life and are not a subsistence farmer or shanty town slum dweller like most of humanity still is and even if you are realize you're still luckier to live in the 21st century than the vast majority of human history where the average human experience was watching half your children die and then you die at age 40

ITT: racists fags

If you're posting here, you likely have a western standard of living. So you're better off than, what, 95% of the rest of the planet?
Nothing is fair - if you want to start being fair, sell all your shit and live on $15/day.

Best part of this new realization of yours is, fair or not, it doesn't need your acceptance to continue.

>But how can I accept the fact that some are born with better genetics, circumstances and wealth?
despite all of this you still have the ability to improve yourself, so do it.

making good decisions has the same reward regardless of who you are.

Anna Song is my Slavic Waifu :)

Name one emotion a rich/intelligent/handsome man can experience that you cannot

By realizing that this also means that there's people who have it much, much worse than you do.

Live every day you can bettering yourself and your community, if you don't have a job, get one, if you're bored on your day off, volunteer to help your community in a way you find interesting. Example from mine, I work 60 hours a week but volunteer to help others pick up junk people dump out in the desert where I live. Sometimes I find stuff worth fixing and selling and I hate seeing garbage, also sometimes find people's names who dumped the shit and get to be the hand of karma. Work out, force yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Life just won't magically get better

What I mean is that it is okay to ponder around, but you really should not put any blame on chance.

It's chance, it's completely random, and it's out of your control, OP. Just take life one step at a time, and stop worrying about things you can't control like politics, people, and chance. Worry about your morals and action, and try to be a good role model for others.

9 times out of 10 it was a filthy beaner who dumped their garbage too. I've reported many to ICE just for the lulz

Just embrace how fucking ugly you are but at least lose weight, don't be a fat ugly munter, there's no need to fuck yourself over even further in life, but yeah even the ugliest of fuckers can do well in life if their personality is good, if you're a male it helps too, if you're and ugly fat fuck of a woman then you'd probably best off being a 3rd wave feminist honestly ; they are fucked.

my nigga

How can you 'hate' communism and socialism but concurrently hate the idea of unfairness? What's unfair is that you presumably received a full education and yet are still a bewildered Trumptard/Amerifat/conservatard.

I don't consider myself ugly.

Blue eyes, brunette, white male, 6"3, strong jawline, BMI of 22.

Your ideology was founded by jews you fucking idiot

>all rich people earned their worth
OP directly states "some are born with better genetics" which directly contradicts the implication that "all rich people earned their wealth".

t. tool

then have some fucking kids already

No, communism and socialism are unfair by definition.

People who work for what they should earn don't earn enough but people who don't work at all earn too much.

My cousin has cerebral palsy, he will never be able to walk. I am angry that he was born that way because he does not deserve to be how he is. This is what I mean by unfair.

I'm too young right now. But I will have as many as possible in the future.


Easy. You have to be brutally honest about what you have and don't have.
For example,
>was born into a lower middle class family
>was unable to go on 2 vacations to the tropics every year and have a beach house, etc. like all my peers
>family rented in an upper middle class town, so we basically were LARPing as upper middle even though we didn't own anything
>accepted that I was dealt a tougher hand than the rich kid.
But I wasn't born a third world shitskin, so could be worse.
Another example
>have two friends who are objectively more attractive than me
>One is a legit model, the other probably could
I'm not a bad looking guy, but I'm always going to take the 6 that is friends with the 9/10s they're taking home. So what? Both are dumb as a sack of bricks. In 30 years, they'll have not much while I'll be peaking in my career and getting ready to retire.
Point is, you have to recognize your own strengths and exploit them. I can never be better looking than those guys, but I can be richer, smarter, more secure with myself, healthier, etc.

It also depends on what you want for life. Me? I want to make my money and retire ASAP. Might not be on this world that long so why spend more time than necessary slaving away for the federal jew? I'll wait and settle with a 6/7 heavily religious girl, have a small family, enjoy my well off suburban life and fuck off into the sunset. Exploit your strengths to get the most you can out of life, there's always a way to get reasonably wealthy. Maybe you have to work harder, maybe you don't, but in the end there's always a path, you just have to exploit your strengths

I disagree but I'll stick to the topic. You accept it because there's no choice but to accept it. It's impossible for the universe to be completely fair.

Volunteering was actually something I did a lot during last summer. It was fun. Perhaps it is something I could get back into doing.

While you're bitching about life not being fair, someone in a worse position than you is getting shit done, in a couple of years you'll see them and think "they're better off than me, that's not fair."

Quit being a bitch.

>How does one accept the fact that life is not fair?

by being one of the lucky winners

Rich people laugh at poor people just so you all know. You're literally nothing to them. Working class people are born to work, and when the work no longer needs to be done, will be done away with. Stop lying to each other, it's pathetic to see.

Use that to motivate yourself to earn better circumstances and wealth and give those to your children so they don't end up feeling like little victimized retards

>That is the final pill which I have not swallowed yet. Don't get me wrong, I hate communism and socialism and people deserve what they get when they earn it, that is totally fair. But how can I accept the fact that some are born with better genetics, circumstances and wealth?
What else is there to do it, but accept it? This is like asking "how can I accept that the speed of light 299792458 m/s?" It just is how it is. You simply need to accept some things as they are.

The real redpill is in understanding that some people will be better and more valuable than you, but you're still not worthless. Your purpose should not be to be the best. It should be to be the best you can be.

>It's impossible for the universe to be completely fair.

That, in my opinion, is the ultimate of red pills that there is.

I guess you're right though, I don't really have any options other than bitching about it or just dealing with it.

Realize that you can take advantage of it

>I don't really have any options other than bitching about it
You're free to bitch about the unfairness of life. Maybe that'll help you cope with it. Just don't expect it to actually change anything.

Nobody asked for this. We are all victims in one way or another. If you don't wallow in your pain it will make you stronger. The best revenge is living well.

When Karl Marx was a boy
He took a hard look around
He saw people were starving all over the place
While others were painting the town
The public spirited boy
Became a public spirited man
So he worked very hard and he read everything
Until he came up with a plan

There'll be no exploitation
Of the worker or his kin
No discrimination 'cause of the color of your skin
No more private property
It would not be allowed
No one could rise too high
No one could sink too low
Or go under completely like some we all know

If Marx were living today
He'd be rolling around in his grave
And if I had him here in my mansion on the hill
I'd tell him a story t'would give his old heart a chill

It's something that happened to me
I'd say, Karl I recently stumbled
Into a new family
With two little children in school
Where all little children should be
I went to the orientation
All the young mommies were there
Karl, you never have seen such a glorious sight
As these beautiful women arrayed for the night
Just like countesses, empresses, movie stars and queens
And they'd come there with men much like me
Froggish men, unpleasant to see
Were you to kiss one, Karl
Nary a prince would there be

Oh Karl the world isn't fair
It isn't and never will be
They tried out your plan
It brought misery instead
If you'd seen how they worked it
You'd be glad you were dead
Just like I'm glad I'm living in the land of the free
Where the rich just get richer
And the poor you don't ever have to see
It would depress us, Karl
Because we care
That the world still isn't fair

>How does one accept the fact that life is not fair?
One doesn't.

No. There is a third way my friend. Why play a game you can never win? Why not destroy as much as you can.

Philosophically speaking, if you can't get you want, the second best option is making sure who you are against doesn't get what they want either.

Life isnt fair, but someone is worse off than you bitchbaby

The best legal revenge anyway.

That's not fair, that's retarded
If you want fair, then kill yourself
We are all equal in death and we are all equally capable of dying

it's not "fair" or "unfair". these concepts only exist in the human mind. that's why it is easy to get over; neither exist objectively.

>accept the fact that life is not fair?
>literal spoiled twelve year olds on Sup Forums

How did you not "accept" the "unfairness" of life within the first ten years of it? Did you not notice some people were much taller or shorter than you? That some families were much richer or poorer?

"Fairness" and "equality" are western civilization goals. Ideals we strive for and try to spread. But life has never and will never be "fair," and no two people will ever be "equal." Biology, even the fundamentals of reality, prevent that from ever happening.

You gonna open another thread asking when we all accepted that Santa Claus wasn't real?