"Precious/Rare Metal" scam

>walk into any jewllery shop in any buttfuck nothing country
>"Yes boss man how much gold would you like to buy today?"

Why is this shit so inflated and considered "Rare" and "Precious"? Literally every nigger tier country even is loaded with this shiny poo. Whats the end game here?

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damn that sound like a easy way to get rich. just buy gold in nigger countries and resell in europe. why havent you done it yet?

Educate yourself nigger!


Gold is the opposite of "inflated". Currency is inflated which devalues it, not gold.

Gold and silver are historically on sale right now.

Everywhere in the world and all throughout history gold and silver has been money - just not in the west since about 972.


Because it really is rare and its pretty much the only back up if currency fails (dont give me that bullshit crypto shit)

gold is a historic store of wealth
commonly traded in weight

1 oz will always be 1 oz. can you say the same for $1?

Yeah but the worth of 1oz is always changing, just like the dollar

Because the amount of energy required to create it from subatomic particles is only available in very high-energy reactions such as gamma ray explosions, which are rare, and therefore gold is not as common as hydrogen or lots of other elements that require less energy to form. Not only it's rare on earth; wherever you go in the universe, you can expect it to be rare. And then it follows that there's the supply and demand, but you obviously haven't finished high school.

Pretty sure it's the same price per oz. everywhere?? Someone confirm.

Can you stick 1oz gold in a strippers panties? Yeah didnt think so

The Government hoards gold
Silver is more useful than gold
right now there's about the same silver and gold (oz to oz) available above ground.
Silver is about 70 times cheaper than gold.
There is roughly a 1/2 troy oz of available silver per person on earth.
It costs you maybe $18 - $20 to buy one once, if you invest $100 - $300 - and silver reaches Gold Values you would have $7000 - $21,000 return.
Gold Values will climb to about $3,000 per oz, and eventually be worth $10,000 per oz.

>He doesn't know diamonds are the real scam
They arent even that rare.

hoarding gold and silver for the apocalypse instead of ammo, supplies, and proper knowledge to get shit started back up afterwards is the greatest trick ((they)) ever pulled

My grandad was in the merchant navy. He said that in sierra leone there were beaches covered with diamonds. All guarded by armed security.

That's all you need to know

The idea is that one day, the worth of 1oz will become fixed again. (From George Washington until FDR's regime, 1oz gold was defined as $20.)

what if the apocalypse never comes.
what if you waste your life hoarding things that devalue to be basically worthless.
what if instead you invested in collectors guns and ammo - maybe even silver bullets.
then you could have your cake and eat it too.

No - its the value of the dollar that changes

It is always changing yea, but it doesn't fluctuate significantly.

Archive next time, taconigger

tons of rock deep deep down below surface have to be excavated, ground, extracted and refined in order to produce a single ounce

That's right, shoot the hoarders instead and take their metals and food

Bitcoin is the new gold, dummy.

It's called jew-lery for a reason, memeflagfag.

Yes, so you're basically just currency trading at that point with gold as a medium and some weird illegal and expensive shipping method.

>internet goes down
>oops im poor now

Gold is worth maybe 200$ per ounce (assuming the silver price is fair because it's a widely used industrial metal and considering the Gold/Silver ratio).
Every dollar on top of that is inflation and madness.

Every chicken little financial guy sells gold on account if you're gonna need this stuff when the shit hits the fan! *takes your worthless fiat currency*

It's like come on already, enough with the gold and silver

>Internet goes down
It can't, it's not physical.

out of what ass have you pulled that number from? fiat is only here because it's monopolized through legislation

Its dollars that are valueless. The more dollars that are printed the higher the cost (in dollars) 1oz of gold (and everything) becomes.

Dollars are inflated - Gold is not. Its literally impossible

If currency fails then you want to have lead, not gold.

>what is a ratio (division)
What do they teach in Slovenian school besides raping women?

This > > There is absolutely no basis to value gold at $200 per oz

You mean the gold:silver ratio?

you can divide your imaginary numbers all you like, eastern kraut clay thief
if you're referring to some kike ratio between silver and gold, you're mistaken because silver's fiat price is orders of magnitude more heavily manipulated than gold on KIKEX

Lead comes easy. Gold is a

6 people hold key card that in a global crisis can shit down the worlds internet. Im on mobile and cant link. Look it up.

6 people. 6. Think about that.

There is an amount of gold, there is an amount of silver. There is a gold price, there is a silver price.
Assuming the silver price is just (because this metal is actually used).
These are the clues, the math is not hard.
(Pro tip: Use /).

7 sorry. Here it is.


No it isn't, you fucking retard

see above, you're retarded

That won't happen.

Source : international finance courses

You can either have control over resource flows, control over your exchange rate or control over your money supply but not all 3 at once. There have been too many economic crisis from having a pegged currency, and every time they try it it fails.

It's stored in servers which are stored by physical things retard

The silver price is heavily manipulated. Theres records of traders conspiring to "smash the price" on a regular basis.

>6 people. 6. Think about that.
it's not how it works, I looked it up out of curiosity and at best they could shut down the DNS

You're fucking retarded, again, try read the fucking article properly next time.
>What these men and women control is the system at the heart of the web: the domain name system, or DNS. This is the internet's version of a telephone directory – a series of registers linking web addresses to a series of numbers, called IP addresses. Without these addresses, you would need to know a long sequence of numbers for every site you wanted to visit. To get to the Guardian, for instance, you'd have to enter "" instead of x

Fucking retarded American cunts piss me off

>walk into any bank in any buttfuck nothing country
>"Yes boss man how much money you like to borrow today?"

Why is this shit so inflated and considered "Liquid" and "Precious"? Literally every nigger tier country even is loaded with this paper poo. Whats the end game here?

You can see here how the price differs in eastern and western markets:


you can define your own DNS servers and there are loads of them all over the web
go read a book

Norbot is slacking. Archive you fucking shill.

Gold should be much higher, ever since it started trading in paper derivatives contracts the kikes have kept it low so they could accumulates before the inevitable fall of their Babylonian money magic fiat currencies. There is little evidence that sovereign gold reserves of Rothschild-controlled central banks really exist. More likely it exists in only their personal vaults.

>conveniently no 500€ bill as if it never existed
privet bolsheivk

>why is gold priced the way it is?
A thousand men, say, go looking for gold. After six months, one of them's lucky. One out of a thousand. His find represents not only his own labor, but that of nine hundred ninety-nine others to boot. That's six thousand months, five hundred years, scrambling over a mountain, going hungry and thirsty. An ounce of gold is worth what it is, mister, because of the human labor that went into the finding and getting of it.

-treasure of sierra madre

Lead will come very easy to gold-horders, and at high velocity too.

The only precious metal that's worth getting is brass, copper and lead.