Is weed really degenerate?

>Be me, 29 CIS white male
> Work fifteen years in the fields growing the devils lettuce, and making concentrates
> Still striving to save white race

We all know that smoking weed is nigger-tier degeneracy, second only to having sex with the family pet. Concentrates however, were invented for the white man by the white man and there is nothing wrong with them


Don't use their fucking words retard. You're just a white male. Straight is implied because of statistics and science and averages

>Concentrates however, were invented for the white man by the white man
Wrong, but I wouldn't expect a DUDEWEEDLMAOhead to know anything about history

muhhhh peanut butter, excluding hash which arguably isn't even a concentrate, white people invented that shit

the act of smoking weed is not degenerate in my book. but the goddamn culture surounding it is pure cancer.

a bunch of lazy hippies and tards imho

recreational smoking is degenerate. no matter what you smoke

I like weed, but I fucking hate stoners.

Nice disqualifiers there, genius. Typical DUDEWEEDLMAO
>DUDE hash doesn't count because I said so LMAO

Mostly this, and OP is a prime A#1 example as to why

Death to the Separatists.

Weed is cool you can even smoke every day if you get all your shit done and wait till after

Cannabis is great, it should be legal to grow in your garden at home; no need for nigger culture to promote weed liquor stores. Decrim homegrown, maybe have a seasonal farmers market. Recreational markets are garbage, they use too much water and electricity and produce weight over quality. There should be a breeders license, and a legal hemp/cbd producer license for farming purposes. CBD is proven medicine, and medical cannabis is superior to opioids which are decimating the white race. Crime addiction and nigger culture from opioid addiction is far more harmful than muh homegrown. Debate?

It makes you lazy and causes psychosis and schizophrenia in the long term, while fucking up your memory.

You can learn a lot about yourself when high on marijuana

I just hate the people who treat it like it's the second coming of Christ

False. It only causes mental illness in those who were already likely going to develop them

Weed can be a tool for you

But you can become a tool for it


I used to think this too until after 10 years of heavily smoking weed I started to hear voices

Someone find a cure for my cannibanoid hypermesis syndrome, then I'll get back to you once I am happily stoned again.

Just be glad you haven't bumped up to injecting the weed

also why are there a bunch of fucking weed topics all of a sudden? is something important being slid?

Ive got this too, its awful

vomit every morning and feel nauseated until smoke weed

I used to smoke erry day till I realized the week long misery illness was this stupid RARITY RARE allergy.
Fucking sucks. Always know it's CHS when you want to live in a hot shower for days on end.

>smoking weed is nigger-tier degeneracy

lol no it ain't. If anything it prevents them from getting out raping and robbing people.

Weed has been a white thing since like the middle ages. Only in the past 60 years has it been demonized so much.

Shit does literally nothing negative to you, unless you are smoking that shit 24/7.

I want to stop smoking but it's the only thing that keeps me from sperging out. I'm starting to notice the bad side effects as I get older desu


treat it like a cold beer at the end of the night. Be smart and don't abuse it.

weed smoking is degenerate

>Concentrates however, were invented for the white man by the white man

Strong argument. Niggers smoked weed for 10,000 years and never dreamed anything else but what they'd always done before.

It's the mark of the white race to ever progress, ever advance, until yesterday's monumental triumphs pale in comparison to tomorrow's petty deeds.

Only whites do this. History SHOWS that only the white races raise their power levels like Saiyans while other races are like Krillin and Yamcha and weird little Choatzu.

Usually the shills and little kids speak against weed.

Any man with his life intact and a good job, isn't going to give a shit about someone doing anything with weed.

Also i do find it ironic, some of the people who support jailing weed are actually funding a cia program that's been happening for decades. People claim they're red-pilled yet still think war on drugs is useful rather than simple education.

I for one support weed, anyone against it has no reason other than it benefiting a company you work for or lacking education.

If alcohol and cigs are legal, weed should become legal or alcohol and cigs and trans-fats should be banned. Anything that someone could ingest that could effect health should be banned or we should start slowly educating people.

So the 2 options.

Educate people further to eventually allowing all drugs with some drugs needing special areas to do them in.

or 2: slowly start banning or heavily taxing things that could be harmful upon ingestion.

Make wise decisions

I can feel the salt train coming as the the dude drinking a handle of whiskey who wants weed banned is gonna start throwing a fit

this is true, I've noticed my pattern of thoughts is a lot different after a couple of fat boons. is this what "being stoned" is?

>CIS white male
What the fuck is cis male? stop it, you fucking leftie
there are only TWO genders on Sup Forums male and female

everything else is a MENTAL ILLNESS

are you mentally ill, OP?

If it does nothing negative why do you speak like a negrified ape?

Is drowning in white guilt an illness yet?

That's another fucking subject, it probably is, but it's more of (((conditioning)))
however I don't have it.

When I get high I become very analytical, and am able to take a thought and go much deeper down the rabbit hole with it than I otherwise would be able to. I enjoy moments like those the most because the revelations feel incredible and they give me a different perspective on things. It's sort of like diving into the unconscious for a bit.

You can be baked and just feel good, but when you hit that 6-7, you're in a state where you can just feel that zen in your heart and in your ballsack.

>from poland. think im a human being.

Listen you slope headed slack-jawed peasant. Dont you ever talk to your superiors like that. Fucks sake.

>1 post by this ID
I wonder (((who)))'s behind this post

harder to fall for ol' Jewish tricks on weed

weed is for nigs, end of story. fucking pothead jew puppets.


Anecdotal "evidence" isn't an argument.

I mean that's all true

t. White wax man


Still no

All mind altering substances are degenerate and warrant public lashings/hanging.

You want to feel good and high? Get under the bar and squat til your legs fall off you cookie-cutter nancy boy.