Alpha Males Do Not Exist

Alpha Males Do Not Exist

I am so pissed at this left-wing propaganda.

I made some points about their arguments - please review + add more + find flaws, thanks.

1) The original researcher (LD Mech) found out that his original research about wolves was wrong - so there is no alpha male

Wrong - using incomplete data to make an argument
The researcher found that wolves behave differently in captivity and in the wild. In captive condition with stranger they create dominance hierarchies. Individuals in the top of the hierarchy are called alphas, second are betas and etc. Wolves in the wild according to LD Mech create separate family units with parents and siblings.

This difference in behaviour is well documented fact among otherwise territorial animals which are forced to share limited area together. (This is one of the reasons behind aggression between inmates - strong dominance hierarchy)

2) Our genetically closest relatives (Bonobos) doesn´t have dominance hierarchies - so there is no alpha male

Wrong - false information + using wrong analogy
Although Bonobos are our genetically closest relatives in social behaviour we are closest with Baboons. This is because early anthropoids come from similar conditions like Baboons - Savanas. Baboons show very linear dominance hierarchies with alpha male on top.

Also Bonobos have dominance hierarchies, the females are generally more dominant than males, that´s it. You can still tell who is alpha, beta etc. female. Males create their own hierarchy which is his under the females. Their position in hierarchy determines their mate partners.

3) We create different hierarchies for different tasks so there is not general alpha male

Wrong information

Your position in a group is determined by two factors. Your level of social skills necessary for leading and your level of competence. Each factor has different weight in group decision making depending on situation. In more general tasks like picking the restaurant or leading the conversation have social skills more weight. In situation when expertise is needed - fixing the car or creating video about alpha males the competence factor weight more.
In general stable group clear apha emerges - the one who leads most group tasks.

4) Studies shown that agreeableness, cooperativness - (pro-social skills) are way to the top.

Wrong - using only half of the argument
Each social group is driven by two opposing forces - cooperation and competition. To be an alpha you need use both and distinguish between when to cooperate and when to compete.

In your video, you show clear caricatures of both of these characters. Beta advocates for cooperation strategy the macho advocates the competitive strategy.
Both are wrong in a sense that they see their way as only exclusive path.
Machoes are annoying because they are overly aggressive. Betas are annoying because they are passively aggressive. (Like this video)

That's all well and good but what are you gonna do about it? Post it in the comments so it can drown among idiocy? Send it to them via email so they can ignore you?

Maybe tell more people so they have arguments ready? Create ammunition for this war with idiocy.

That's very optimistic but outside of enlightening the couple of people reading this thread I don't think it's gonna spread much further.

You are right, any ideas how to gain bigger spread? I want to make good arguments not just to shout insults.

It's almost like College Humor is intentionally manipulating data to fit their narrative. Who ever heard of such a thing?

he is a manlet, when will he learn?

>Alpha Males don't exist, guys!
>We're all cucks :DD

God damn it, this blatant Leftist propaganda is disgusting.

I just don't understand it. WHAT'S THEIR ENDGAME!!??

They want to create society based entirely on cooperation - uthopia.

Seriously? I would make a video response (sadly a removed featured) where you show his clip and then pause it to interject your point.


Good post. Chekist.

I could do that...however, would not that be too long to watch?

To turn all whites into passive subservant cucks

As a chad I'm sick of the fucking anti-chad, anti-alpha propaganda they keep pushing. Everyday I have to hear about how bad my people are and see betas, cucks and lightweights glorified. It's sickening discrimination.


slaves by mind
Not by chains

No laws can free the new generation slaves

How the fuck does anybody with that haircut get taken seriously?

10 minutes or so isn't too long.

He can alpha my male

Only little alpha and beta bitches complain about who's number one.

Gammas don't care.

Around Sup Forums the gammas don't care and have the added bonus of being edgy as fuck.

honestly what matters in the end is who reproduces. If Chad fucks hundreds of women but used a condom for everyone, but a beta has sex once but that one time gets her pregnant, the beta is technically more sexually successful.