Michael Savage

How does Sup Forums feel about the Savage Nation?

His messaging seems to be on point.Not a dumbass kekistani Trump yes man. Criticizes him when valid, supports him when valid.

He is a jew.

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't his real last name Rosenthal or something?


Weiner. His son is the creator of Rockstar energy drinks. You know, the one that spells out 666 in hebrew with the tagline ''unleash the beast''. Fuck this guy.

>Savage was born Michael Alan Weiner[1] in the Bronx, New York, one of three children of Benjamin and Rae Weiner,[15] Jewish emigrants from Russia.[15][16][17][18]

lol this is a bait thread.

where have you been, OP?

Sup Forums loves Jews now. Every since the President's daughter married one.

That's monster energy drinks you fucking stupid leaf cuck kike shill

mainstream guy. stepping stone guy

it goes: rush->savage->jones->duke and this can't be disputed. that's not in order of their abilities as broadcasters, but in order of what matters for the intellectual development of the listener. you CAN'T STICK WITH ONE you must go through this progression. you will see.

Hes is unlistenable now. Was good for years, now he sounds like jilted gay lover of Trump who thinks Trump is supposed to fire everyone and toss Mikes salad every morning while giving him a reach around.

His kid is Barry Manilows kid too, thats why hes so angry lately and hates gays.

>How does Sup Forums feel about the Savage Nation? He is a jew.
(((Michael Alan Weiner))) is a older (((Milo Yiannopoulos))), (((Ben Shapiro))), or (((Mike Cernovich))).

>Criticizes him when valid, supports him when valid.
I find this to be somewhat useful. Trump general usually never pick up on bad things happening due to Trump. And I don't want to live in a bubble like the lefties.

But I don't like long rants, and usually just listening to him for 5 minutes gets all the important headlines.

Also, sometimes he is anti jewish, sometimes he doesn't tolerate jew criticism. It's bit bipolar.

The Weiner Nation. SAVAGE!
I like him. He's fun to listen to on commutes, while rambling about old Jewish women, beer, and pasta.

His real name is Michael Weiner

I dunno OP, he seems like a real confused person.
>he identifies with white culture
>he instinctively gravitates to everything about right wing nationalism (he'd be totally fine executing gays)
>he rants constantly about how evil the Nazis are (mentions it every show)
>somehow still identifies as a jew

It's a very confusing mixed bag. To be honest, he should fucking love the Nazis, they were practically his wet dream (besides the anti-jew thing). And how can you identify so strongly with white culture, and yet still be engrossed in your jewish heritage? Seems like a constant tug of war.

Listening to him, you can tell he has this mental image of himself as a tall, strong young white man charging up the beaches of Normandy. That's the fantasy he has playing in his head. It's such a bizarre ball of wax

Some people aren't one dimensional idealogues. Wow.

No, it's not like that. This is a person at war with himself.

Since the emergence of the alt-right, you can see what's happened to him. On the one hand, he fucking loves it. Finally a resurgent right wing movement. But on the other hand, he's repulsed by it, because he knows they're very much against the jewish element.

You can hear how frenetic and crazy he's gotten recently. He's lost his balance, he doesn't even know which way to turn.
These two different competing forces are starting to tear him in two. He's being forced to make a choice he really doesn't want to make.

You're probably right. I haven't listened to him for about a year, prior to the election. I'm kind of curious to listen to what you're talking about. My local station doesn't carry him during my commute anymore.

pretty good list, i am past david duke in terns of red pill progression but i still just stick with alex jones because he covers so many more truths than just the jewish question. there are far more evils around than just jews.

He wants le Dreamer immigrants to stay.

There's a channel on ((youtube)) with his podcasts. It does have shitty clippings and replays the beginning of the podcast at the end for an hour

I'll check it out. Thanks.

I feel I get a good rounded picture of current events from
Jones + Drudge + pol + Savage + reddit (cucked but good for normie POVs) + hacker news (cucked and shilled but good for seeing enemy agenda and the occasional good article)

Level of influence from left -> right

This is the Savage Nation

Pretty sure Rockstar is the one with the star of david with hebrew runes in the middle.

5 pointed star

absolutely. i get all that. i'd also highly recommend you tune in to Rush. he doesn't get too wild unless you read between the lines, but he constantly pushes the basic foundation. i listed him first in the progression because his audience is fucking ridiculous. it's scraping 30 million. if you're anywhere in the ballpark of conservatism, you will always benefit from checking in with his show. he's like an anchor

and there are others but for me i regularly consume drudge, rush, duke, savage, Sup Forums, and lately it's this fucking daily shoah which is good but half the reason i like it is because it's derivative of O&A

this is a very tough post to reply to because i think there's a contradiction. im not trying to fuck with you. i assume a savage nation thread will have older nigs in it and we can have a discussion. but how do you square this? genuinely you ought to explain that position because i think it's totally wacky

I don't listen to him regularly, but I downloaded one podcast to listen to on a plane ride in January, and he was already shilling for workers visas.
>some of these spics are hard workers
>who's going to do these jobs, you?
>bordahs, language, cultcha, except for white countries

He's a kike making money off dumb boomers. Also his son is a billionaire energy drink ceo.

Stop listening to this crypto jew.

Ok, but what does he think of the Humanity Party?

>borders, language, culture
> and now, the winner of the 1989 radio award, mike-uhhhhhl saaaa-vage

>yeah hello hello. beautiful song. beautiful beauty. bitter twitter
>bitter twitter bitter twitter iraq attack iraq attack
>you know. the savage nation knows. but i dont want to talk about that today. do you care? do you really care? i don't know.
>i could keep it simple for you. i was on my boat and i had a cigar. yes, yes you know my insights on health but sometimes you can treat yourself
>so i was on my boat. first time i boated in a decade. i just don't do it. i've done a lot of things. so i just don't boat.
>let's take some calls

This . Jpg

>Teddy, be quiet!

Rush is a drug addict neocon, (((savage))) is a jew after boomer money, jones is a actor, and Duke is controlled opposition.

Also e celebrities are only after your money and don't give two shits about the movement.

Get a shortwave radio and get some real fucking truth.

Wait a minute sir. Was the whole point of this post to use the J word? I will have no such posters on my thread.

> t. Michael wiener

Enlighten us on what's on shortwave radio we're all missing out on

You mean the party that wants everyone to stave?

Humans should be entitled to only two rights.

1. Right to life.
2. Right to self-defense.

You can swing your fist anywhere, but it ends at my chin.

get the fuck out of here with this shit
rush provides a solid foundation of conservatism, is incredibly intelligent and successful, and has crazy power in broadcasting a basic foundation of principles. i'd take a neocon over a leftist a thousand times over, any day. he serves an incredibly important purpose.

savage is a bit more wild. he introduces themes that the stage 1 normie audience didn't get with rush, but these are themes they basically already knew

jones goes off and gets into questions. so you have the foundation and you have a guy whose essence is about going deeper

that's where you find the kikes. that's where you find doctor duke. do you really think dr david duke is controlled opposition?? really???

i think you're busting my balls because my list trends downward in audience size but that's the nature of it bro

Survivalist philosophy is respectable, but not a pragmatic solution for 7 billion people.

>''''''good'''''' kikes
He can go in the no-wait VIP oven.

Some real people speaking the truth


Scan the airwaves, and find the number stations

Micheal Savage once had sex with Allen Ginsberg. True story, bro.


this is highly accurate

>jones goes off and gets into questions. so you have the foundation and you have a guy whose essence is about going deeper

By being a snake oil salesman and making money of schizophrenic dopes.

It's all a for profit act. AM conservative radio was created under the idea that people on the right have no leader or voice. This lead to profiteers flooding the medium who realize that people will throw money at them if they just tow the line of what they want to hear.

"Poor Dale, laid off from your factory job? Don't get mad at Reagan, get mad at Arturio."

Yes Arturio needs to go, but so does all the money changers on the mount.

>i'd also highly recommend you tune in to Rush.
I don't listen to the advice of obese people.

he dispenses good entry level material. I would recommend any talk radio though, it's a great platform

Fuck. My bad.

You need money to run a news organization. Better to be self funded and sell good products rather than make your ((advertiser)) overlords happy with your content. He advertises much less than the average TV show and is not pushing big pharma ads every 5 min

Rush is smart though. He's been going after the fake news since before the internet was a thing. He deserves a lot of credit for being a pioneer of alternative media at a time when there was none. Rush Limbaugh is far more commendable than Lauren Southern or fucking Styxhexenhammer666

Chris Nemelka is the best person on radio.

there's nothing wrong with having ads or selling stuff. Red Ice does it. And shitty hosts go off the air. O'Reilly did it for a few years and left because he wasn't any good at it. Rush has just passed 30 years on air, an impressive milestone

In my region they bumped him from afternoon-drive to evenings; never get a chance to listen anymore.

When I did listen: he's kind of a prick. He has his moments though. I'd score him a B-.

Prater is better.

you mean Prager, as in Dennis Prager?

If he was smart he wouldn't be fat.

Goering had an IQ of 138

Also Rush Limbaugh was caught with illegally obtained Viagra, coming back ALONE (without a girlfriend) from the Dominican Republic, a major hub for pedophile sex tourism. Connect the dots.

rush is not looking bad for a 65+ old man now. he has slimmed down after his opiate problem. kike media will use fat rush pics but he's really not that fat now

great post and exactly correct. rush has been the same guy on-air for THIRTY YEARS. he's been signing $400 million contracts as a product of this. he's a big target but hating on rush is really subversive and really jewish. BELIEVE ME rush is very redpilled on the JQ
correct. talk radio will persist so long as every interstate trucker and every company-car guy stays on the road. and these are working people, pissed-off white people, and generally-active people in terms of government

And he was a smack head.

>BELIEVE ME rush is very redpilled on the JQ

I agree, but despite his enormous on air personality Rush keeps a pretty low profile. He rarely ever does interviews or makes public appearances

only after getting shot

I dislike him. Never trust the tribe

at the copa, copacabana

correct, my bad