The Microchip

This will make us an overtly emailed race. No food. No healthcare. No money. Without the chip, you are nobody.

>Without the chip, you are nobody.
Exactly who I want to be.

>Revelation 13:16-18

[16] And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. [17] And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six.

I'm telling you guys, shit starting to line up

Was just about to post the exact same thing.

Said everybody for all of human history

Hold your horses, buckaroo. That will come after World War 3 and the famines and pestilence.

Great, the end of times can't come soon enough. Can't wait for all kikes to be dragged down into hell to be tortured for all eternity.

Going to post that but please use KJV next time.

We didn't have the technology for most of the end times prophecy stuff until recently

We may go to war with NK which may lead to WWIII and there is already a push for globalism.

Yeah, you and every other christfag. You don't really need to be superstitious to realize this is a bad idea. On behalf of all atheist skeptics, we are against this entirely. *tips fedora*

>tfw when you accidentally format the entire population instead of just the one prisoner sent in for a mind wipe

Original text says 616. Number of the beast is a numerological code to define the great enemy, or "Satan" (Satan means enemy, or adversary) of the Church at the time. The number can be anything as long as in numerology it lines up with the name of whoever the Church sees as their greatest enemy.

>people have been saying it for millennia so it isnt happening!
i bet you think young adults being helpless retards has always been a thing too lol. this is what happens when white boys have single mommies.

Your whole family teams up.
You buy a good,fertile piece of land.
You learn how to grow shit.
You hold 20 chicken, 5 pigs, 5 sheep and 2 cows
You become self.sufficient.
----End of chip-story.-----


Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The shill narrative is "It's already happening anyway so just let it happen, goy!" Check the top comments bumped by bots on social media. Pic related

then the government kicks you out and steals your shit

>buy land
Just sign here with your chip and it's yours!

>muh 666
What does that even mean, Eli? Bible fags only serve to discredit those who have legitimate arguments against this.


Quite fatalistic, my fellow Sup Forumstards.

Kikes get a shortcut to heaven, you dumb goyim.

They are gods chosen people, and will rule over the goyim even in afterlife.

lol the only reason you have any notion of it being a bad idea is the collective consciousness that created western civilization and implanted that bias in you. That collective conscious was warned that this would come, that's the only reason you know it's a bad idea.