Is it a good idea to listen to women regarding politics?
Woman in politics
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If you need a woman to tell you about politics you should definitely kill yourself and never breed
You should know the answer to this
Good. So explain to me why the fuck there are 6 gorrillion Lauren Southern threads cluttering this board every day
I'm not totally convinced. What do you think about this?
/r/TheDonald came here during the election, this is the aftermath
that's a good question OP, I'm just as fucking sick of it. It's either actual shills, or other anons baiting each other into meaningless arguments. Probably a mix of both.
Fuck no
There is literally nothing that could go wrong
It's all Lauren
no it isn't. people have admitted to doing it and they aren't doing it for her benefit.
Now go home op.
Saged. Lurk moar
only if they are right winged
>It's all Lauren
I suspect that too, it's all about raking in those beta-bucks
i dont know much about lauren southern but the only thing ive noticed is that she's got a strange shaped head. it's like an egg shape. is this a genetic disorder or is it because of her fashy haircut? she should perhaps grow her hair out long to accomodate for the odd shape head in my opinion.
Ironically, the farthest right people in the MSM are women. Hannity doesn't even get close to Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham
>implying The_donald is not superior to Sup Forums in every way