

Are like assholes, everyone's got one

he completely right its gay propaganda to turn our children into faggots

Who in their right mind would wish homosexuality upon their child? What is wrong with you? Are you retarded or suffer from chronic victim complex? Grow the fuck up. Also, Homo-love is not like what is portrayed in that simplistic 3D animated short film. Homos do not love, they lust. They fuck and fuck and fuck until they get every STD under the Sun. This is not a blessing, it is a sin. Please shut the fuck you idiot. This is not something to be proud of, nor should anyone be facetious about such issues.

Homosexual sodomy has nothing to do with "liking" other boys. I like my male friends, I don't fuck any of them in the ass.

if gays are normal then why the fuck are we putting fags in everything? like you're forced to treat them differently (aka can't be mean to them or you automatically HOMOPHOBIC!!!!)

more leftist humor?

i cant tell

How the fuck is dancing to anime music supposed to be gay?

If your child is disabled, you love them. Unconditionally.

If your child has bad vision, you love them. Unconditionally.

If your child has bad grades or has a learning disability, you love them. Unconditionally.

If your child is homosexual or has a different sexual orientation, do you love them any less than a human person?

nah jacksfilms has pretty funny stuff. definitely not leftist.

>Literally this fucking dense to satire.


Jesus this guy is weird

You love them unconditionally.

This doesn't mean you support sodomy. If you're child's a clepto, you love them, but you don't support stealing.

people can be gay im fine with that
but children shouldnt be exposed to any of it at all what so ever, it can fuck them up at young ages

Ok so you aren't gay and they have tendencies to act naturally as someone who wants to express love a different way from you and me.

If your child loves tea and you don't like tea doesn't mean you have to NOT SUPPORT tea, it just means you prefer not to. Not having preferences don't justify not supporting.

Dumbass. Did I say to kick your child out of the house because he likes dick? Learn to read. I am saying this: NO ONE WOULD WANT THEIR KID TO BE HOMOSEXUAL. If God gave you a choice as to whether your child would be a homo, what would you answer? Exactly. Now, since the genetic causes of homosexuality are not definitive, wouldn't you, as a parent, want to take every precaution to make sure your kid does not turn out gay? I would. That means no homosexual propaganda, just to be on the safe side.

*prefer not to drink tea.

Why would you want to so vigorously want to not let your child love the way they want to?

How would you feel if your parents kept telling you to not talk to a girl you liked just because she is a bit quirky or weird or a bit different?

>If your child is disabled, you love them. Unconditionally.
>If your child has bad vision, you love them. Unconditionally
Yes and I'll buy them contacts or glasses.
>If your child has bad grades or has a learning disability, you love them. Unconditionally.
Yes, but I'd get them a tutor and push them to be the best that they can be.
>If your child is homosexual or has a different sexual orientation, do you love them any less than a human person?
If my child is a homosexual I'd be very disappointed but it's not of my business what they do. I'm sorry to break it to you but I probably wouldn't care as much for the child as a straight son or daughter due to the fact that the others will p[roduce children.

>How would you feel if your parents kept telling you to not talk to a girl you liked just because she is a bit quirky or weird or a bit different?

Not even slightly comparable to homosexuality. There are other girls in the sea. Parents usually have a valid reason for preventing a kid from pursuing a certain person.

>Why would you want to so vigorously want to not let your child love the way they want to?

Get this nonsense out of your head. Love is not equivalent for every human. What you consider love is not what homosexuals or even certain heterosexuals consider love. My criticism of the promulgation of homosexual propaganda has nothing to do with how or why an individual may love another. Because I value my progeny and their happiness, I know that they can only be happy in a heterosexual relationship (and even that is hard). Homosexuality does not lead to lifelong happiness. It is an aberration and should be discouraged for the sake of that individual and society at large.

>why would you want your child to have children and continue your bloodline
really? its that simple honestly

man, chrisraygun hit the crank a bit too hard.

You say one thing, when it happens I can 99% guarantee you will not be this.

But hey. We're all pseudo intellectuals and/or hormonal teenagers who went through messed up shit and are lurking his board. What do I know, right?

I always knew this man reeked of Reddit.

Holy shit you really need to go so far to justify your hate towards gays.

Relax my guy, just because you and I can't get girls doesn't justify your hate towards them.

This, and it's beyond me why we've stopped treating it as a mental illness. It's like saying "Schizophrenia Pride

>Accusation of sexual ineptitude

Fuck off faggot.

sorry i don't know the surrounding context of your faggot eceleb

Falls under Poe's law, so who fucking knows.

Between this and that Queer Kids Stuff channel, the person you're responding to is correct. YouTube is 110% propagating young children to be gay, ostracize/insult straight people, and destroy the human race as we know it. Otherwise known as NWO.

I'm gay and I'm abstinent

No child should sexually discover themselves until at least puberty begins to take effect, is what I'm trying to say.


>There are people in this would who won't miss a chance to be smug and condescending even when it requires defending sodomy.

Here is your argument

I don't promote that kids go out and become disabled.

I don't promote that kids go out to ruin their vision.

I don't promote that kids go out to destroy their grades.

But I should promote that kids go out and kill off a family tree spanning millenia?