One person in this image is a shoplifter

Do you think it's the man or the woman?

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In this video it's the woman
More crimes are committed by black men so it's not an unreasonable assumption

Im saying woman as the man is dressed in more work like attire with a logo on his shirt whereas the woman is just wearing a hoodie.

you can tell it's the woman from the body language

It's the woman. Petty theft, especially in drugstores, is a heavily female crime.


Where is there a man. All I see is an ape and a woman.

Women shoplift, niggers steal and rob. I'd bet it's the woman, they shop lift petty things like socks and bras all the time.

The ratty looking teenaged girl is the shoplifter for sure.

Trick question. Pic is of woman and ape.

>Women shoplift, niggers steal
>shoplifting isn't stealing
I know what you mean but shoplifting is still stealing but not like an armed robbery

i would guess woman because they get a huge rush from shoplifting

>Do you think it's the man or the woman?
I haven't asked them what gender they identify with so I can't tell you which is a man and which is a woman.

Nice try with the trick question.

I only see one person in that picture

women steal all the fucking time. I had no idea this was true until I started hanging out with my normie friends and their gfs. we go to restaurants and they put the fucking mugs in their purses. I'm not a narc so i don't say anything, but it blows me away that this is considered acceptable behaviour

Fixed it for you.

It is the literal definition of the difference between BURGLARY and ROBBERY. Both are stealing, done with selfish intentions, and both are wrong; but one is done with malicious intent while the other is a glorified "Robin Hood".

The woman, because shoplifting is a sneaky crime befitting women's natures. Nigger thievery is more blunt and violent

Of no one left the store then no one shoplifted.

Let's play this game.
African Male: Age (~28-34)
White teenager: (~17-22)
They both look like they work at this store. Neither of them are shoplifting.


Reminder that threads like this are an attempt to teach you to ignore statistics by providing examples of the exception rather than the rule of the data


The women, everyone knows women dont have values or morals.