Cash me Outside

Cash me Outside

I wanna suck those tits

What's the story here? Was she soliciting prostitution? Selling drugs? is it a euphemism for fighting?

She's a whore of the system in training.

She's going to be promoting degeneracy like you've never seen before in about five to ten years.

Those nails... lmao


I think she's meaning "catch me outside" as in meet me outside of this venue to engage in a fight.

She could cash me INside, if you know what I'm sayin'.

t. autistic low test betas

half of what you see in that pic is padded bra

I really feel bad for this little girl. Giant tits, unintelligent, she was forced into a life that I don't think any young woman wants to be a part of: a depraved and self-abasing cycle of sex, drugs and likely crime.

I feel like attractive, unintelligent women really hate themselves because their main coping mechanism is purely relying on their physical body which when it begins to sag and deteriorate will leave them feeling hollow and awful once they realize they have done nothing with their lives besides being a tool to be cummed in and not having completed anything of substance in their lives.

Guess the race of her boyfriend/s

Why does she have tortilla chips on her fingers?

implying anyone would risk dating 14 years old in murrica

Wow that got deep really quick, faggot.

except that women never feel the need to accomplish something in their lives

Cry me a river, you stupid FAGGOT.

Rx7 aficionado, clearly.

>Rx7 aficionado, clearly.
i just blew an apex seal

If she didn't have massive bazookas no-one would care.

I am appropriating that term.

why is she still with her mother considering theres tons of proof she abused her?


Is there a rule 34?

Try again


Her dads a cop too -_-

Grow up you bloody neckbeards

>father is a hardworking cop who has to look through police reports of what his daughter has been up to
>forced to watch his daughter become a drug using whore because her literally insane mother is essentially whoring her out to TV

They’re sexualizing young girls, and it’s getting to the point where even I have a problem with it. And it shouldn’t be that way.

>she was forced into a life that I don't think any young woman wants to be a part of: a depraved and self-abasing cycle of sex, drugs and likely crime.

Lmao yeah dude young white girls absolutely hate degeneracy, poor girl never wanted any of this.

basically what said. women's whole value lies in being the gatekeepers to life. now that we've demoralized the role of "house wife" (the nurturer and guardian of children) down to a trivial and undesirable thing, all women are left with is a sense to fuck and accrue material wealth.

They've basically turned away from the one true purpose they had and are now shells of human beings.

>implying niggers are scared of prison

American courts ALWAYS take the side of the mother.

Within the next ten years

inb4 brief porn career ,spiralling drug problems and born again christian

>courts ALWAYS take the side of the mother.


They certainly make the best of it, that's for sure.

The part linking them hating themselves and their physical deterioration is that they likely are aware of the course nature will take yet have no direct means of improving their situation, hence the self-loathing.


fisticuffs in the external area old chap

completely true

I think i need more pictures to gain insight on the topic.

You can't appropriate a term that has been around since bazookas.