You guys excited for this movie?

you guys excited for this movie?


it looks more like one of these artsy japanese animes where the grim reaper is waiting for someone to die. someone should add a shark in the background or something

Not at all.

muh stronk female protagonist. star wars is dead to me.

I didn't know the new Star Wars had a muslim woman in it.


looks like vader finally got the high ground

add the text nigger

Why is this in Sup Forums?
Move your ass to the tv and media page

Star Wars died to me after Return of the Jedi, because I was 10 and it was time to move on as puberty was just around the corner.

Star Wars is dead to me.

I'll never understand how gypsies can be so fucking demanding.

Star Wars was ruined for me when Lucas decided to add Jabba the Hut into A New Hope.
The scene when Han steps on his tail would be like someone walking around Don Vito Corleone and kicking him the butt, only for him to go "wha-hooo"
Star Wars ruined.

If you do a job, do it fucking right burger!

Thank you & have a nice day!

Fuck Star Wars. When you were a kid did you want to see all your heroes come back as tired, sad old people who ultimately failed to defeat the empire because it just comes back with an even bigger death star?

>Hasn't seen the Godfather Special Features

Star Wars is currently underway. Satans return and Jesus' right behind him. They've been throwing it in everyone's faces for years. Occultists have always gained power through 'magic' which gives them sinful dominance in the physical at the sacrifice of their soul. If you actually try to stop all the sins, in thought and action you will become physically sick and have a rebirth of your soul. You will feel sick in your body but bliss in your soul as you've never achieved before. You truly believe all this symbolism was done for lulZ? No. Become a true Christian, no church, just follow was Jesus said and you will see the evil every where you step. Spirit, not flesh my lads. It's very real. Jesus spoke of the hypocrisy of 'christians' who sin in the mind yet appear good. They haven't been revealed what spirit is. Love beyond all.

Star Wars: Space Nigger.

Starring Finn, the only nigger in space who DINT want to shoot innocent people! (He really dindu nuffin this time!)

A New Hope is the only good episode


I did and you're welcome.



The prequels ruined Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader. Disney`s Star Wars ruined Luke, Han and Leia

you should have at least added the meme cross lightsaber the villain has now